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《婚姻之爱》 第222节












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Conjugial Love #222 (Chadwick (1996))

222. (xiii) There is a sphere of marriage which flows from the Lord through heaven into every detail of the universe, down to the most trivial.

It was shown above in the chapter devoted to the subject [V] that love and wisdom, or what is the same thing, good and truth, proceed from the Lord. These two proceed from the Lord continually wedded together, because they are the Lord and He is the source of all things. What proceeds from the Lord fills the universe; for without this nothing that has come into existence could continue to exist.

[2] There are a number of spheres proceeding from Him; for instance, the sphere which keeps the created universe in being, the sphere which protects good and truth against evil and falsity, the sphere which reforms and regenerates mankind, the sphere of innocence and peace, the sphere of mercy and grace, and many more. But the one which is universally present in all is the conjugial sphere, because this is also the reproductive sphere, and so it is the one which ranks above all others as keeping the created universe in being by a succession of generations.

[3] This conjugial sphere fills the universe, pervading it from first to last, as is plain from what was shown before: that there are marriages in the heavens, and the most perfect ones in the third or highest heaven; and apart from existing among human beings, this sphere is present in all the members of the animal kingdom on earth, down to worms. It is moreover present in all the members of the vegetable kingdom, from olive and palm trees down to small grasses.

[4] This sphere is more universal than the sphere of heat and light which is radiated from the sun of our world, as can be proved to reason by the fact that it also works in the absence of its heat, as in winter, and in the absence of its light, as at night, especially among human beings. The reason it so works is that it is from the sun of the heaven of angels, so that it has a constant balance of heat and light, that is, a constant linking of good and truth; for it is springtime all the time in heaven. The variations in good and truth, that is, in its heat and light, are not due to variation in that sun, as are the variations on earth resulting from the differing amounts of heat and light received from the sun there; but these variations are due to the objects affected by it.

Conjugial Love #222 (Rogers (1995))

222. 13. There is a conjugial atmosphere which flows in from the Lord through heaven into each and every thing of the universe, extending even to its lowest forms. We showed above in its own chapter 1that love and wisdom, or to say the same thing, good and truth, emanate from the Lord. A marriage of these two elements continually emanates from the Lord, because they are Him, and from Him come all things. Moreover, whatever emanates from Him fills the universe; for without this, nothing that came into existence would continue to exist.

[2] There are several atmospheres which emanate from the Lord. For example, an atmosphere of conservation for conserving the created universe; an atmosphere of protection for protecting good and truth against evil and falsity; an atmosphere of reformation and regeneration; an atmosphere of innocence and peace; an atmosphere of mercy and grace; besides others. But the universal one of all is a conjugial atmosphere, because it is at the same time an atmosphere of propagation and is thus the supreme atmosphere in conserving the created universe by successive generations.

[3] This conjugial atmosphere fills the universe and pervades it from the firsts to the lasts of it. That this is so is apparent from observations made above, 2where we showed that there are marriages in heaven, and most perfect marriages in the third or highest heaven; also, that besides being in human beings, this atmosphere exists in all members of the animal kingdom on earth, extending even to worms, and furthermore in all members of the vegetable kingdom, from olive trees and palms to the smallest grasses.

[4] This atmosphere is more universal than that of the heat and light which emanate from the sun of our world; and reason can be convinced of this from the fact that the conjugial atmosphere operates even when the sun's warmth is absent, such as in winter, and when the sun's light is absent, such as at night. Especially is this so in the case of human beings. It continues to operate because it originates from the sun of the angelic heaven, and that sun produces a constant balance of heat and light, that is, a constant union of good and truth. For heaven is in a state of perpetual spring. Variations in goodness and truth in heaven or in its warmth and light do not result from changes of the sun, as changes on earth do from variations in the heat and light coming from the sun there; but they occur as a result of the way recipient vessels receive them.


1. I.e., "The Origin of Conjugial Love from the Marriage between Good and Truth," nos. 83 ff. See also no. 60.

2. See, for example, the chapter, "Marriages in Heaven," nos. 27 ff., including no. 42; also nos. 92, 183, 204.

Love in Marriage #222 (Gladish (1992))

222. 13. There is an aura of marriage that radiates from the Lord, through heaven, into each and every thing in the universe, all the way to the lowest parts of it. It was pointed out above, in its own chapter, that love and wisdom, or goodness and truth - which are the same thing - radiate from the Lord. These two married qualities continually radiate from the Lord because they are He Himself. Everything comes from Him, and the things that come from Him fill the universe, because otherwise nothing that exists could continue to exist.

There are many spheres that go out from Him, like the sphere of preserving the created universe, the sphere of protecting goodness and truth from evil and untruth, the sphere of reformation and regeneration, the sphere of innocence and peace, the sphere of mercy and grace, and others. Embracing them all is the sphere of marriage, because this is also the sphere of having offspring, and in this way it is the primary sphere of preserving the created universe through generation after generation.

This sphere of marriage fills the universe and reaches throughout it from its beginnings to its ends, as we can see from what was already pointed out - that there are marriages in the heavens, the most perfect in the third or highest heaven, and that besides being among humans this sphere is in all the members of the animal kingdom in the world, even to the worms. Not only that, it is in all the members of the vegetable kingdom, from olive trees and palms all the way to the small grasses.

This sphere is more universal than the sphere of warmth and light that comes from the sun in our world. Reason can be convinced of this by the fact that the sphere of marriage also operates in the absence of the sun's heat, as in winter, and in the absence of its light, as at night, especially among humans. It operates this way because it is from the sun of the angels' heaven, which always gives equal portions of warmth and light - that is, a union of goodness and truth. It is always an atmosphere of spring, you see.

The changes in good and truth, or in the heat and light of this sphere of marriage, are not variations in the sphere, like the variations from changes of the sun's heat and light on earth, but instead the changes originate in the recipients of the goodness and truth.

Conjugial Love #222 (Acton (1953))

222. XIII. THAT THERE IS A CONJUGIAL SPHERE WHICH INFLOWS FROM THE LORD THROUGH HEAVEN INTO EVERY SINGLE THING OF THE UNIVERSE EVEN TO ITS ULTIMATES. That love and wisdom, or what is the same thing, good and truth continually proceed from the Lord, has been shown above in the chapter on that subject [no. 83.]. These two continually proceed from the Lord in marriage, because they are Himself, and from Him are all things.

[2] Moreover, what proceeds from Him fills the universe, for without Him nothing which exists would subsist. There are many spheres which proceed from Him, such as the sphere of the preservation of the created universe, the sphere of the protection of good and truth against evil and falsity, the sphere of reformation and regeneration, the sphere of innocence and peace, the sphere of mercy and grace, besides many others. But of all these the universal sphere is the conjugial; for this is also the sphere of propagation and is thus the supereminent sphere of the preservation of the created universe by successive generations.

[3] That this conjugial sphere fills the universe and pervades it from first things to last, is evident from the fact, as shown above, that there are marriages in the heavens, the most perfect being in the third or highest heaven; and that on earth, besides being with men, this conjugial sphere is in all subjects of the animal kingdom even to worms, and also in all subjects of the vegetable kingdom, from olive trees and palms even to lowly grasses.

[4] That this sphere is more universal than the sphere of heat and light which proceeds from the sun of our world--of this, reason can be convinced from the fact that it continues to operate, more especially in the case of man, in the absence of the sun's heat as in winter, and in the absence of its light as at night. The reason why it thus operates is because it proceeds from the sun of the angelic heaven, and from this there is a constant equality of heat and light, that is, a constant conjunction of good and truth; for the angelic heaven is in perpetual spring. The changes of the good and truth or of the heat and light thereof are not variations such as are the variations on earth due to the changes of the heat and light from the sun there, but arise from the recipient subjects.

Conjugial Love #222 (Wunsch (1937))

222. (xiii) There is a marital sphere which flows from the Lord through heaven into each and all things of the universe to the outmost things. It was shown above in its chapter that from the Lord proceed love and wisdom or, what is the same, good and truth. These two continually proceed married from the Lord, for they are the Lord, and from Him are all things; what proceeds from Him fills the universe; else nothing which exists would persist.

[2] Many spheres proceed from Him, - a sphere, for example, of the conservation of the created universe, a sphere of the protection of good and truth against evil and falsity, a sphere of reformation and regeneration, a sphere of innocence and peace, a sphere of pity and grace, and others. But the universal sphere of all is the marital sphere, for this is also a sphere of propagation and thus is the preeminent sphere in the conservation of the created universe by successive generations.

[3] That this marital sphere fills the universe and pervades it from first to last, is evident from what was shown above, that there are marriages in the heavens, the most perfect in the third or highest; and besides marriages among men, marriages in all members of the animal kingdom on earth down to insects; and moreover in all objects of the vegetable kingdom from olive trees and palms down to blades of grass.

[4] This sphere is more universal than the sphere of heat and light which proceeds from the sun of our natural world, as the reason may be convinced from the fact that it continues to operate in the absence of the world's heat, as in winter, and in the absence of its light, as at night, especially with human beings. It continues to operate for the reason that it is from the sun of the angelic heaven, and thence there is a constant equalization of heat and light, that is, a conjunction of good and truth; for that sun is constantly at the springtime. Changes in good and truth or in its heat and light are not variations in that sun, as the variations on earth come from changes in the heat and light of the sun here, but arise from those who receive.

Conjugial Love #222 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

222. (13) That there is a conjugial sphere which, flows in from the Lord through heaven into all things and everything of the universe, even to its ultimates. That love and wisdom, or what is the same, good and truth, proceed from the Lord has been shown above in its own chapter. These two in marriage proceed continually from the Lord, because they are Himself and all things are from Him; and the things that proceed from Him fill the universe; for without this nothing that exists would subsist. There are several spheres which proceed from Him; as the sphere of the preservation of the created universe; the sphere of the protection of good and truth against evil and falsity; the sphere of reformation and regeneration; the sphere of innocence and peace; the sphere of mercy and grace; besides more. But the universal of all is the conjugial sphere; for this is also the sphere of propagation, and is thus the super-eminent sphere of the preservation of the created universe by successive generations. That this conjugial sphere fills the universe, and pervades it from first things to last, is plain from what has been shown above, that there are marriages in the heavens, the most perfect in the third or highest heaven; and that, besides being with men, it is in all the subjects of the animal kingdom on earth, even down to worms; and is moreover in all the subjects of the vegetable kingdom, from olives and palms, even to the diminutive grasses. That this sphere is more universal than the sphere of heat and light which proceeds from the sun of our world, reason may be convinced from the fact that it operates also in the absence of its heat, as in winter, and in the absence of its light, as in the night, especially with men. That it thus operates is because it is from the sun of the angelic heaven, and from this there is a constant equal distribution of heat and light, that is, conjunction of good and truth, for it is in perpetual spring. The changes of good and truth, or of its heat and light, are not variations of itself, as are the variations on earth from the changes of the heat and light from the sun there, but arise from the subjects that receive them.

De Amore Conjugiali #222 (original Latin (1768))

222. XIII: Quod Sphaera conjugialis sit, quae a Domino per Coelum influit in omnia et singula Universi usque ad ultima ejus. Quod a Domino procedant Amor et Sapientia, seu quod idem est, Bonum et Verum, supra in suo Capite ostensum est; illa duo in conjugio procedunt continue a Domino, quia illa sunt Ipse, et ab Ipso sunt omnia; et quae ab Ipso procedunt, implent Universum; nam absque eo nihil subsisteret quod exstitit.

[2] Sunt plures Sphaerae, quae ab Ipso procedunt, ut Sphaera conservationis Universi creati, Sphaera tutationis boni et veri contra malum et falsum, Sphaera reformationis et regenerationis, Sphaera innocentiae et pacis, Sphaera misericordiae et gratiae, praeter plures; at Universalis omnium est Sphaera conjugialis, quia haec etiam est Sphaera propagationis, et sic supereminens 1Sphaera conservationis Universi creati per successivas generationes.

[3] Quod Sphaera haec conjugialis impleat Universum, et pervadat illa a primis ad ultima, patet a supra ostensis, 2quod Conjugia sint in Coelis, et perfectissima in Coelo Tertio seu supremo, et quod praeter apud homines, sit [haec sphaera] in omnibus subjectis Regni animalis in terris, usque ad vermes; et insuper quod sit in omnibus subjectis Regni vegetabilis, ab oleis et palmis usque ad graminula.

[4] Quod haec Sphaera 3universalior sit sphaera caloris et lucis, quae procedit a Sole nostri Mundi, ratio convinci potest ex eo, quod etiam operetur in absentia caloris ejus, ut hyeme, et in absentia lucis ejus, ut nocte, imprimis apud homines: quod ita operetur, est quia est e Sole Coeli Angelici, et inde est constans aequatio caloris et lucis, hoc est, conjunctio boni et veri; est enim [coelum] in continuo vere; mutationes boni et veri, seu caloris et lucis ejus, non sunt variationes ejus, sicut sunt variationes in terris ex mutationibus caloris et lucis ex Sole ibi, sed oriuntur illae a subjectis quae recipiunt.


1. Prima editio: supereminents

2. Prima editio: supraostensis,

3. Prima editio: Shpaera

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