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《婚姻之爱》 第402节








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Conjugial Love #402 (Chadwick (1996))

402. (xiii) The love of children comes down, not up.

This means, as is well known, that it comes down from generation to generation, from sons and daughters to grandchildren, and does not go up from them to the fathers and mothers of families. The reason it increases as it comes down is the love of being fruitful or being of service, and as regards the human race, the love of multiplying it. But the only source of this is from the Lord; in multiplying the human race He aims at the preservation of creation, and as its ultimate aim the heaven of angels, which is solely from the human race. Since the heaven of angels is the aim of all aims and so the love of all loves in the Lord, human souls have implanted in them not only the love of procreating, but also of loving what is successively procreated. This too is why this love is restricted to human beings and is not found in the case of any animal or bird. The reason why this love increases as it comes down is also due to a person's pride in his rank, which likewise grows as his rank becomes higher. It will be seen in a following section (xvi) that the love of rank and pride receives in itself the love of children which flows in from the Lord and makes it as if it were his own.

Conjugial Love #402 (Rogers (1995))

402. 13. A love of little children descends, and does not ascend. In other words, it descends from generation to generation, or from sons and daughters to grandsons and granddaughters, and does not ascend from them to the fathers and mothers of families, as people know. The reason for its increasing as it descends is a love of bearing fruit or producing useful results, and in respect to the human race, a love of proliferating it. This phenomenon, however, takes it origin solely from the Lord, who in the proliferation of the human race looks to the preservation of creation, and, as its final end, to the angelic heaven, which is formed only from the human race. Consequently, because the angelic heaven is in the Lord the principal end and thus His principal love, therefore He has implanted in the souls of people not only a love of procreating, but also of loving the progeny procreated in their successive generations. So it is, too, that this love is found only in man, and not in any animal or bird.

The fact that this love in a person descends in increasing measure is owing also to the vainglory of his honor, which likewise grows in him in accordance with enlargements of his issue. We will see under heading 16. below that a love of honor and glory receives into it the love of little children flowing in from the Lord and makes it seemingly an extension of itself.

Love in Marriage #402 (Gladish (1992))

402. 13. Love for children goes downward, not upward. That is, it goes down from one generation to the next, or from sons and daughters to grandsons and granddaughters and does not go upwards from them to fathers and mothers of families. This is known. The reason the love grows as it descends is the love of bearing offspring or producing useful results, and, where the human race is concerned, the reason is the love of increasing the race. But this has its source only in the Lord, since in the growth of the human race He sees to the preservation of creation and, as the final purpose of this, the angelic heaven, which is from the human race alone. And the heaven of angels is the purpose of purposes and therefore the love of loves for the Lord, so not only is love of having offspring implanted in people's souls, but so is loving the offspring in the following generations. This is why this love is only to be found in people and not in any animal or bird.

In people this love grows as it goes downward because of praise for a good reputation, too. This likewise grows for them as it extends. (A later article, 16, will show that love of reputation and praise accepts into itself love for children, flowing in from the Lord, and makes it like its own.)

Conjugial Love #402 (Acton (1953))

402. XIII. THAT THE LOVE OF INFANTS DESCENDS AND DOES NOT ASCEND, that is, that it descends from generation to generation, or from sons and daughters to grandsons and granddaughters. That it does not ascend from these to fathers and mothers of families is known. The cause of its increase in the descent is the love of fructifying, that is, of producing uses, and, as regards the human race, the love of multiplying the race. This cause, however, derives its origin solely from the Lord; for in the multiplication of the human race, He sees the preservation of creation and, as the ultimate end thereof, an angelic heaven, this being solely from the human race. And because, with the Lord, an angelic heaven is the end of ends and hence the love of loves, therefore, implanted in the souls of men is not only the love of procreating but also the love of the things procreated in their successions. Therefore also, the latter love exists only with man and not with any beast or bird. Moreover, that with man this love increases as it descends, comes from the glory of honor. This likewise increases with him according to the amplification [in the number of his descendants]. That the love of honor and glory receives into itself the love of infants flowing in from the Lord, and makes this its own, as it were, will be seen in article XVI, following.

Conjugial Love #402 (Wunsch (1937))

402. (xiii) Love for children descends and does not ascend. That is, it descends from generation to generation or from sons and daughters to grandsons and granddaughters; as is well known, it does not ascend from these to the fathers and mothers of families. It also increases as it descends, from the love of being fruitful or of producing uses, or in the present instance, from the love of multiplying the race. This has its origin solely in the Lord, who in the multiplication of the race looks to the preservation of the universe, and, as the ultimate end in this, to an angelic heaven, which is solely from the human race. To the Lord, the angelic heaven is the end of ends and hence the love of loves. As a result, there is implanted in the souls of men not only a love of procreating, but also of loving what in succession is procreated. Hence, also, this love is found only with human beings, not with any animal or bird. With man the love of children increases as it descends on account of the glory of honor, too, which heightens with additions to the family. See in section xvi following that the love of honor and glory adopts into itself the love for children which inflows from the Lord, and makes it as it were its own.

Conjugial Love #402 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

402. (13) That the love of infants descends and does not ascend. That is, it descends from generation to generation, or from sons and daughters to grandsons and granddaughters; and it is known that it does not ascend from these to fathers and mothers of families. The cause of its increase in the descent is the love of fructifying or of producing uses; and as respects the human race it is the love of multiplying it. But this cause derives its origin solely from the Lord, in that He, in the multiplication of the human race, looks to the preservation of creation, and as the final end of this to an angelic heaven which is solely from the human race. And because an angelic heaven is the end of ends and hence is the love of loves with the Lord, therefore, there is implanted in the souls of men, not only the love of procreating, but also a love of what is procreated in their successions. It is for that reason also that this love exists only among men and not with any beast or bird. That with man this love descends with increase is also from the glory of honor, which likewise increases with him according to its extension. That the love of honor and of glory receives into itself the love of infants inflowing from the Lord and makes this as its own, will be seen in Section 16 following.

De Amore Conjugiali #402 (original Latin (1768))

402. XIII. Quod Amor infantum descendat, et non ascendat; hoc est, quod descendat a generatione in generationem, seu a filiis et filiabus ad nepotes et neptes, et quod non ab his ad patres et matres familias, ascendat, notum est; causa incrementi ejus in descensu est amor fructificandi seu producendi usus, et quoad Genus humanum, est Amor multiplicandi illud; sed hoc unice ducit originem ex Domino, quod Ipse in multiplicatione Generis humani spectet conservationem creationis, ac ut finem hujus ultimum, Coelum angelicum, quod unice est ex Genere humano; et quia Coelum Angelicum est finis finium, et inde amor amorum apud Dominum, ideo est animabus hominum implantatus non modo Amor procreandi, sed etiam amandi procreata in successionibus; inde etiam est, quod hic amor solum detur apud hominem, et non apud aliquam bestiam et avem. Quod hic Amor apud hominem descendat crescendo, est quoque ex gloria honoris, quae similiter apud illum secundum amplificationes accrescit; quod Amor honoris et gloriae recipiat 1in se amorem infantum influentem a Domino, et hunc faciat sicut suum, in Articulo sequente XVI. videbitur.


1. Prima editio: recipiae

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