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《婚姻之爱》 第313节




  对属灵人和属世人来说,它们得以形成所在的状态和次序之所以不同,是因为属灵人按正当 次序发展,而属世人则不然。因为属灵人仰望主,主提供并引导次序。而属世人仰望自己,因此按颠倒的次序发展。故他们的婚姻状态内在充满不贞洁;而每一个不贞洁的行为都会造成冷淡,每一种冷淡都是他们亲密生活的一个障碍,这会堵住婚姻的通道,使它的源头干涸。







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Conjugial Love #313 (Chadwick (1996))

313. (xvii) The mental states of each partner as they advance in successive order to influence the state of the marriage; but this is different in the case of spiritual and of natural people.

There is a rule, which ought to be recognised in the educated world because it is true, that the final state is such as the stages which form and bring it about. For this reveals what influence is and what its effects are. Influence means everything which precedes and makes up what follows, and through successive stages the last stage. For instance, in the case of a human being all that precedes and makes up his wisdom; or in the case of a politician, all that precedes and makes up his prudence; in the case of a theologian, all the precedes and makes up his learning. Likewise all that precedes from childhood and makes up a man, as well as what proceeds in due order from a seed and a sapling and makes up a tree; and later what proceeds from the flower and makes up its fruit. It is exactly the same with what precedes and proceeds in the case of an engaged couple, and which makes up their marriage. This is what the term influence is used to mean.

[2] All the preceding stages form series in the mind, and the series are tied together, one alongside another, or one after another, so that taken together they make up the last stage. This is up to now unknown in the world, but since it is a true fact revealed from heaven, I bring it in here. For by this means is disclosed what are the effects of influence, and what is the nature of the last stage, in which the series of stages just mentioned are formed and come to exist together. These considerations allow it to be seen that the states of mind in each party, as they develop in succession, influence the state of the marriage. But the couple are after their marriage in complete ignorance of the successive stages introduced into their characters by the preceding ones and present in them. Yet it is these which give a form to conjugial love and cause the mental state which determines their behaviour to each other.

[3] The reason why the states and the order in which they are formed are different in the case of spiritual and natural people is that the spiritual advance in the proper order, and the natural do not. For the spiritual look to the Lord, and the Lord provides and guides the order. But the natural look to themselves, so that they advance in the opposite order. The state of their marriage is therefore inwardly full of unchastity; and each act of unchastity brings on coldness, and each coldness is an obstacle to inmost life, so that its flow is stopped and the spring runs dry.

Conjugial Love #313 (Rogers (1995))

313. 17. States of mind progress in a sequential development, and in each partner these progressive states flow into the state of their marriage - though with one progression in the case of spiritual people and another in the case of people who are natural. The concluding state in any progression has the character of the sequential development by which it is formed and brought into existence. This is a principle which ought to be acknowledged in the educated world on account of its truth; for it enables us to discover what influx is and how it operates. By influx we mean everything that goes before in a series and which forms the next element and then the next and through a succession of these the concluding one. We may cite as an example everything that goes before in a person and forms his wisdom. Or everything that goes before in a statesman and forms his prudence. Or everything that goes before in a theologian and forms his learning. Likewise everything that progressively develops from infancy and forms the adult. Also everything that progressively develops in succession from the seed and sapling and makes the tree, and which afterwards progressively develops from the flower and makes its fruit. In similar manner, everything which goes before and progressively develops in the case of a bride and groom and makes their marriage. This is what we mean by influx.

[2] The idea that all the elements that go before in people's minds form progressive series, that the series are tied together, one alongside another and one after another, and that these together form the concluding result, is something as yet unknown in the world. But because it is a truth communicated from heaven, we present it here. For it shows how influx operates and the nature of its concluding result, in which the elements of the progressively formed series as just described come together and coexist.

It can be seen from this that states of mind progress in a sequential development, and that in married partners these progressive states flow into the state of their marriage. After they are married, however, the partners are totally unaware of the successive elements that have been implanted and are present in their spirits from preceding states. But yet it is those elements which shape their conjugial love and form the state of their minds from which they comport themselves with each other.

[3] It follows that one state is formed from one progression in the case of spiritual people, and another in the case of people who are natural, because spiritual people proceed in a proper and orderly progression, and natural people in an improper and disorderly one. For spiritual people look to the Lord, and the Lord oversees and guides an orderly progression. But natural people look to themselves, and so proceed in an inverted progression. Consequently their married state is inwardly full of elements that are unchaste; and the more numerous the unchaste elements, the more numerous their states of coldness, and the more numerous their states of coldness, the more numerous the obstructions to their intimacy of life, which block up its passage and dry up its source.

Love in Marriage #313 (Gladish (1992))

313. 17. The mental states of both, following one after another in order, flow into the character of the marriage, but it is different for spiritual people than for worldly people. It is a rule that should be recognized for its truth in the literate world, that the final condition is of the same quality as the successive steps from which it was formed and exists, for this discloses what in flowing is and how it works.

Inflowing refers to everything that comes before and goes to make up what follows, and through things following in order makes up the final result, like all that comes first in the case of a person, and goes to make up his wisdom. Or like all that precedes for a politician and makes up his good judgment, or everything that precedes for a theologian and makes up his learning. The same goes for everything that comes before from infancy and makes up a man.

Also what goes forward in order from the seed and sprout and makes a tree, and then what goes from the flower and makes its fruit. The same goes for all that comes before and goes on for a husband and wife and makes their marriage. This is what inflowing means.

As yet it is not known in the world that all the things that come before in a mind make up sequences and that the sequences link themselves together, one next to another and one after another, and these together make up the end result. But this is brought up here because it is a truth from heaven. For it makes known what influx does, and what the end result is like, where the sequences just mentioned exist together, formed step by step.

These observations show that the mental states of both partners, following one after another in order, influence the condition of the marriage. But after marriage the partners are totally unaware of the sequential things that are in their souls, impressed on them from things that preceded. And yet these are the things that give form to married love and make up the mental states by which they interact. A different state is formed from a different development in spiritual people than in worldly, because spiritual people go ahead in the right order and worldly in the wrong order. For spiritual people look to the Lord, and the Lord provides and conducts the process, but worldly people look to themselves and go at the process backwards. So the condition of their marriage is inwardly full of unchaste things. And however many unchaste things there are, there are that many frigidities, and however many of these there are, there are that many obstructions to innermost life. They clog the current and dry up the spring.

Conjugial Love #313 (Acton (1953))

313. XVII. THAT THE STATES OF THE MIND OF EACH, PROCEEDING IN SUCCESSIVE ORDER, INFLOW INTO THE STATE OF MARRIAGE, YET IN ONE WAY WITH THE SPIRITUAL AND IN ANOTHER WITH THE NATURAL. That the last or ultimate state is of the same nature as the successive order from which it is formed and has existence, is a canon which must be acknowledged in the learned world because of its truth; for thereby is disclosed what influx is, and what its operation. By influx is meant all that which precedes and composes a sequence and, by means of what follows in order, composes the last or ultimate thing; thus, with man, all that precedes and composes his wisdom; with a statesman, all that precedes and composes his prudence; with a theologian, all that precedes and composes his learning; likewise everything from a man's infancy which precedes and composes the man; also what proceeds in order from the seed and shrub and makes the tree, and then proceeds from the blossom and makes the fruit; in like manner, all that precedes and proceeds with a bridegroom and bride and makes their marriage. This is what is meant by influx.

[2] That in human minds all the things which precede, form series, and that the series band together, one beside the other and one after the other, and together compose the ultimate, is as yet unknown in the world. It is adduced here because it is a truth from heaven whereby the operation of influx is disclosed, and also the nature of the ultimate in which the successively formed series just spoken of coexist.

From this it can be seen that the states of the mind of each married partner, proceeding in successive order, flow into the state of marriage. But after marriage they are in complete ignorance concerning the successive things in their animi, which are insinuated from things antecedent; yet it is these that give form to their conjugial love and make that state of mind from which they act with each other.

[3] That with spiritual men as compared with natural, a different state is formed from a different origin, is because spiritual men proceed in just order and natural men in unjust. The spiritual look to the Lord, and the Lord provides the order and directs it; but the natural look to themselves and hence proceed in inverted order. Therefore, the state of their marriage is inwardly full of things unchaste, and these are so many colds, and the colds so many obstructions to inmost life, closing its stream and drying up its fountain.

Conjugial Love #313 (Wunsch (1937))

313. (xvii) The states of mind arising in each flow in successive order into the state of marriage; in one way with the spiritual, however, in another with the natural. The educated world acknowledges the truth of the canon that a last state is such as is the successive order by which it is formed and exists. So it is discovered what influx is and what it effects. By influx is meant all which precedes and composes what follows, and which with what follows composes the last. To give examples: all that precedes with man and composes his wisdom; all that precedes with a statesman and composes his prudence; all that precedes with a theologian and makes his learning; similarly all that takes place from infancy and fashions the man; likewise all which in order proceeds from seed and stem and makes the tree, or later what proceeds from the flower and makes its fruit.

[2] In the same way we mean by influx here what precedes and proceeds with bridegroom and bride and makes their marriage. It has been unknown hitherto in the world that all things which precede in the mind form series, and that these series accumulate, one beside another and one after the other, and in the aggregate compose the last. This is adduced here because it is a truth from heaven. For it makes plain what influx does, and what manner of thing a last entity is, in which the successively formed series just mentioned co-exist.

It can be seen from this that the states of mind of each partner, arising in successive order, flow into the state of the marriage. Partners after marriage are wholly ignorant of the successive developments which lie insinuated in their minds from what has gone before. Yet those developments are what give marital love its form, and make the state of their minds, from which they act toward each other.

[3] A different state from a different order is formed with the spiritual than with the natural, for the reason that the spiritual proceed in true order, and the natural do not. For the spiritual look to the Lord, who foresees and guides the order, but the natural look to themselves and so proceed in inverted order. The state of their marriage therefore is inwardly full of unchastities. As many, moreover, as are the unchastities, so many are the colds, and equally numerous then are the obstructions of the inmost life, as a result of which love's vein is obstructed, and its fountain dried.

Conjugial Love #313 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

313. (17) That the states of mind of each, proceeding in successive order, flow into the state of marriage; and yet in one manner with the spiritual and in. another with the natural. That the ultimate state is such as is the successive order from which it is formed and exists, is a canon which in the learned world should be acknowledged, because of its truth; for thus it is discovered what influx is, and what its effects. By influx is meant all that precedes and composes what follows, and through the things following in order, the ultimate; as all that precedes with man and constitutes his wisdom; or all that precedes with a politician and constitutes his prudence; or all that precedes with a theologian and constitutes his learning; in like manner all that proceeds from infancy and makes the man; so also what proceeds from the seed and the shrub and makes the tree, and afterwards from the blossom and makes the fruit. Just so all that precedes and proceeds with a bridegroom and bride and makes their marriage. This is meant by influx. That all things which precede in minds form series, and that the series bind themselves together, one beside the other and one after another, and that these together compose the ultimate, this has hitherto been unknown in the world; but it is here adduced because it is a truth from heaven. For by this it is discovered what the influx effects, and what is the quality of the ultimate, wherein the series just spoken of successively formed coexist.

From this it may be seen that the states of mind of each, proceeding in successive order, flow into the state of marriage. But married partners after marriage are entirely ignorant about the successive things which are in their minds, insinuated from things antecedent; and yet these are what give form to conjugial love, and make the state of their minds from which they act the one with the other. A different state, from a different order, is formed with the spiritual from that with the natural, because the spiritual proceed in right order, and the natural in a wrong order; for the spiritual look to the Lord, and the Lord provides and leads the order; but the natural look to themselves and thence proceed in inverted order. The state of their marriage is for that reason inwardly full of unchastities; and as many as are the unchastities, so many are the colds; and as many as are these, so many are the obstructions to inmost life by which its vein is clogged and its fountain dried up.

De Amore Conjugiali #313 (original Latin (1768))

313. XVII. Quod status mentium utriusque in successivo ordine procedentes influant 1in statum conjugii; attamen aliter apud spirituales, et aliter apud naturales. Quod status ultimus sit qualis est ordo successivus, ex quo ille formatur et existit, est canon, qui in Literato orbe propter veritatem suam agnoscendus est; sic enim detegitur, quid influxus est, et quid operatur: per influxum intelligitur, omne id quod praecedit, et componit sequens, et per sequentia ordine ultimum; sicut omne quod praecedit apud hominem et componit sapientiam ejus; seu omne quod praecedit apud Politicum, et componit prudentiam ejus; seu omne quod praecedit apud Theologum, et componit eruditionem ejus; similiter omne quod procedit ab infantia, et componit virum; tum quod in ordine procedit a semine et virgulto, et facit arborem, ac postea quod a flore et facit fructum ejus: Consimiliter omne quod praecedit et procedit apud sponsum et sponsam, et facit conjugium illorum; ita intelligitur influxus.

[2] Quod omnia illa quae praecedunt in mentibus forment series, et quod series colligent se, una juxta alteram, et una post alteram, et quod hae simul componant ultimum, est adhuc in Mundo ignotum; sed quia est veritas e Coelo, hic adducitur; per illam enim aperitur, quid influxus operatur, et quale est ultimum, in quo series modo dictae successive formatae coexistunt. Ex his videri potest, quod status mentium utriusque in successivo ordine procedentes influant in statum conjugii: sed conjuges post conjugium sunt prorsus in ignorantia de successivis, quae animis illorum ex antecedentibus insinuata insunt; at usque illa sunt, quae amori conjugiali dant formam, ac faciunt statum mentium illorum, ex quo inter se agunt.

[3] Quod alius status ex alio ordine formetur apud Spirituales, quam apud Naturales, est quia Spirituales justo ordine procedunt, ac Naturales injusto; Spirituales enim spectant ad Dominum, ac Dominus providet et ducit ordinem; at Naturales spectant ad se, et inde inverso ordine procedunt; quare horum status conjugii est intrinsecus plenus incastis; et quot incasta, tot frigora, et quot haec, tot obstructiones vitae intimae, ex quibus obturatur vena, et exsiccatur fons.


1. Prima editio: influaat

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