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《婚姻之爱》 第394节











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Conjugial Love #394 (Chadwick (1996))

394. (vii) This sphere is also one of innocence and peace [coming from the Lord].

Innocence and peace are the two most intimate features of heaven. They are so called because they emanate directly from the Lord; for He is innocence itself and peace itself. It is because of innocence the Lord is called the Lamb, and He says of peace:

Peace I leave to you, my peace I give to you. John 14:27.

The same is meant by the peace they were to give as a greeting to a town or a house on entering it; and if it was worthy, peace would come upon it, but if not, their peace would return to them (Matthew 10:11-15). This too is why the Lord is called 'the Prince of Peace' (Isaiah 9:6).

A further reason why innocence and peace are the most intimate features of heaven is that innocence is the being of every good thing, and peace is the blessedness of every pleasure which belongs to good. (See my book HEAVEN AND HELL, on the state of innocence of the angels in heaven, Heaven and Hell 276-283; and on the state of peace in heaven, Heaven and Hell 284-290.)

Conjugial Love #394 (Rogers (1995))

394. 7. This atmosphere is also an atmosphere of innocence and peace from the Lord. Innocence and peace are the two innermost elements of heaven. We call them innermost, because they emanate directly from the Lord. For the Lord is the essence of innocence and the essence of peace. Because of His innocence the Lord is called a Lamb, 1and because of His peace He says, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you" (John 14:27). His peace is also meant as well by the peace with which the twelve disciples were to greet whatever city or household they entered, and if it were worthy, to let the peace come upon it, and if not worthy, to let the peace return (Matthew 10:11-13). For the same reason the Lord is also called the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6-7).

Innocence and peace are the innermost elements of heaven for the further reason that innocence is the very essence of every good, and peace is the serenity of every delight that is connected with good. (See the book, Heaven and Hell, on "The State of Innocence of Angels in Heaven," nos. 276-283, and "The State of Peace in Heaven," nos. 284-290.)


1. As in John 1:29, 36; Revelation 5:6, 8, 12-13, 6:1, 16, 7:9-10, 14, 17, 12:11, 13:8, 14:1, 4, 10, 15:3, 17:14, 19:7, 9, 21:9, 14, 22-23, 27, 22:1, 3.

Love in Marriage #394 (Gladish (1992))

394. 7. This aura is also an aura of innocence and peace from the Lord.

Innocence and peace are the two innermost things of heaven - innermost because they radiate directly from the Lord. For the Lord is innocence itself and peace itself.

In respect to innocence the Lord is called a Lamb. And in respect to peace, He says, "I leave you peace. I give you my peace" (John 14:27). And it is also what the "Peace" means with which they were to greet a city or house that they entered, and if it were worthy, peace would come on it, and if not worthy, the peace would return to them (Matthew 10:11-15). And, also, the Lord is called "Prince of peace" (Isaiah 9:6).

The fact that peace and innocence are the innermost things of heaven is also the reason why innocence is the being of everything good, and peace is the blessing of every joy that has to do with good. (See the book Heaven and Hell, concerning the heavenly angels' state of innocence, nos. Heaven and Hell 276-283, and concerning the state of peace in heaven, nos. 284-290).

Conjugial Love #394 (Acton (1953))

394. VII. THAT THIS SPHERE IS ALSO A SPHERE OF INNOCENCE AND PEACE [FROM THE LORD]. Innocence and peace are the two inmost things of heaven. They are called inmost because they proceed immediately from the Lord, the Lord being Innocence and Peace itself. From innocence, the Lord is called the Lamb, and from peace He said:

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you. John 14:27.

The same is also meant by the peace with which the Disciples were to salute the city or house into which they entered; if it were worthy, peace should come upon it, and, if not worthy, the peace would return to them (Matthew 10:11-15). Hence also the Lord is called the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Moreover, innocence and peace are the inmost things of heaven, innocence being the esse of every good, and peace the blessedness of every delight pertaining to good. See the work on HEAVEN AND HELL, nos. 276-283, On the State of Innocence of the Angels of Heaven, and nos. 284-290, On the State of Peace in Heaven.

Conjugial Love #394 (Wunsch (1937))

394. (vii) This sphere is also a sphere of innocence and peace from the Lord. Innocence and peace are the two inmost things of heaven. They are called "inmost" because they proceed immediately from the Lord; He is Innocence itself and Peace itself. In view of the Innocence the Lord is called "Lamb;" and because of the Peace He says,

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you" (John 14:27).

The same is meant by the peace with which the disciples were to greet a city or home on entering it; if it was worthy, peace should come on it, and if not worthy, their peace would return to them (Matthew 10:11-13). Hence also the Lord is called "The Prince of Peace" (Isaiah 9:6). Innocence and peace are the inmost things of heaven for the further reason that innocence is the esse of all good, and peace the blessedness in every enjoyment of what is good. See the work Heaven and Hell, "The State of Innocence of the Angels of Heaven" (n. 276-283); and "The State of Peace in Heaven" (n. 284-290).

Conjugial Love #394 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

394. (7) That this sphere is also a sphere of innocence and peace. Innocence and peace are the two inmost things of heaven. They are called inmost because they proceed immediately from the Lord; for the Lord is Innocence itself, and Peace itself. From innocence the Lord is called the Lamb, and from peace He said:

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give unto you (John 14:27).

And this is meant also by the peace with which they were to salute a city, or a house, when they entered it.

Which, if worthy, peace should come upon it, and if unworthy the peace should return (Matthew 10:11-15).

Hence also the Lord is called the 'Prince of Peace' (Isaiah 9:5). Innocence and peace are the inmost things of heaven, for the reason too that innocence is the esse of every good and peace is the blessedness of every delight that is of good. See the work on Heaven and Hell, Concerning the State of Innocence of the Angels of Heaven, n. 276-283; and Concerning the State of Peace in Heaven, n. 284-290.

De Amore Conjugiali #394 (original Latin (1768))

394. VII. Quod haec Sphaera etiam sit Sphaera innocentiae et pacis [a Domino] 1. Innocentia et Pax sunt duo intima Coeli; intima dicuntur, quia immediate procedunt a Domino; est enim Dominus Ipsa Innocentia et Ipsa Pax; Dominus ex Innocentia vocatur Agnus, et ex Pace dicit, Pacem relinquo vobis, Pacem meam do vobis, Joh. 14:27; et quoque intelligitur per Pacem, qua salutarent urbem aut domum, quam intrabant, quae si digna esset, veniret Pax super illam, et si non digna, Pax reverteretur, Matth. 10:11-13. 2inde quoque Dominus vocatur Princeps pacis, Esaj. 9:5-6. 3Quod Innocentia et Pax sint intima coeli, est etiam causa, quia Innocentia est esse omnis boni, ac Pax est beatum omnis jucundi quod est boni; videatur Opus de Coelo et inferno, de statu Innocentiae Angelorum Coeli . et de statu Pacis in Coelo, 284-290.


1. Sic in 385, art. VII, supra.

2. Prima editio: 15

3. Biblia Anglica: vv. 6-7.

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