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《婚姻之爱》 第314节












  以上内容可参见该书38、65节,以及《Angelic Wisdom Regarding Divine love and wisdom》一书的205-229节。



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Conjugial Love #314 (Chadwick (1996))

314. (xviii) This is because there are successive as well as simultaneous arrangements, and the latter are derived from the former and determined by them.

This is introduced as a reason which serves to confirm the previous propositions. It is well known that arrangements can be successive or simultaneous, but not that a simultaneous arrangement is derived from and depends upon a successive one. The process by which successive stages collapse into simultaneous ones, and the kind of arrangement they then adopt, is very difficult to present in a way that can be perceived, because learned men have so far no notion which might serve to elucidate it. Since the basic notion of this secret cannot be imparted in a few words, and a long treatment would divert people's minds from a more open view of conjugial love, it may be enough for an illustration, if I quote briefly from what was said on the subject of the two arrangements, successive and simultaneous, and the influence of the former on the latter, in my TEACHING OF THE NEW JERUSALEM ABOUT THE SACRED SCRIPTURE:

[2] "In heaven and in the world arrangements may be successive or simultaneous. In a successive arrangement one stage follows another from highest to lowest; but in a simultaneous arrangement one is alongside another from inmost to outermost. A successive arrangement is like a column with steps from top to bottom, but a simultaneous arrangement is like a structure extending from the centre to the outside. At the last stage a successive arrangement becomes a simultaneous one in this way: the highest stages of a successive arrangement become the innermost of a simultaneous arrangement; and the lowest stages of a successive arrangement become the outermost of a simultaneous arrangement. This may be compared with a stepped column subsiding to become a coherent body on one level. This is how a simultaneous arrangement is formed from a successive one; and this applies to every single detail of the spiritual world, and every single detail of the natural world." TEACHING OF THE NEW JERUSALEM ABOUT THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 38, 65, and the lengthy treatment of the subject in THE WISDOM OF THE ANGELS ABOUT THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM, Divine Love and Wisdom 205-229.

[3] It is much the same with the successive arrangement leading to marriage, and the simultaneous arrangement in marriage; the latter arises from and depends upon the former. Anyone who knows how the successive arrangement influences the simultaneous can understand why it is that angels can see on a person's hand all he thinks and intends in his mind; and also that wives feel their husbands' affections by placing their hands on their husbands' chests, a fact several times mentioned in the accounts of experiences. The reason is that the hands are the final level of a person, and what he debates and concludes in his mind reaches its last stage in his hands, and there they make a simultaneous arrangement. That is why in the Word the expression 'written on the hands' occurs. 1


1. Isaiah 49:16.

Conjugial Love #314 (Rogers (1995))

314. 18. For everywhere one finds a sequential order and a concurrent order, and the concurrent order evolves from the sequential order and in accordance with it. We cite this in explanation and corroboration of the preceding discussion.

People know the difference between a sequential arrangement and a concurrent one, but they do not know that any instance of concurrent order evolves from a sequential one and in accordance with it. It is at the same time very difficult to present to human perception how sequential elements project themselves into concurrent ones, and the kind of order they form there, since the learned do not have among them as yet any theory serving to explain the concept. So, because an initial idea of this secret cannot be conveyed in a few words, and to interject one at length here would distract people's minds from a more uncluttered view of conjugial love, the following may suffice to illustrate the matter. These brief observations concerning the two kinds of order, sequential and concurrent, and the influx of the first into the second, were presented in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Regarding the Sacred Scripture, which we repeat from there: 1

[2] Everywhere in heaven and in the world we find a sequential order and a concurrent order. In sequential order one thing...follows after another from the highest elements to the lowest. In concurrent order, however, one thing exists alongside another from the inmost elements to the outmost. Sequential order is like a column with descending levels from top to bottom, while concurrent order is like a continuous piece of work...from center to surface....

...sequential order becomes concurrent in its concluding element...in the following way. The highest elements in the sequential order become the inmost elements of the concurrent order; and the lowest elements in the sequential order become the outmost elements of the concurrent order. It may be likened to a column with descending levels sinking down to become a continuous mass on the same plane.

That is how a concurrent arrangement is formed from sequential elements; and this in each and every thing of the spiritual world, and in each and every thing of the natural world.

See in that work nos. 38, 65; and still more on the same subject in Angelic Wisdom Regarding Divine Love and Wisdom, nos. 205-229.

[3] It is similar with the sequential progression leading to marriage, and the concurrent set of elements in marriage; namely, that the latter results from the former and in accordance with it.

(One who is acquainted with the way sequential order flows into a concurrent one can understand why it is that angels are able to see all the thoughts and intentions of a person's mind in his hand. 2And also that wives sense their husband's affections from the touch of the husbands' hands upon their breasts - a phenomenon that has been mentioned several times in the narrative accounts. 3The reason is that the hands are a person's terminal parts, into which the deliberations and resolutions of his mind are directed and where they form a concomitant presence. That too is why we find it said in the Word that this or that was written on the hands. 4)


1. I.e., from no. 38.

2. Cf. no. 261:3 at the end.

3. See no. 155[r]:4. Other mentions of wives' sensing from the touch of the hands refer to a wife's doing so by touching her husband with her hand.

4. See Exodus 13:9,16; Deuteronomy 6:8, 11:18; Isaiah 49:16; Revelation 13:16, 14:9, 20:4; also Job 31:7. Cf. Psalms 7:3, 24:4; also Job 11:14.

Love in Marriage #314 (Gladish (1992))

314. 18. This is because there is progressive order and simultaneous order, and the second kind is from the first and in keeping with it. This is brought in as a reason that confirms the last article above. It is well known that there is progressive and simultaneous order. But people do not know that the simultaneous order comes from the progressive order and is in keeping with it. But it is extremely hard to make it understandable how the progressive things carry over into the simultaneous and what kind of order they form there, because as yet the learned do not have any notion that would serve to make it clear.

A preliminary idea of this mystery cannot be introduced in a few words, and to introduce it at length here would take our minds off a clearer view of married love. So the things briefly brought out about these two orders, progressive and simultaneous, and about the one influencing the other, in The Doctrine for the New Jerusalem Concerning the Sacred Scriptures, will be enough to shed some light.

It says, "In heaven and on earth there is progressive order and simultaneous order. In progressive order one thing follows another from highest all the way to lowest. But in simultaneous order one thing is next to another from innermost all the way to outermost. Progressive order is like a column with steps from the top to the bottom, but simultaneous order is like a structure holding together from the center to the surface.

"Progressive order becomes simultaneous in the end in this way: the highest elements of progressive order become the inmost things of simultaneous order, and the lowest things of progressive order become the outermost things of simultaneous order. By comparison it is like a column of steps being collapsed to become a structure on one plane. This is how the simultaneous is formed from progressive entities. And this is in each and every thing in the spiritual world and in each and every thing in the natural world." (See nos. 38, 65 in that book, and much more about it in Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Divine Wisdom, 205-229.

It is the same with the progressive order leading to marriage and with the simultaneous order in marriage. Namely, the simultaneous is from the progressive and in keeping with it. One who knows that progressive order flows into simultaneous order can understand the reason why angels can see in a person's hand all his mind's thoughts and intentions. And also that wives can tell their husbands' feelings from their husbands' hands on their breasts. This has been mentioned various times in the stories. The reason is that hands are the most outward parts of a person, where the thoughts and conclusions of his mind reach their final point, and become "simultaneous" there. Also for that reason it says in the Word that it is "written on the hands" [Isaiah 49:16; Revelation 13:16; 20:4].

Conjugial Love #314 (Acton (1953))

314. XVIII. BECAUSE THERE IS SUCCESSIVE ORDER AND SIMULTANEOUS ORDER, AND THE LATTER IS FROM THE FORMER AND ACCORDING TO IT. This is adduced as a cause confirming what has preceded. That there is succession and simultaneity, is known, but that simultaneous order is from successive order and according to it, is not known. It is extremely difficult, however, to present to the perception the mode in which things successive carry themselves into things simultaneous, and the nature of the order they form there; for among the learned there is as yet no idea that can serve for the elucidation of the matter. And since a preliminary idea of this arcanum cannot be presented in a few words, and to present it here at length would draw the mind away from a clearer view of conjugial love, it will suffice as serving to throw light on the subject, to adduce what is said in summary form concerning these two orders, the successive and the simultaneous, and concerning the influx of the former into the latter, in THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CONCERNING THE SACRED SCRIPTURE, no. 38, where are these words:

[2] "Both in heaven and in the world there is successive order and simultaneous order. In successive order, one thing follows after another from the highest to the lowest, but in simultaneous order one thing is next to another from the inmost to the outmost. Successive order is like a column with steps from the top to the bottom; simultaneous order is like a work coherent from the center to the circumference. In the ultimate, successive order becomes simultaneous in the following way: The highest things of successive order become the inmost of simultaneous order; and the lowest things of successive order become the outmost of simultaneous order. It is comparatively like as when a column of steps by subsiding becomes a body cohering in a plane. In this way, what is simultaneous is formed from things successive, and this in each and every thing of the spiritual world, and in each and every thing of the natural world." See also no. 65 that work, and further on this subject in ANGELIC WISDOM CONCERNING DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM, nos 205-229.

[3] It is the same with the successive order leading to marriage and the simultaneous order in marriage, that is to say, the latter is from the former and according to it. He who knows the influx of things successive into things simultaneous can comprehend the reason why angels are able to see in a man's hand all the thoughts and intentions of his mind; and also why it is, that wives, from their husbands' hands upon their breasts, can feel their affections, of which matter mention has been made at times in the Memorable Relations. The reason is because the hands are the ultimates of man into which the deliberations and conclusions of his mind are determined and become simultaneous. Therefore it is said in the Word that it is "written upon the hands" (Isaiah 49:16).

Conjugial Love #314 (Wunsch (1937))

314. (xviii) For there is successive order and there is simultaneous order, and the latter is from the former and according to it. We adduce this in support of what has just been said. It is known that there is what is successive and what is simultaneous, but it is not known that simultaneous order is from and according to the successive order. It is very difficult to present to the perception how things successive turn into things simultaneous, and the kind of order they form then, for as yet no idea which will serve for elucidation is to be had from the learned. As an initial conception of this arcanum cannot be conveyed in a few words, and to present it at length here would draw the mind away from a clearer view of marital love, it will be enough to quote for elucidation what was assembled in a compendium on the two orders, successive and simultaneous, and on the influx of the former into the latter, in Doctrine of the New Jerusalem on the Sacred Scripture:

[2] There are in heaven and in the world a successive order and a simultaneous. In successive order one thing follows another from the highest down to the lowest; but in simultaneous order one thing is next to another from inmost even to outmost. Successive order is like a column in segments from top to bottom, but simultaneous order like a work coherent from center to surface. Successive order turns simultaneous in its last in this way: highest things in the successive order become the inmost things of the simultaneous order; and the lowest things in the successive order become the outermost in the simultaneous. Relatively it is as if the column in segments were made to subside into a body assembled on one level. Thus the simultaneous is formed from things successive; and this in each and all things of the spiritual world, and in each and all things of the natural world. (Nn. 38, 65; also see many things on the subject in Angelic Wisdom about the Divine Love and Wisdom, nn. 205-229.)

[3] The like is true of successive order leading to marriage and of simultaneous order in marriage; namely, that the latter is from the former, and according to it. One who knows the influx of successive order into simultaneous, will comprehend why angels can see in a man's hand all the thoughts and intentions of his mind; also why wives can feel from their husbands' hands on their breasts their affections (something which has been mentioned several times in the Memorabilia). The reason is that the hands are the human being's "last things," in which the movements and conclusions of the mind terminate, and in which they form what is simultaneous. Hence the saying 1in the Word that a thing is "written on the hands."


1. Cf. Isaiah xlix. i6, Revelation 13:16, 20:4.

Conjugial Love #314 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

314. (18) Because there is successive order and simultaneous order, and the latter is from the former and according to it. This is adduced as a cause confirmative of the preceding. That there is what is successive, and that there is what is simultaneous, is known; but that simultaneous order is from the successive and according to it is not known. And yet how things successive insert themselves into the simultaneous, and the kind of order they form there, is extremely difficult to present to the perception, since there is not yet with the learned any idea that will serve for the elucidation of it; and as a first notion of this arcanum cannot be given in few words, and to present it here at length would draw minds away from a clearer view of conjugial love, it may serve sufficiently for illustration to quote what is briefly said respecting these two orders, the successive and the simultaneous, and of the influx of the former into the latter, in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Sacred Scriptures, where are these words:

'There is, in heaven and in the world, successive order and simultaneous order. In successive order one thing follows after another, from the highest even to the lowest; in simultaneous order, however, one thing is beside the other, from the inmost to the outermost. Successive order is as a column with steps from the highest to the lowest; simultaneous order is as a work cohering from the center to the circumference. Successive order becomes simultaneous in the ultimate, in this manner: The highest things of successive order become the inmost of simultaneous order; and the lowest things of successive order become the outermost of simultaneous order. It is comparatively as if a column of steps by subsiding becomes a cohering body in a plane. Thus what is simultaneous is formed from things successive, and this is so in all things and in everything of the spiritual world, and in all and everything of the natural world.' SeeDoctrine of Sacred Scripture 38, 65; and very much more on the subject in Divine Love and Wisdom 205-229. It is similar with the successive order to marriage, and the simultaneous order in marriage, that is to say, the latter is from the former and according to it. He who knows the influx of successive into simultaneous order can comprehend how the angels can see in a man's hand all the thoughts and intentions of his mind; and also how wives from their husbands' hands upon their breasts sensate their affections, which fact has been several times mentioned in the Relations. The reason is that the hands are the ultimates of man, into which the deliberations and conclusions of his mind are determined, and there make what is simultaneous. And therefore, it is said in the Word that it is 'written upon the hands.' 1


1. Isaiah 49:16; Revelation 13:16; 20:4.

De Amore Conjugiali #314 (original Latin (1768))

314. XVIII. Quia ordo datur successivus, et ordo simultaneus, et hic est ex illo et secundum illum. Hoc ut causa confirmativa praecedentium adducitur. Quod successivum sit, et quod simultaneum, notum est; sed quod ordo simultaneus sit ex successivo, et secundum hunc, ignotum est; ast quomodo successiva se inferunt in simultanea, et qualem ibi ordinem formant, perquam difficile est sistere ad perceptionem, quoniam nondum aliqua idea inserviens elucidationi de eo apud eruditos adest; et quia prima idea de hoc arcano non potest inferri per pauca, ac fuse hic inferre illam, abstraheret mentes a visu apertiori de Amore conjugiali; satis ad illustrandum servire possunt illa, quae de binis illis ordinibus, successivo et simultaneo, et de influxu illius in hunc, in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Scriptura Sacra, in compendio allata sunt, ubi haec,

[2] "Datur in Coelo et in Mundo Ordo successivus et Ordo simultaneus; in Ordine successivo sequitur unum post alterum a supremis usque ad infima; in Ordine autem simultaneo est unum juxta alterum ab intimis usque ad extima: Ordo successivus est sicut Columna cum gradibus a summo ad imum; at Ordo simultaneus est sicut opus cohaerens a centro ad superficiem. Ordo successivus fit in ultimo simultaneus hoc modo; suprema ordinis successivi fiunt intima ordinis simultanei; ac infima ordinis successivi fiunt extima ordinis simultanei; est comparative sicut Columna graduum subsidens fit corpus cohaerens in plano. Ita formatur simultaneum a successivis; et hoc in omnibus et singulis Mundi spiritualis, ac in omnibus et singulis Mundi naturalis," videatur ibi 38, 65; et perplura de his in Sapientia Angelica de Divino Amore et Divina Sapientia, 205-229.

[3] Simile est cum Ordine successivo ad conjugium, et cum Ordine simultaneo in conjugio, videlicet quod hic sit ex illo, et secundum illum. Qui influxum ordinis successivi in simultaneum novit, potest comprehendere causam, quod Angeli in manu hominis possint videre omnes mentis ejus cogitationes et intentiones: et quoque quod Uxores ex manibus maritorum super suis pectoribus sentiant illorum affectiones, cujus rei mentio aliquoties in Memorabilibus facta est; ratio est, quia Manus sunt ultima hominis, in quae determinantur ventilata et conclusa mentis ejus, ac ibi faciunt simultaneum: ideo etiam in Verbo dicitur, quod inscriptum sit manibus.

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