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《婚姻之爱》 第296节











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Conjugial Love #296 (Chadwick (1996))

296. (i) It is for the man, not the woman, to choose.

This is because a man is by birth intended to be an intellect, a woman a love. It is also because men generally have a love of the other sex, but women a love for one of the other sex; and it is not unfitting for men to speak of their love, but it is for women. However, women still have the right to choose one of their suitors.

As regards the first reason, that men have the choice because they are by birth designed to be an intellect, this is because the intellect can see clearly the points of agreement and disagreement, and tell them apart, so that it can judiciously choose what is suitable. But it is different for women, since being by birth destined for love, they do not have the clarity of sight in that light, so that they can only make up their minds to marry as the result of the inclinations of their love. Even if they know how to tell men apart, still their love is moved by appearances.

[2] As regards the second reason why it is for men and not women to choose, that men generally have a love of the other sex, but women a love of one of the other sex, those who have a love of the other sex are free to look around and make up their minds. It is not the same for women, whose innate love is for one of the other sex. You can prove this, if you like, by asking any men you come across about monogamous and polygamous marriage; you will rarely find anyone who is not in favour of polygamy, and this too is the result of their love for the other sex. But if you ask women the same question, almost all, with the exception of prostitutes, will be against polygamy. Hence we say that women have a love for one of the other sex, so they have conjugial love.

[3] As regards the third reason, that it is not unfitting for men to speak of their love and to make it public, whereas this is unfitting for a woman, this is self-evident. Hence it follows that is for men to declare their love, and if they do so, they are choosing. It is well known that women have the right to choose from their suitors; but this kind of choice is restricted and limited, while that of men is wide and unlimited.

Conjugial Love #296 (Rogers (1995))

296. 1. Choosing whom to court is a prerogative of the man, and not of the woman. This is because the man was born to be a form of the intellect, whereas the woman was born to be a form of love. Moreover, it is inherent in men commonly to love the opposite sex in general, whereas it is inherent in women to love one of the opposite sex. And further, it is not unbecoming for men to speak of love and to declare it, while it is unbecoming for women to do so. Nevertheless, women still have the option of choosing one of a number of suitors.

As regards the first reason, that choosing whom to court is a prerogative of men because they were born to be forms of the intellect - the reason is that the intellect can discern congruities and incongruities and distinguish between them, and with judgment make a suitable choice. It is different in the case of women. Because they were born to be forms of love, they do not have the same clarity of sight, and decisions to marry would in their case be based only on inclinations of their love. Even if they have from men the knowledge to distinguish between men, their love is still swayed by appearances.

[2] As regards the second reason why choosing whom to court is a prerogative of men and not women - the reason is that it is inherent in men commonly to love the opposite sex in general and in women to love one of the opposite sex, and those who love the opposite sex in general are able to freely look about and also make a free decision. It is not the same for women, who have implanted in them to love one of the opposite sex. To confirm this, ask, if you like, the men among the people you meet about monogamous marriage and polygamous marriage, and you will seldom find any man who will not answer in favor of polygamous marriage, which also means a love for the opposite sex in general. On the other hand, ask women about these two kinds of marriage, and almost all, other than prostitutes, will reject polygamous marriages, which is why we say that it is in women to love one of the opposite sex, thus to feel conjugial love.

[3] As for the third reason, it is evident in itself that it is not unbecoming for men to speak of love and to declare it, while it is unbecoming for women to do so. It follows for this reason as well that it is for men to declare themselves, and if to declare themselves, so also to choose whom to court.

We say that women have the option of choosing one of a number of suitors, which is something everyone knows. But this kind of choice is a restricted and limited one, while that of men is broad and not limited.

Love in Marriage #296 (Gladish (1992))

296. 1. The man, not the woman, chooses. This is because a man is born to be intellect but a woman is born to be love, and also because men generally have a love for the other sex, but women have a love for one person of the other sex. Also, while it is not improper for men to talk about a love and proclaim it, this is improper for women. Still, women have the say in choosing one of their suitors.

Respecting the first point - that men have the choice because they are born to intellect - this is because intellect can examine compatible things and those that are not compatible and tell them apart and choose appropriately through judgment. It is different for women. They are born to be love, so they do not see by that light, and therefore for them decisions to marry would only follow the tendencies of their love. Though they may have skill in telling the differences in different men, still appearances win their love.

As to the second reason why men have the choice and not women, men generally have love for the other sex and women have love for one person of the other sex. The one with love for the other sex is free to look around and also to decide. It is different for women. It is innate in them to love one person of the other sex. If you wish to confirm this, ask the man on the street about monogamous and polygamous marriage, and rarely will you hit on one who is not going to answer in favor of polygamous marriage, which is also love for the other sex. But ask women about those marriages and nearly all, except prostitutes, are going to reject polygamous marriages. This leads to the conclusion that women have love for one of the other sex, which is the love in marriage.

As to the third reason - that it is not improper for men to talk about a love and publicize it, and that it is improper for women - it is self - evident. And it follows from this that it is the man's part to declare his love, and if this is so, then the choice is also up to him.

We know that women do have freedom to choose one of their suitors, but this type of choice is narrow and limited, while men's choice is broad and unlimited.

Conjugial Love #296 (Acton (1953))

296. I. THAT CHOICE BELONGS TO THE MAN AND NOT TO THE WOMAN. This is because [1] Man is born to be understanding and woman to be love. [2] With men is love of the sex in general but with women love of one of the sex. [3] With men it is not unbecoming to speak of love and to speak of it openly, while with women it is unbecoming. Still, women have the right to choose one among their suitors.

As regards the first reason, that choice belongs to men because they are born for understanding, this is because the understanding can see compatibilities and incompatibilities, and can discriminate between them and from judgment can choose the suitable. This is not the case with women. Being born for love, they do not have the clear-sightedness of that light and hence would have no determination towards marriage save from the inclinations of their love. If they have the knowledge of how to distinguish between men, their love is still carried along according to appearances.

[2] As to the second reason why choice lies with men and not with women, that with men is love of the sex in general and with women love of one of the sex, this is because those who have love of the sex have freedom to look around and also to decide. Not so with women, for in them is implanted love of one of the sex. If you wish to confirm this, take any man whom you may meet and ask him about monogamous and polygamous marriage; rarely will you find one who will not answer in favor of polygamous marriage--and this also is love of the sex. But ask women about these marriages, and nearly all except prostitutes will reject polygamous marriages. From this it is clear that with women is the love of one of the sex, thus conjugial love.

[3] As regards the third reason, that with men it is not unbecoming to speak of love and to speak of it openly, and that with women it is unbecoming, this is self-evident. It further follows that to man belongs also the declaration, and if the declaration, also the choice. That women have the right of choice from among their suitors is known, but this kind of choice is restricted and limited, while that of men is extended and unlimited.

Conjugial Love #296 (Wunsch (1937))

296. (i) Choice belongs to the man, not to the woman. For man was born to be understanding, but woman to be love. Love of the sex, moreover, prevails with men, but love of one of the sex with women. Nor is it unseemly for men to speak of love and propose it, while for women it is. Women, however, have the power to choose one of their suitors.

As for the first reason why choice belongs to men, namely, that men are born for understanding, this is because the understanding can perceive suitability and unsuitability and discriminate between them, and with judgment select what is compatible. It is otherwise with women, as they are born for love. They do not possess the clear-sightedness of that light, and determinations of theirs on marriage would be only from inclinations of their love; if they have the knowledge for discerning among men, still their love is swayed by appearances.

[2] With regard to the second cause why men and not women have the choice, namely, that love of the sex prevails with men but love for one of the sex with women; men, having love of the sex, have freedom in looking about and freedom of decision, too; it is not so with women, in whom love for one of the sex is implanted. If you wish confirmation, you have only to ask the men you meet about monogamous and polygamous marriage; rarely will you find one who does not reply in favor of polygamous marriage; this is also love of the sex. But ask women, and almost all except prostitutes will reject polygamous marriages. It is clear from this that women have love for one of the sex, thus marital love.

[3] As for the third reason, that it is not unseemly for men to speak of love or to propose, whereas it is for women, this is self-evident. It follows that declaration belongs to men, and if declaration, then choice, too. Women, of course, have the power to choose from among their suitors, but this kind of choice is restricted and limited, while that of men is extended and not limited.

Conjugial Love #296 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

296. (1) That selection belongs to the man, and not to the woman. This is because the man is born that he may be understanding, but the woman that she may be love; and because, commonly, love of the sex is with men, but with women love of one of the sex; also for the reason that it is not unbecoming for men to speak of love, and to make it known, while for women it is unbecoming. Still, women have the freedom of choice of one of their suitors.

As regards the first reason, that selection belongs to the men because they are born for understanding: It is on the ground that the understanding can see clearly what is suitable and what unsuitable, and discriminate between them, and from judgment select the suitable. It is otherwise with women,. because they are born for love they have not the clear discernment of that light, and hence would have no determination towards marriage except from the inclinations of their love. If they have the knowledge for distinguishing men from men, yet their love is carried to the appearances.

As to the second reason why selection is with men and not with women, that, commonly, the love of the sex is with men, and with women the love of one of the sex: With those who have the love of the sex there is free circumspection and also determination. It is otherwise with women, who have inherent the love for one of the sex. To confirm this, if you like, ask of the men you meet concerning monogamous and polygamous marriage, and you will rarely come upon one who will not respond in favor of polygamous, and this is also the love of the sex; but ask women respecting these marriages, and nearly all, except prostitutes, will reject polygamous marriages, from which it is clear that with women there is the love of one of the sex, thus conjugial love.

As respects the third reason, that for men it is not unbecoming to speak of love and to make it known, and that with women it is unbecoming: This is self-evident, and it also follows from this that declaration too belongs to the men, and if declaration, selection also.

That women have the freedom of choice from among their suitors is known, but this kind of choice is restricted and limited, while that of the men is unrestricted and unlimited.

De Amore Conjugiali #296 (original Latin (1768))

296. I: Quod viro sit electio, 1et non foeminae, est quia vir natus est ut sit intellectus, foemina autem ut sit amor; tum quia apud viros communiter est amor sexus, apud foeminas autem amor unius e sexu; ut et quia viris non indecens est loqui de amore, et propalare illum, et foeminis hoc indecens est; attamen usque foeminis est arbitrium electionis unius ex procis. Quod spectat primam causam, quod viris sit electio, quia nati sunt ad intellectum, est quia intellectus potest perspicere convenientias et disconvenientias, ac discernere illas, et ex judicio eligere conducibile; aliter apud foeminas, quia natae sunt ad amorem; his perspicacia illius lucis non est, et inde illis determinationes ad conjugium non forent nisi ex inclinationibus sui amoris; si scientia discernendi viros a viris illis est, usque fertur amor illarum ad apparentias.

[2] Quod spectat alteram causam, cur viris et non foeminis est electio, [est] quod apud viros communiter sit amor sexus, et apud foeminas amor unius e sexu, et illis, quibus est amor sexus, est libera circumspectio, et quoque determinatio; aliter foeminis, quibus insitus est amor ad unum e sexu; ut confirmeris, quaere, si libet, viros ex obviis de conjugio monogamico, et de conjugio polygamico, et raro offendes aliquem, qui non pro polygamico responsurus est, et hic quoque est amor sexus; at quaere foeminas de conjugiis illis, et paene omnes, praeter prostibula, rejecturae sunt conjugia polygamica; ex quibus cluit, quod foeminis sit amor unius e sexu, ita amor conjugialis.

[3] Quoad tertiam causam, quod viris non indecens sit loqui de amore, et propalare illum, 2et quod hoc foeminis sit indecens, ex se patet; inde etiam sequitur, quod viris sit declaratio, et si declaratio etiam electio. Quod foeminis sit arbitrium electionis ex procis, notum est; sed haec species electionis est stricta et limitata, virorum autem extensa et illimitata.


1. Prima editio: ellctio,

2. Prima editio: illum;

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