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《婚姻之爱》 第336节






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Conjugial Love #336 (Chadwick (1996))

336. (iii) It is the Lord alone who can grant all these, and they are not granted except to those who approach Him only, and at the same time live in accordance with His commandments.

This has been proved before in many places. We need to add that all those blessings, bliss and pleasures can only be granted by the Lord, and therefore no other is to be approached. How could there be any other, when 'through Him were made all things that were made' (John 1:3); when 'He is the God of heaven and earth' (Matthew 28:18); when 'never has any appearance of God the Father been seen, nor has His voice been heard, except through Him' (John 1:18; 5:37; 14:6-11)? These and very many other passages in the Word establish that the marriage of love and wisdom, or of good and truth, the sole origin of marriages, comes from the Lord alone. From this it follows that this love together with its kinds of happiness is not granted to any except those who approach Him. It is granted to those who live in accordance with His commandments, because He is linked to them by love (John 14:21-24).

Conjugial Love #336 (Rogers (1995))

336. 3. None of these states is possible except from the Lord alone; and they are possible only with people who go to Him alone and live according to His commandments. We have demonstrated this in many places previously. We need only add here that none of these blessings, felicities and delights is possible except from the Lord, and that He is the one, therefore, to whom one must go. Who else shall one go to, when by Him were all things made that were made (John 1:3)? When He is God of heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18)? When no one has ever seen any manifestation of God the Father or heard His voice except through Him (John 1:18, 5:37, 14:6-11)? From these and many other passages in the Word, it is clear that from Him alone emanates the marriage of love and wisdom or of goodness and truth which is the sole origin from which individual marriages spring.

It follows accordingly that truly conjugial love with its felicities is possible only with people who go to the Lord. We say in addition, with those who live according to His commandments, because to such He is joined by love (John 14:21-24).

Love in Marriage #336 (Gladish (1992))

336. 3. All these can be had from the Lord alone, and they are given to no one but those who approach Him only and at the same time live according to His teachings. This has already been pointed out in many places. It should be added that all the blessings, happiness, and joys are not forthcoming except from the Lord, and so He is the only One to approach. Who else is there, when He made all things that were made (John 1:3), when He is God of heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18), and when except through Him, God the Father's likeness was never seen nor His voice heard (John 1:18; 5:37; 14:6 -

II)? These and many other places in the Word establish that the marriage of love and wisdom, or good and truth, which is the only source of marriages, comes from Him alone.

It follows that married love, with the delightful things about it, is available only to those who approach Him, and only to those who live by His teachings, because love unites Him with them

(John 14:21-24).

Conjugial Love #336 (Acton (1953))

336. III. THAT NONE OF THESE CAN BE GIVEN EXCEPT BY THE LORD ALONE; AND THAT THEY ARE GIVEN TO NO OTHERS SAVE THOSE WHO APPROACH HIM ALONE AND LIVE ACCORDING TO HIS PRECEPTS. This has been shown above in many places; to which it must be added that all these things, blessed, happy, and delightful, can be granted only by the Lord, and that therefore no other is to be approached. Who else is there? seeing that it is by Him that all things were made which were made (John 1:3); that He is the God of heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18); and that no appearance of God the Father has ever been seen, nor His voice heard, save through Him (John 1:18; 5:37; 14:6-11). From these and many other passages in the Word, it is evident that the marriage of love and wisdom or of good and truth, from which alone human marriages derive their origin, proceeds from Him alone. From this it follows, that that love with its felicities is given to no others save those who approach Him; and it is given to those who live according to His precepts because with them He is conjoined by love (John 14:21-24).

Conjugial Love #336 (Wunsch (1937))

336. (iii) None of these joys can exist save from the Lord alone, and they are bestowed only on those who approach Him alone and live according to His precepts. This has been demonstrated above at many places. But let it be stressed that all these blessednesses, joys and pleasures can be had only from the Lord, and that He alone is to be approached. Who else? When

By Him all things were made that were made (John 1:3);

He is God of heaven and earth (Matthew 28:18);

Never was any form of God the Father seen, nor His voice heard, except in Him (John 1:18, 5:37, 14:6-11).

It is plain from these and a host of other passages in the Word that the marriage of love and wisdom (or of good and truth), in which marriages have their sole origin, proceeds from Him alone. Hence it follows that this love with its felicities is bestowed only on those who approach Him and live according to His precepts, for with such He is conjoined through love (John 14:21-24).

Conjugial Love #336 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

336. (3) That all these cannot be given except by the Lord only; and that they are not given to others than those who come to Him alone, and live according to His commandments. This has been shown before in many places; to which it must be added, that because all these beatitudes, satisfactions, and delights can be granted only by the Lord, for that reason no other should be approached. Who else can be since: -

By Him all things were made that have been made? (John 1:3).

Since: -

He is the God of heaven and earth? (Matthew 28:18).


No one hath ever seen the form of God the Father, nor heard His voice, except through Him? (John 1:18; 5:37; 14:6-11).

From these and very many other passages in the Word. it is evident that the marriage of love and wisdom, or of good and truth, from which only marriages derive their origin, proceeds from Him alone. From this it follows that that love with its felicities is given to no others but those who come to Him; and that it is given to those who live according to His commandments is because with them He is conjoined by love (John 14:21-24).

De Amore Conjugiali #336 (original Latin (1768))

336. III. Quod illa omnia non dari queant, nisi a Solo Domino; et quod non dentur aliis, quam qui Ipsum solum adeunt, et vivunt secundum praecepta Ipsius. Hoc prius multis in locis demonstratum est; quibus adjungendum est, quod omnia illa beata, fausta et jucunda, non dari queant quam a Domino, et quod propterea non alius adeundus sit; quis alius, cum per Ipsum facta sunt omnia quae facta, Joh. 1:3. cum Ipse est Deus Coeli et Terrae, Matth. 28:18. cum nusquam aliqua species Dei Patris visa sit, nec vox Ipsius audita, nisi per Ipsum, Joh. 1:18. Cap Joh. 5:37. Cap Joh. 14:6-11. Ex 1his et perplurimis aliis in Verbo, constat, quod conjugium amoris et sapientiae, seu boni et veri, ex quo conjugia suam originem unice ducunt, ab Ipso Solo procedat. Quod Amor ille cum suis felicitatibus, non detur aliis, quam qui Ipsum adeunt, inde sequitur; et quod illis, qui vivunt secundum praecepta Ipsius, est quia cum illis per amorem conjunctus est, Joh. 14:21-24.


1. Prima editio: ex

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