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《婚姻之爱》 第396节











  在前面我们讲过多次,婚姻之爱的快乐在配偶间是通过触觉实现的。头脑的交流也是这样进行的,因为手是人的末端知觉。这就是为什么基督摸了小孩子(《马太福音》19:13,15《马可福音》10:13,16 )他通过接触病人而使他们康复。这也是为什么牧师如今要通过按手仪式而进入其工作生涯。


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Conjugial Love #396 (Chadwick (1996))

396. (ix) It also influences the souls of the parents, and links itself with the same sphere in children. It is above all by touch that it is instilled.

The Lord's innocence flows into the angels of the third heaven, where all enjoy the innocence of wisdom, and it passes through the lower heavens, but only through the innocence of angels there, and so directly and indirectly into children. Children are hardly different from carved forms, but for their ability to receive life from the Lord through the heavens. But if the parents too were not to receive that influence in their souls and in the inmost parts of their minds, the innocence of children would be unable to affect them. There must be something matching and similar in kind in the other for communication to be established, and to permit reception, affection and so linking. Without this it would be like a delicate seed falling on a rock, or like a lamb thrown to a wolf. That then is why the innocence flowing into the souls of parents makes a link with the innocence of children.

[2] Experience can show that this link is established among parents with the help of the bodily senses, but above all through touch. For instance, the sense of sight is intimately charmed by watching children, that of hearing by their talk, that of smell by smelling them. The fact that the chief mode of communication and linking is by touch is evident from the pleasantness of carrying them in one's arms, of hugging and kissing them, especially by their mothers, for they take delight in having their mouths and faces pressed on their laps and at the same time by touching them there with their hands. Generally speaking, they enjoy having them suck their breasts and take milk, and touching their bare bodies, and they never tire of taking them on their knees to wrap them up and to clean them.

[3] It was shown in several places above that love and its delights are imparted between married couples by the sense of touch. This too serves to impart mental states, because the hands are the last part of a person, and his first is at the same time present in his last. By this means all the parts of the body and all the parts of the mind, which lie between, are held together in an indissoluble bond. This is why Jesus touched children (Matthew 19:13, 15; Mark 10:13, 16), and He healed the sick by touching them; and those who touched Him were cured. This too is why today the ordination of priests is by the laying on of hands. These facts make it plain that the innocence of parents and that of children meet in touching, especially by the hands, and so they become linked as if by kisses.

Conjugial Love #396 (Rogers (1995))

396. 9. It also flows into the souls of the parents, and joins itself with the same atmosphere in the little children; being insinuated principally through the instrumentality of touch. The innocence of the Lord flows into angels of the third heaven, where all are in an innocence of wisdom; passes on through the lower heavens, but only through the innocent affections of angels there; and so descends directly and indirectly into little children. Although little children are in a state not much different from that of sculpted forms, still they are receptive of life from the Lord through the heavens.

Nevertheless, if parents did not receive that influx also in their souls and in the inmost levels of their minds, the innocence of their little children would fail to affect them. An equivalent and comparable element must exist in another for communication to take place, and to bring about reception, affection, and so conjunction. Otherwise it would be like a tender seed falling on flint, or like a lamb thrown to a wolf.

That, now, is the reason for the statement, that innocence flowing into the souls of parents joins itself with the innocence of little children.

[2] The fact that this conjunction is occasioned in parents through the instrumentality of the physical senses, but especially through that of touch, is something we can know from experience. As for example, that the vision is inmostly delighted by the sight of them, the hearing by their speech, and the sense of smell by their fragrance.

Evidence that the communication and thus conjunction of innocent states is occasioned especially through the instrumentality of touch is clearly seen from the gratification of carrying them in one's arms, and from their hugs and kisses - especially in the case of mothers, who are delighted by the resting of their mouth and face upon their bosoms, and at the same time then by the touch of their hands there; in general, by their suckling at their breasts and nursing; and in addition, by the patting of their naked body, and by their untiring work of diapering them and washing them upon their knees.

[3] We have already shown several times before that communications of love and its delights between married partners are occasioned through the sense of touch. Communications of the mind are also occasioned by it, for the reason that the hands are the terminal elements of a person, and his first elements are present together in the terminal ones. This is also what holds all things of the body and all things of the mind that are intermediate in an unbroken connection. So it is that Jesus touched little children (Matthew 19:13,15, Mark 10:13,16); and also that He healed the sick by touching them, 2and those were healed who touched Him. That, too, is why inaugurations into the priesthood today are performed by the laying on of hands.

It is apparent from this that the innocence of parents and the innocence of little children meet through the instrumentality of touch, especially through that of the hands, and thus join themselves as though by kisses.

Matthew 8:3, 8:15, 9:29-30, 20:34; Mark 1:41,42, 7:33-35, 8:22-25; Luke 5:13, 7:14-15, 22:51.

Matthew 9:20-22, 14:35-36; Mark 3:10, 5:27-29, 6:56; Luke 6:19, 8:43, 44, 47.

Love in Marriage #396 (Gladish (1992))

396. 9. It also influences the parents' souls and joins itself with the same aura in the children, and it is induced especially through touch.

The Lord's innocence flows into the angels of the third heaven, where everyone has wisdom's innocence, and it goes through the lower heavens - but only through the innocence of the angels there - and thus it goes into children directly and indirectly. They are almost like sculpted models, but they can still receive life from the Lord through the heavens.

But if the parents did not also receive this influence in their souls and in the innermost parts of their minds, they would be affected by the innocence of the children for nothing. There has to be something equal and similar in another person to provide communication and to get reception, affection, and thus conjunction.

Otherwise it would be like a delicate seed falling on flint, or like a lamb thrown to a wolf. This, then, is the way innocence, flowing into the parents' souls, joins together with the innocence of children.

Experience can teach that this rapport happens for parents by way of the body's senses - but mainly through touch. For instance, sight is deeply pleased by looking at them, hearing by their voices, smell by their smell. You can see clearly that communication, and rapport through it, with innocence is mainly made by touch, from the pleasure of carrying them in your arms, of hugging and kissing them, especially in the case of mothers, who delight in their resting their mouth and face on their bosoms, and the touch of their hands there at that same time, and in general from the sucking on their breasts and giving milk. Also from feeling their naked bodies and from the untiring work of diapering them and cleaning them on their laps.

It has already been pointed out several times that between married partners communication of love and its delights is done through the sense of touch. Communication of their minds is also made by touch because hands are a person's most outward parts, and the essential person is in the most outward parts at the same time. Touch also holds together everything in the body and everything in the mind, which is in between, in an unbroken connection.

This is why Jesus touched the little children (Matthew 19:13,

15; Mark 10:13, 16), and why He healed the sick by touch, and why those who touched Him were healed. This is also why initiation into the ministry today is done by laying on of hands.

These things show that the parents' innocence and the children's innocence meet each other through touch - especially of hands - and in this way they join them together the same as kisses do.

Conjugial Love #396 (Acton (1953))

396. IX. THAT IT FLOWS ALSO INTO THE SOULS OF PARENTS AND CONJOINS ITSELF WITH THE SAME SPHERE WITH INFANTS; AND THAT IT IS INSINUATED MORE ESPECIALLY BY TOUCH. The Lord's innocence flows into angels of the third heaven where all are in the innocence of wisdom, and passes through the lower heavens, but only through the innocence of the angels there, and so into infants. [Thus it flows into infants] both immediately and mediately. They are little more than sculptured forms, yet they are capable of receiving life from the Lord through the heavens. But unless the parents also received that influx in their souls and in the inmost regions of their minds, they would be affected by the innocence of their infants in vain. (If there is to be communication between one person and another), there must be in that other something adequate and homogeneous by which communication may be effected and which shall make for reception, affection, and hence conjunction. Otherwise it would be like tender seed falling on flint, or a lamb thrown to a wolf.

[2] Hence then it is, that the innocence flowing into the souls of parents conjoins itself with the innocence of their infants. That the conjunction is effected by the mediation of the senses of the body, but especially by touch, can be learned by parents from experience. Thus, the sight is inmostly delighted at seeing them, the hearing by their speech, the smell by their odor. That the communication and thence the conjunction of the innocences is effected especially by the touch, is manifestly perceived from the pleasure felt in carrying them in the arms, and from hugging and kissing them. This is especially the case with mothers. They experience delight from the pressure of their mouth and face against their bosom and, at the same time, from the touch of their palms there, and, in general, from the sucking of the breasts and the giving suck; also from stroking their naked body and the unwearied labor of swathing and cleansing them on their knees.

[3] That between married partners, communications of love and its delights are effected by the sense of touch, has been shown several times above. That thereby communication of minds also is effected, is because the hands are the ultimates of man, and in ultimates his prior things are present simultaneously. By this sense, moreover, all things of the body and all things of the mind, being things intermediate, are held together in unbroken connection. Hence it is that Jesus touched infants (Matthew 19:13,15; Mark 10:13,16), that by touch He healed the sick, and that they were healed who touched Him. Hence also it is that at this day, inauguration into the priesthood is made by the laying on of hands. From the above, it is clear that the innocence of parents and that of infants meet each other by means of touch, especially by touch of the hands and so are conjoined as though by kisses.

Conjugial Love #396 (Wunsch (1937))

396. (ix) Innocence also flows into the souls of parents, conjoining itself with the same sphere in infants, and is insinuated especially through touch. The Lord's innocence flows into the angels of the third heaven (all of whom are in the innocence of wisdom), traverses the lower heavens, but only through the innocence of the angels there, and thus flows immediately and mediately into infants. These are almost like sculptured forms, and yet receptive of life from the Lord through the heavens. Unless parents also received that influx, however, in their souls and in the inmosts of their minds, they would not be affected by the innocence of the infants. There must be what is accommodated and kindred in another for communication to be effected, and to give reception, affection and thence conjunction. Otherwise it would be like tender seed falling on flint or like a lamb thrown to a wolf. Therefore an innocence flows into the souls of parents which conjoins itself with the innocence of infants.

[2] Experience teaches that this conjunction is effected with parents through the mediation of the bodily senses, especially the touch; as that the sight is deeply delighted watching them, the hearing by their speech, the smell by their odor. That the communication and thence the conjunction of innocences is effected especially through the touch, is manifestly perceived from the pleasantness of carrying them in the arms, from the hugs and kisses given them, especially by mothers, who are delighted by their pressing mouth and face on the breasts, and also by the touch of their hands there, in general by the sucking of the breasts, and giving suck, - as it is to be perceived, too, from the stroking the naked body, and the unwearied labor of swathing and cleansing them on their knees.

[3] We have shown above many times that the communication of love and its delights between partners is effected by the sense of touch; even mental communication is effected by touch because the hands are man's ultimates or lasts, and his firsts are together in the lasts, as a result of which all things of the body and of the mind which are intermediate, are held together in an insoluble connection. Hence it is that Jesus touched the little children (Matthew 19:13, 15; Mark 10:13, 16); and healed the sick through touch; and those who touched Him were healed; hence, too, inaugurations into the priesthood today are effected by the laying on of hands. It is plain from these considerations that the innocence of parents and the innocence of infants meet through the touch, especially the touch of the hands, and thus are conjoined as though by kisses.

Conjugial Love #396 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

396. (9) That it flows in also into the souls of parents, and conjoins itself with the same sphere with the infants, and that it is insinuated especially by the touch. The Lord's innocence inflows into the angels of the third heaven, where all are in the innocence of wisdom, and passes through the lower heavens, but only through the innocences of the angels there, and so into infants, immediately and mediately. They are scarcely otherwise than as sculptured forms, yet still they are receptive of life from the Lord through the heavens. But unless the parents also receive that influx in their souls, and in the inmosts of their minds, they would be affected in vain by the innocence of infants. There must be in another something adequate and homogeneous, through which communication may be effected, and which shall cause reception, affection, and thence conjunction. Otherwise it would be as tender seed falling upon flint, or as a lamb thrown to a wolf. Thence now it is that the innocence flowing into the souls of parents conjoins itself with the innocence of infants. That this conjunction is effected by means of the bodily senses, but especially with parents, through the touch, experience may teach; as for example, that the sight is inmostly charmed by observing them, the hearing by their speech, the smell by their odor. That the communication and thence the conjunction of innocences takes place especially through the touch, is manifestly perceived from the pleasantness of carrying them in the arms, from embracing and kissing them, above all with mothers, who are delighted with their pressing the mouth and face against their bosoms, and then at the same time by the touch of their palms there, and in general from the sucking of the breasts and lactation, and also from stroking their naked body, and from the unwearied labor of swathing and cleansing them upon their knees. That communications of love and its delights between married partners are made through the sense of touch, has been shown several times above. Communications of the mind also are thereby effected, because the hands are the ultimates of man and his firsts are together in the ultimates. By this sense, moreover, all things of the body and all things of the mind that are intermediate are held together in unbroken connection. Hence it is that Jesus touched infants (Matthew 19:13, 15; Mark 10:13, 16); and that He healed the sick by the touch; and that they were healed who touched Him. Hence it is also that to this day inaugurations into the priesthood are performed by the laying on of hands. From this it is clear that the innocence of parents and the innocence of infants meet each other through the touch, especially of the hands, and so conjoin themselves as if by kisses.

De Amore Conjugiali #396 (original Latin (1768))

396. IX. Quod etiam influat in animas parentum, et conjungat se cum eadem Sphaera apud infantes; et quod imprimis insinuetur per tactum. Influit Innocentia Domini in Angelos Coeli tertii, ubi omnes sunt in Innocentia sapientiae, ac transit Coelos inferiores, sed modo innocentias angelorum ibi, et sic immediate ac mediate in infantes; sunt hi vix aliter quam sicut formae sculptiles, sed usque receptibiles vitae a Domino per Coelos. At nisi etiam parentes illum influxum in animabus suis, ac in intimis mentium suarum, reciperent, frustra ab innocentia infantum afficerentur; adaequatum et homogeneum quid erit in altero, per quod fiat communicatio, et quod faciet receptionem, affectionem, et inde conjunctionem; alioquin foret sicut molle semen cadens super silicem, aut sicut agnus projectus ad lupum: inde nunc est, quod innocentia in animas parentum influens conjungat se cum innocentia infantum.

[2] Quod haec conjunctio fiat mediantibus sensibus corporis, sed imprimis per tactum, apud parentes, potest experientia docere; ut quod intime oblectetur visus ex conspectu illorum, auditus ex loquela illorum, olfactus ex odore illorum: quod imprimis fiat communicatio et inde conjunctio innocentiarum per tactum, evidenter perspicitur ex amaenitate gestationis illorum super ulnis, ex amplexibus et osculationibus, praeprimis apud matres, quae delitiantur ex incubatione oris et faciei illorum super gremiis, et simul tunc ex tactu palmarum illorum ibi; in genere ex suctione uberum et lacticinio; praeter ex palpatione nudi corporis illorum, et ex indefessa opera fasciandi et mundandi illos super genubus suis.

[3] Quod per sensum tactus fiant communicationes amoris et delitiarum ejus inter conjuges, supra aliquoties demonstratum est; quod etiam fiant communicationes mentis per illum, est quia manus sunt ultima hominis, ac prima ejus in ultimis sunt simul; per id etiam continentur omnia corporis et omnia mentis, quae intermedia sunt, in nexu indivulso; inde est, quod Jesus tetigerit infantes, Matth. 19:13, 15. 1Marc. 10:13, 16: quodque sanaverit aegrotos per tactum; et quod sanati sint, qui Ipsum tetigerunt; inde etiam est, quod inaugurationes in Sacerdotium hodie per impositiones manuum fiant. Ex his patet, quod innocentia parentum et innocentia infantum sibi obvient per tactum, imprimis manuum, et sic se tanquam per oscula conjungant.


1. Prima editio: Matth. 17:6.

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