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《婚姻之爱》 第403节





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Conjugial Love #403 (Chadwick (1996))

403. (xiv) The state of love in wives is different before they conceive from what it is afterwards up to the time of birth.

This point is brought in to make it known that the love of procreating, and hence the subsequent love of what is procreated, is innate in women's conjugial love. These two loves in their 1case are divided, when the purpose, the love of procreating, begins to develop. There is plenty of evidence that then parental affection is transferred from the wife to the husband, and also that then the love of procreating, which, as already said, in the case of a woman makes one with her conjugial love, is not similar.

Conjugial Love #403 (Rogers (1995))

403. 14. The state of love that wives have before conception is of one character, and of another character after conception to the time of birth. We mention this in order to make known that a love of procreating and the subsequent love of the child procreated are implanted in women in their conjugial love, but that these two loves are separated in her when the end, which is the love of procreating, commences its progress. It is apparent from a number of indications that love for the child or storge is then transmitted from the wife to the husband, and also that the love of procreating, which in a woman is united, as said, with her conjugial love, is then not the same.

Love in Marriage #403 (Gladish (1992))

403. 14. The state of wives' love before conception is different than it is from conception until birth. This is mentioned in order to make it known that love of having offspring, and consequent love for the offspring, are implanted in married love in women, and that these two loves are divided in a woman when the purpose, which is love of having offspring, begins its process.

It is clear from many signs that then parental love carries over from the wife to the husband, and also that then the love of having offspring, which in a woman unites with her love of marriage, is not the same, as was said.

Conjugial Love #403 (Acton (1953))

403. XIV. THAT WIVES HAVE ONE STATE OF LOVE BEFORE CONCEPTION, AND ANOTHER AFTER IT UP TO THE BIRTH. This is adduced, to the end that it may be known that in the conjugial love with women, is implanted the love of procreating and the consequent love of that which is procreated; and that, when the end which is the love of procreating, commences its progression, these two loves in her are divided. That the love storge is then transferred from the wife into the husband, and that the love of procreating which, with a woman, as already stated, makes one with her conjugial love, is not then the same, is manifest from many indications.

Conjugial Love #403 (Wunsch (1937))

403. (xiv) Wives have one state of love before conception and another after it up to the birth. This is adduced that it may be known that the love of procreating and the consequent love of what is procreated are implanted in the marital love of women, and that these two loves in her separate when the end, which is the love of procreating, begins its own progress. Several indications make it plain that the love called storge is then transmitted by the wife to her husband, and that the love of procreating, which in woman makes one, as we have said, with her marital love, is not the same then either.

Conjugial Love #403 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

403. (14) That wives have one state of love before conception, and another state after it even to the bringing forth. This is adduced to the end that it may be known, that the love of procreating and the consequent love of what is procreated are with women inherent in conjugial love; and that these two loves in her are divided when the end which is the love of procreating begins its progression. That then the love storge is transferred from the wife into the husband; and also that then the love of procreating, which with woman makes one with her conjugial love, as has been said, is not similar is manifest from many indications.

De Amore Conjugiali #403 (original Latin (1768))

403. XIV. Quod alius status amoris uxoribus sit ante conceptionem, et alius status post illam usque ad partum. Hoc adducitur ob finem ut sciatur, quod Amor procreandi, et inde sequens Amor procreati sit insitus Amori conjugiali apud foeminas, et quod bini illi amores apud illam dividantur, dum finis, qui est Amor procreandi, inchoat suam progressionem: quod tunc ab uxore Amor storge transferatur in maritum, et quoque quod tunc Amor procreandi, qui apud foeminam unum facit cum amore conjugiali ejus, ut dictum est, non similis sit, ex pluribus indiciis patet.

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