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《婚姻之爱》 第298节





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Conjugial Love #298 (Chadwick (1996))

298. (iii) A woman ought to consult her parents or anyone who takes their place, and then take time for private deliberation before agreeing.

Parents must be consulted, because they can employ judgment, knowledge and love in discussion and in giving advice. Judgment, because of their age, for judgment comes with age, so that points of agreement and disagreement can be clearly seen. Knowledge, about both the suitor and their daughter; they will seek information about the suitor, about their daughter they know, so that they can form a joint view and judge them both together. Love, because seeking what is best for their daughter, and seeing that she will have a home, is looking after their own household and themselves.

Conjugial Love #298 (Rogers (1995))

298. 3. The woman ought to consult her parents or guardians and then deliberate in herself before giving consent. A woman should consult her parents, because their deliberations and counsels are guided by judgment, knowledge and love. By judgment, because they are older, and their more advanced age is better able to judge and see similarities and disparities. By knowledge, because they know both the suitor and their daughter, learning what they can about the suitor and being already acquainted with their daughter, so that they draw conclusions about the two together from having a joint sight of them. By love, because to consider a daughter's prospects and look ahead to her having her own home is also in their daughter's interest and a matter of concern to them.

Love in Marriage #298 (Gladish (1992))

298. 3. It is proper for a woman to consult her parents or those who are in place of parents, and then consider it in her own mind, before she consents. Parents should be consulted because they consider it and take thought from judgment, knowledge, and love. From judgment because they are older, and their age strengthens their judgment so it notices things that work together and things that are incompatible.

From knowledge of the suitor as well as their daughter. They find out things about the suitor, and they know things about their daughter. So with joint vision they decide about both of them at once. From love because to take care for their daughter's good and look out for her household is to do the same for their own.

Conjugial Love #298 (Acton (1953))

298. III. THAT BEFORE SHE CONSENTS, IT BEHOOVES THE WOMAN TO CONSULT HER PARENTS OR THOSE IN THE PLACE OF PARENTS, AND THEN TO DELIBERATE WITH HERSELF. That the parents should be consulted is because they deliberate and counsel from judgment, knowledge, and love. From judgment, because they are more advanced in age, and age improves the judgment and gives clear sight in regard to suitableness and incompatibility. From knowledge both of the suitor and of their daughter. Knowledge concerning the suitor they gather, and knowledge concerning their daughter they already have. It is therefore with a joint sight that they form their conclusion as to each of them. From love, because to consult the welfare of their daughter and to provide a home for her is also to consult their own welfare and to provide for themselves.

Conjugial Love #298 (Wunsch (1937))

298. (iii) The woman ought to consult her parents or those in loco parentis, and then deliberate with herself, before she consents. Parents are to be consulted because they deliberate and advise from judgment, knowledge and love. They do so from judgment, being advanced in age; and age commands judgment and sees suitabilities or the want of them. They do so from knowledge of both the suitor and their daughter, obtaining information about the suitor and being acquainted with the daughter, and can conclude about each of them with the other in view. They advise from love, because to consult for the daughter's good and provide for her home is to do so for theirs, too, and for themselves.

Conjugial Love #298 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

298. (3) That the woman ought to consult her parents, or those who are in the place of parents, and then deliberate with herself before she consents. The parents should be consulted because they deliberate and counsel from judgment, knowledge, and love: From judgment, because they are advanced in age, and age improves the judgment, and it sees clearly things suitable and things unsuitable: From knowledge, of the suitor as well as of their daughter; respecting the suitor they procure information, and respecting their daughter they know; they therefore, conclude, at once with joint discernment, respecting both: From love, because to consult the good of their daughter, and to be careful for her home, is also to do the same for their own good and for themselves.

De Amore Conjugiali #298 (original Latin (1768))

298. III. Quod foeminam oporteat consulere parentes, aut illos qui loco parentum sunt, et dein apud se deliberare, antequam consentit. Quod Parentes consulendi sint, est quia illi ex judicio, scientia et amore, deliberant et consulunt; ex Judicio, quia in aetate provecta sunt, et haec aetas pollet illo, et perspicit conformitates et inconvenientias. Ex Scientia, tam de proco quam de filia; de proco comparant sibi cognitiones, et de filia sciunt; quare juncto oculo de utroque simul concludunt. Ex Amore, quia consulere bonis filiae, et prospicere ejus domui, est quoque suae et sibi.

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