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《婚姻之爱》 第337节





  然而,真正的婚姻之爱在基督教界也是比较少的了(见59、59节),因为很少人在跟随主,那些跟随主的,他们相信教会,但却不按教会所教的生活,还有其它的一些情况,在The Apocalypse Revealed中有讲述。那里详细讲了当今基督教会的具体状况。


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Conjugial Love #337 (Chadwick (1996))

337. (iv) Consequently truly conjugial love with all its happiness cannot be granted except to those who belong to the Christian church.

The reason why conjugial love, as it is described in the Chapter devoted to it ([IV] 57-73) and the following ones, which describe it in its essence, is only possible for those who belong to the Christian church, is that the Lord is the only source of that love, and the Lord is not so known elsewhere that He can be approached as God. It is also because that love depends upon the state of the church with the individual (130), and the proper state of the church can only come from the Lord, so that it is not found except with those who receive it from Him. These two things are the ones which first begin, introduce and establish this love, as has already been proved by such a quantity of evident and compelling reasons that it is quite superfluous to add anything more. The reason, however, why truly conjugial love is rare in the Christian world (58-59) is that few people there approach the Lord; and these include some who while believing in the church do not live in accordance with its teaching. There are other matters too which have been disclosed in THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, which contains a full description of the present state of the Christian church. But it remains none the less true that truly conjugial love is only possible for those who belong to the Christian church. For this reason too polygamy has been utterly banished from it. This also is of the Lord's Divine providence, as is quite obvious to those who have a proper way of thinking about providence.

Conjugial Love #337 (Rogers (1995))

337. 4. Consequently truly conjugial love is not possible except with people who are of the Christian Church. Conjugial love such as we described in its own chapter, 1nos. 57-73, and in the chapters following it, thus such as it is in its own essence, is not possible except with people who are of the Christian Church, for the reason that that love comes from the Lord alone, and the Lord is not so well known elsewhere that people can go to Him as God. Moreover, that love depends in everyone on the state of the church in him (no. 130), and a genuine state of the church comes from no other source than the Lord, so that it does not exist in any others than those who receive it from Him. We have already demonstrated that these two elements are what initiate, introduce and establish truly conjugial love, showing it with such an abundance of clear and conclusive arguments that it is entirely unnecessary to add anything more.

Truly conjugial love is nevertheless rare in the Christian world (nos. 58, 59), because few there go to the Lord, and among those few are some who, although they believe the Church, do not live what it teaches. A number of other factors enter in besides, which have been disclosed in The Apocalypse Revealed, where the present state of the Christian Church is fully described.

But still the truth remains, that truly conjugial love is not possible except with people who are of the Christian Church. That also is why polygamy has been entirely banned from it. This happened, moreover, of the Lord's Divine providence, as is plainly evident to people who think rightly concerning Providence.


1. Viz., "Truly Conjugial Love."

Love in Marriage #337 (Gladish (1992))

337. 4. Consequently real married love cannot be had except among those who are from the Christian church. Except among those who are of the Christian religion there is no married love of the kind described in the chapter about it (nos. 57-73) and in the chapters after that - in other words, married love as it is in essence - because that love comes only from the Lord, and the Lord is not known anywhere else, in such a way that He can be approached as God.

And besides, married love is in keeping with the state of the religion in a person (no. 130), and a genuine state of religion comes from the Lord alone, so it exists only among those who receive it from Him. These two things are the beginnings, the introductions, and the establishment of that love. This has already been settled by so many clear and convincing reasons that adding anything more would be thoroughly redundant.

The reason why real married love is rare even in the Christian world (nos. 58-59) is that few there do go to the Lord, and among them some that do believe in the church do not live by it. And other reasons are brought out in Apocalypse Revealed, where it fully describes the state of the Christian church today.

But the fact remains that real married love is possible only for those in the Christian Church. And polygamy is totally condemned for this reason. It is palpably clear to those who think straight about providence that this is also due to the Lord's Divine Providence.

Conjugial Love #337 (Acton (1953))

337. IV. CONSEQUENTLY, THAT LOVE TRULY CONJUGIAL IS NOT POSSIBLE EXCEPT WITH THOSE WHO ARE OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH. That there is no conjugial love such as is described in its special chapter (nos. 57-73) and in the chapters that follow it, thus such as it is in its essence, save with those who are of the Christian Church, is because that love is from the Lord alone, and nowhere else is the Lord so known that He can be approached as God; also because, with each individual, that love is according to the state of the Church with him (no. 130), and the genuine state of the Church is from no other source than the Lord, thus is with no others save those who receive it from Him. That these two requisites are the first beginnings, the introductions, and the stabilities of that love, has already been confirmed by such abundance of clear and conclusive reasons that it would be entirely superfluous to add anything more. That love truly conjugial is nevertheless rare in the Christian world (nos. 58, 59), is because few there approach the Lord, and among those few are some who indeed believe in the Church but do not live according to it; not to mention the many things which have been disclosed in THE APOCALYPSE REVEALED, where the state of the Christian Church at this day is fully described. Nevertheless, the truth holds good, that there can be no love truly conjugial save with those who are of the Christian Church. Moreover, it is for this reason that polygamy has been wholly banned therefrom. That this is of the Lord's Divine Providence is clearly evident to those who think justly respecting Providence.

Conjugial Love #337 (Wunsch (1937))

337. (iv) True marital love with its felicities can therefore exist only with those who are of the Christian Church. Marital love of the sort described in the chapter (n. 57-73) on the subject and in some ensuing chapters, or marital love as it is in its essence, is to be found only with those of the Christian Church, for the reason that this love is from the Lord alone, who is not known elsewhere so that He can be approached as God; likewise because this love is according to the state of the Church in a man (130), and a true state of the Church is from no other source than the Lord, thus with no others than those who receive that state from Him. We have already established with such an abundance of reasoned evidences and conclusions that these two things are the primary elements, means and enablements of this love, that it is quite pointless to add more. True marital love is nevertheless rare in Christendom (n. 58-59) for the reason that even in Christendom few approach the Lord; and some of these indeed believe the Church but do not live it. (Further reasons are disclosed in Apocalypse Revealed, where the contemporary state of the Christian Church is fully described.) Nevertheless the truth is that true marital love can exist only with those who are of the Christian Church. Therefore polygamy is absolutely condemned. That this is of the Lord's Divine Providence is very plain to those who think rightly of Providence.

Conjugial Love #337 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

337. (4) Consequently, that there cannot be love truly conjugial except with those who are of the Christian Church. The reason why conjugial love, such as is described in its own chapter n. 57-73 and in those following it, that is, such as it is in its essence, is not with any but those that are of the Christian church is, because that love is from the Lord only, and the Lord is not elsewhere so known that He can be approached as God; also, because the love is according to the state of the church with everyone (n. 130), and a genuine state of the church is from no other source than the Lord, and thus is with no others but those who receive it from Him. That these' two are the first beginnings, introductions, and establishings of that love, has already been confirmed by such abundance of clear and conclusive reasons that it would be entirely superfluous to add anything more. That love truly conjugial is nevertheless rare in the Christian world (n. 58, 59), is because so few there approach the Lord, and among these are some who, although they believe the church, do not live it; besides the many facts that are disclosed in the Apocalypse Revealed, where the state of the Christian Church at this day is fully described. But the truth nevertheless holds good that there cannot be love truly conjugial except with those who are of the Christian Church; and for that reason polygamy has also been absolutely condemned. That this also is of the Lord's Divine Providence, is very clear to those who think justly respecting providence.

De Amore Conjugiali #337 (original Latin (1768))

337. IV. Consequenter, quod non dari queat Amor vere conjugialis, nisi quam apud illos qui ab Ecclesia Christiana sunt. Quod non detur Amor conjugialis, qualis in suo Capite,57 ad 73, et in sequentibus illud, descriptus est, ita qualis est in sua essentia, nisi quam apud illos, qui ab Ecclesia Christiana sunt, est causa, quia ille Amor est a Solo Domino, et Dominus non alibi ita notus est, ut possit adiri ut Deus; tum quia amor ille est secundum statum Ecclesiae apud unumquemvis, 130, et genuinus status Ecclesiae non aliunde est quam a Domino, ita non apud alios, quam qui ab Ipso recipiunt illum: quod haec duo sint illius amoris primordia, introductiones et constabilitiones, tali copia rationum evidentium et concludentium, hactenus firmatum est, ut prorsus supervacaneum sit aliquid superadjicere. Quod tamen usque Amor vere conjugialis in Orbe Christiano rarus sit,58-59. est quia pauci ibi adeunt Dominum, ac inter illos aliqui sunt, qui quidem credunt Ecclesiam, sed non vivunt illam; praeter plura, quae detecta sunt in Apocalypsi 1Revelata, ubi plene describitur 2status hodiernus Ecclesiae Christianae: sed nihilominus valet veritas, quod non dari queat amor vere conjugialis, nisi apud illos, qui ab Ecclesia Christiana sunt; quare etiam Polygamia inde prorsus damnata est; quod hoc etiam sit ex Divina Domini Providentia manifeste patet illis, qui de Providentia juste cogitant.


1. Prima editio: Apoclaypsi

2. Prima editio: discribitur

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