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《婚姻之爱》 第334节






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Conjugial Love #334 (Chadwick (1996))

334. Since truly conjugial love links the souls and hearts of two people, it is also combined with friendship, and through this with trust, both of which it makes conjugial. These are so far superior to other kinds of friendship and trust, that just as this is the leading love, so these are the leading kinds of friendship and trust. For a number of reasons, some of which will be revealed in the second account of experiences at the end of this chapter, the same is true of potency, from which the long duration of this love follows. It has been shown in the Chapter on this subject (156-183) that truly conjugial love makes a married couple one flesh.

Conjugial Love #334 (Rogers (1995))

334. Since truly conjugial love joins the souls and hearts of two together, it is coupled therefore also with friendship and through this with trust, and causes them both to be of a conjugial nature. Such friendship and trust so rise above other types of friendship and trust that, as that love is the greatest of loves, so that friendship is the greatest of friendships, and likewise that trust. The same is true also of its potency, and this for a number of reasons, some of which are disclosed in the second narrative account at the end of the present chapter. The continued endurance of truly conjugial love results from its potency.

As for two married partners becoming one flesh through truly conjugial love, this we showed in its own chapter, 1from no. 156[r] to no. 183.


1. Viz., "The Conjunction of Souls and Minds by Marriage, Meant by the Lord's Saying that They are No Longer Two But One Flesh."

Love in Marriage #334 (Gladish (1992))

334. Real married love joins the minds and hearts of two together, so it is also united with friendship and through friendship it is united with confidence and makes both of these qualities part of the marriage. So they tower so far above other kinds of friendship and confidence that just as this love is the love of loves, this friendship is the friendship of friendships, and the same goes for this confidence. It also goes for potency, for many reasons. Some of them appear in the second story after this chapter. The potency keeps this love on its course.

It has been shown in its own chapter (nos. 156-183) that the real love of marriage makes one flesh of two partners.

Conjugial Love #334 (Acton (1953))

334. Since love truly conjugial conjoins the souls and hearts of two, therefore it is united with friendship and thereby with confidence, and makes both conjugial. Such friendship and confidence are so eminent above every other friendship and confidence that, just as that love is the love of loves, so that friendship is the friendship of friendships, and likewise that confidence. That it is also united with potency is due to many causes, some of which are revealed in the second Memorable Relation following the present chapter. From this potency follows the continual endurance of that love. That by love truly conjugial two consorts become one flesh has been shown above in its special chapter (nos. Conjugial Love 156-183).

Conjugial Love #334 (Wunsch (1937))

334. Conjoining the souls and hearts of the two, true marital love is attended by friendship, too, and through friendship by trust, both of which it makes marital, exalting them so far above other friendship and trust that as that love is the love of loves, that friendship is also the friendship of friendships, and that trust likewise the trust of trusts. That there is potency, too, is due to many causes, some of which are revealed in the second Memorabilia at the end of this chapter. From the potency the persistence of the love follows. That two partners become one flesh was shown in its chapter above (nn. 156r-183).

Conjugial Love #334 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

334. Since love truly conjugial conjoins the souls and hearts of two, therefore, it is united also with friendship, and through this with confidence, and makes them both conjugial, which are so eminent above other friendships and confidences that, just as this love is the love of loves, so also is this friendship the friendship of friendships, and the confidence likewise. There are many reasons why in truth it is so with its potency too, some of which are revealed in the Second Relation after this chapter, from which potency follows the continued perpetuity of that love. That by love truly conjugial two consorts become one flesh has been shown above in its proper chapter, n 156-183.

De Amore Conjugiali #334 (original Latin (1768))

334. Quoniam amor vere conjugialis conjungit duorum animas et corda, ideo etiam unitus est cum amicitia et per hanc cum confidentia, et facit utramque conjugialem, quae ita eminent supra amicitias et confidentias alias, ut sicut [ille] amor est amor amorum, ita quoque illa amicitia est amicitia amicitiarum, similiter confidentia; quod etiam potentia, sunt plures causae, quarum aliquae in Altero Memorabili post hoc Caput revelantur, ex qua perseveratio amoris illius sequitur. Quod per Amorem vere conjugialem duo consortes fiant una Caro, in peculiari Capite, quod est a 156[iteratum] 157-183, ostensum est.

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