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《婚姻之爱》 第335节







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Conjugial Love #335 (Chadwick (1996))

335. (ii) It is only with one wife that the celestial blessings, spiritual bliss and natural pleasures can exist, which have been provided from the beginning for those who enjoy truly conjugial love.

We speak of celestial blessings, spiritual bliss and natural pleasures, because the human mind is divided into three regions, the highest being called celestial, the second spiritual, and the third natural. In the case of those who enjoy truly conjugial love these three regions stand wide open, and one influences the next depending on how far they are opened. Since the charms of that love are at their most excellent in the highest region, they are perceived as blessings; and being less excellent in the second region, they are there perceived as bliss, and finally in the lowest region as pleasures. It is established by the accounts of experiences, where they are described, that these exist and are perceived and felt.

[2] The reason why all these kinds of happiness have been provided from the beginning for those who enjoy truly conjugial love, is that there is in the Lord an infinity of all blessings. He also is Divine love, and it is the essence of love to want to share everything good it has with the other who is loved. The Lord therefore created that love together with mankind, and imprinted on it the ability to receive and perceive those good things. Is there anyone so dense or mad as to be unable to see that there is some love on which the Lord has conferred all the blessings, bliss and pleasures which can ever be conferred?

Conjugial Love #335 (Rogers (1995))

335. 2. Thus with more than one wife the celestial blessings, spiritual felicities and natural delights are not possible which from the beginning have been provided for people who are in a state of truly conjugial love. We say celestial blessings, spiritual felicities and natural delights, because the human mind is divided into three regions, the highest of which we call celestial, the second spiritual, and the third natural. In people who are in a state of truly conjugial love, these three regions stand open, and whatever flows in descends from one level to another in the order that they are open. Now because the pleasant states of that love are most exalted in the highest region, they are perceived there as blessings or states of bliss; and because in the middle region they are less exalted, they are perceived there as felicities; and finally in the lowest region as delights. It is clear from the narrative accounts in which they are described that these states exist and are perceived and felt.

[2] All these states of happiness have been provided from the beginning for people who are in a state of truly conjugial love, because there is an infinitude of all blessings in the Lord, who is Divine love; and the essence of love is to wish to communicate all the benefits of its goodness to the object of its love. Therefore when the Lord created man, He at the same time created this love and implanted in it a capacity for receiving and perceiving those benefits. Who is so dull and lacking in acumen that he cannot see that there is some love into which the Lord has conveyed all the blessings, felicities and delights that could ever be conveyed?

Love in Marriage #335 (Gladish (1992))

335. 2. By the same token, the heavenly blessings, spiritual happiness, and earthly joys that are provided from the outset for those who have real married love cannot be had except with one wife. We say heavenly blessings, spiritual happiness, and earthly joys because the human mind is divided into three levels. The highest is called heavenly, the second spiritual, and the third worldly. The three levels stand open in people who have real married love, and the flow in them follows its course when they are open. The delightful things about this love are most outstanding in the highest region, so they are felt there as blessings. They are less outstanding in the mid region, so there they are felt as happiness, and finally, in the lowest region, as joys. The fact that these delightful things exist, are felt, and are sensed is clear from accounts that describe them.

The reason why all the delightful things are provided from the outset to those who have true married love is that an infinity of all blessings is in the Lord, and He is Divine Love, and love's essence is that it wants to share its good things with another whom it loves. So He created married love when He created mankind and inscribed on mankind the ability to receive and know about the delightful things.

Who has too dull and irrational a makeup to be able to see that there must be some love into which the Lord puts all the blessings, happiness, and joys that ever can be put in?

Conjugial Love #335 (Acton (1953))

335. II. THUS, THAT EXCEPT WITH ONE WIFE, THERE CAN BE NO CELESTIAL BLESSINGS, SPIRITUAL HAPPINESS, AND NATURAL DELIGHTS SUCH AS HAVE BEEN PROVIDED FROM THE BEGINNING FOR THOSE WHO ARE IN LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL. They are called celestial blessings, spiritual happiness, and natural delights, because the human mind is distinguished into three regions, the highest of which is called celestial, the second spiritual, and the third natural. With those who are in love truly conjugial, these three regions stand open, and influx follows in order according to the openings. Because the amenities of that love in the highest region are most eminent, they are perceived as blessings; and because in the middle region they are less eminent, they are perceived as happiness, and finally, in the lowest region as delights. That such amenities are perceived and sensated, is manifest from the Memorable Relations in which they are described.

[2] That all these felicities were provided from the beginning for those who are in love truly conjugial, is because in the Lord is an infinity of all blessings. He Himself is Divine Love, and the essence of love is to will to communicate all its goods to another whom it loves. Therefore, together with man, He created that love and inscribed upon it the faculty of receiving and perceiving those goods. Who is so dull, and of a genius so devoid of reason, that he cannot see that there is some love into which are brought by the Lord all things blessed, happy and delightful that can possibly be given?

Conjugial Love #335 (Wunsch (1937))

335. (ii) Except with one wife, therefore, the celestial blessedness, spiritual joy and natural pleasures are impossible which from the beginning have been provided for those in true marital love. We say, "celestial blessedness," "spiritual joy" and "natural pleasures," because the human mind is distinguished into three regions, the highest of which is called celestial, the second spiritual, and the third natural; and with those in true marital love these three regions stand developed, and influx follows in order according to the developments. Because the pleasantness of that love in the highest region is most eminent, it is perceived as blessedness; being less eminent in the middle region, it is perceived as joy; and finally in the lowest region as pleasure. It is manifest from the Memorabilia in which they are described that there are such blessedness, joy and pleasure, and that they are perceived and felt. All these felicities have been provided from the beginning for those in true marital love for the reason that there is an infinity of blessedness in the Lord. He is Divine Love, and the essence of love is to desire to communicate all its good things to another whom it loves. Therefore together with the human being He created this love and inscribed on it the capacity to receive and perceive these things. Who is so dull and unreasoning of mind as not to see that there must be some love into which the Lord has brought all the blessedness, joy and pleasure there can be?

Conjugial Love #335 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

335. (2) That thus it is only with one wife that there can be the celestial beatitudes, the spiritual satisfactions, and the natural delights which, from the beginning, have been provided for those who are in love truly conjugial. They are called celestial beatitudes, spiritual satisfactions, and natural delights, because the human mind is distinguished into three regions, the highest of which is called celestial, the second spiritual, and the third natural, and with those who are in love truly conjugial these three regions stand open, and influx follows in order according to the openings. And as the amenities of this love in the highest region are most eminent, they are perceived as beatitudes; and as in the middle region they are less eminent, they are perceived as satisfactions; and finally, in the lowest region, as delights. That these amenities are real, are perceived and felt, is established from the Relations in which they are described. All these felicities were provided from the beginning for those who are in love truly conjugial, because in the Lord there is an infinity of all beatitudes; and He Himself is Divine love, and the essence of love is that it wills to communicate all its own goods to another whom it loves; and therefore, together with man He created this love, and inscribed upon it the faculty of receiving and perceiving these felicities. Who is so dull and unreasoning in mind that he cannot see that there is some love on which are bestowed by the Lord all the blessings, satisfactions, and delights that can ever be bestowed?

De Amore Conjugiali #335 (original Latin (1768))

335. II. Quod sic nisi cum una uxore non dari queant beatitudines coelestes, faustitates spirituales, et jucunditates naturales, quae ab initio provisae sunt illis, qui in Amore vere conjugiali sunt. Dicuntur beatitudines coelestes, faustitates spirituales, et jucunditates naturales, quia Mens humana distincta est in tres Regiones, quarum suprema vocatur coelestis, secunda spiritualis, et tertia naturalis; ac tres illae regiones apud illos, qui in amore vere conjugiali sunt, apertae stant, ac influxus sequitur ordine secundum aperturas: et quia amaenitates illius amoris in suprema regione eminentissimae sunt, percipiuntur illae ut beatitudines, et quia in media regione minus eminentes sunt, percipiuntur illae ut faustitates, et demum in infima regione, ut jucunditates; quod illae sint, percipiantur, et sentiantur, constat ex Memorabilibus, in quibus describuntur.

[2] Quod omnes illae felicitates ab initio provisae sint illis, qui in amore vere conjugiali sunt, est quia Infinitas omnium beatitudinum in Domino est, et Ipse est Divinus 1Amor, et amoris essentia est, ut velit omnia sua bona communicare alteri, quem amat; quare una cum homine creavit illum amorem, ac illi inscripsit facultatem recipiendi et percipiendi illa: quis tam hebes et vecors ingenio est, ut non possit videre, quod aliquis amor sit, in quem a Domino illata sunt omnia beata, fausta, et jucunda, quae usquam inferri possent. 2,


1. Prima editio: divinus

2. Prima editio: possunt.

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