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《婚姻之爱》 第404节







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Conjugial Love #404 (Chadwick (1996))

404. (xv) There are spiritual reasons, and hence natural ones, for the linking of the parents' conjugial love with their love of children.

The spiritual reasons are so that the human race may be multiplied, and from this the heaven of angels may be enlarged. Thus people may be born who will become angels, serving the Lord by being useful in heaven, and by their association with people also on earth. Every person has angels given by the Lord to associate with him, and they are so closely linked that if they were taken away the person would instantly die.

The natural reasons why these two loves are linked are so that people may be born who will perform services in human communities, and so that people may be incorporated into communities as members. These are the natural and spiritual reasons for the love of children and for conjugial love, as married couples themselves think and sometimes admit, when they say that they have enriched heaven with as many angels as they have descendants, and that they have adorned their communities with as many servants as they have children.

Conjugial Love #404 (Rogers (1995))

404. 15. Conjugial love is conjoined with a love of little children in parents by spiritual motivations and consequent natural ones. The spiritual motivations are to bring about a proliferation of the human race and from it an enlargement of the angelic heaven, and so to give birth to those who will become angels, serving the Lord in the performance of useful services in heaven and, by association with people, also on earth. (For every person has angels associated with him by the Lord, with whom there is such a conjunction that, if they were taken away, the person would in an instant collapse.)

The natural motivations causing a conjunction of these two loves are to give birth to those who may contribute useful services in human societies, and to bring about their incorporation into those societies as members.

That these spiritual and natural motivations are connected with a love of little children and conjugial love is something married partners themselves also think and sometimes declare, saying that they have enriched heaven with as many angels as they have descendants, and that they have embellished society with as many contributors as they have children.

Love in Marriage #404 (Gladish (1992))

404. 15. Love in marriage is connected with love for children in parents for spiritual reasons and therefore for worldly ones. The spiritual reasons are to multiply the human race and to increase the angelic heaven from it, and so that those who will become angels will be born - serving the Lord for useful things in heaven, and also in the world through association with the people on earth. For the Lord does associate angels with every person. They are associated in such a way that if they were removed a person would immediately fall down dead.

The earthly reasons for the connection of the two loves are for those who carryon useful activities in human communities to be born and be incorporated in the communities as members.

Married partners themselves think that these are the worldly and spiritual reasons for love of children and love of marriage, and they sometimes express it, saying that they have enriched heaven with as many angels as they had offspring and that they have distinguished society with as many helpers as they had children.

Conjugial Love #404 (Acton (1953))

404. XV. THAT WITH PARENTS, CONJUGIAL LOVE IS CONJOINED WITH THE LOVE OF INFANTS BY SPIRITUAL CAUSES, AND BY NATURAL CAUSES THEREFROM. The spiritual causes are: That the human race may be multiplied and the angelic heaven therefrom enlarged; thus, that those may be born who will become angels, serving the Lord in the performance of uses in heaven and, by consociation with men, also on earth; for angels are associated by the Lord with every man, and such is the conjunction with them that were they taken away the man would die in a moment. The natural causes of the conjunction of these two loves are: That those may be born who will perform uses in human societies, and will be incorporated therein as members. That the latter are the natural and the former the spiritual causes of the love of infants and of conjugial love, is also the thought of married partners themselves. Moreover, they sometimes declare it, saying that they have enriched heaven with as many angels as they have descendants, and have put their mark upon society With as many servants as they have children.

Conjugial Love #404 (Wunsch (1937))

404. (xv) Spiritual causes and natural causes thence conjoin marital love in parents with love for children. The spiritual causes are that the human race may be multiplied and the angelic heaven therefrom enlarged, thus that men may be born to become angels, serving the Lord to do uses in heaven, and on earth, also, by association with men (for the Lord associates angels with every man, the conjunction being such that were they taken away, the man would instantly expire). The natural causes of the conjunction of the two loves are that people may be born to do uses in human society and be incorporated in it as members. Parents themselves think and sometimes say that there are such natural and spiritual causes of love for children and of marital love, declaring that they have enriched heaven with as many angels as they have had descendants, and endowed society with as many helpers as they have had children.

Conjugial Love #404 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

404. (15) That conjugial love is conjoined with the love of infants with parents, by causes spiritual and hence natural. The spiritual causes are: that the human race may be multiplied and from this the angelic heaven enlarged, and thus that there may be born those who will become angels, serving the Lord for performing uses in heaven and also by consociation with men on earth; for angels are associated with every man by the Lord, with whom there is such conjunction that if they were removed man would fall down in a moment. The natural causes of the conjunction of these two loves are, that those may be born who will perform uses in human societies and be incorporated in them as members. That there are these natural and those spiritual causes of the love of infants and of conjugial love, even the married partners themselves think and sometimes declare, saying, that they have enriched heaven with as many angels as they have had descendants, and have furnished society with as many helpers as they have borne children.

De Amore Conjugiali #404 (original Latin (1768))

404. XV. Quod Amor conjugialis cum amore infantum apud parentes conjungatur per causas spirituales et inde naturales. Causae spirituales sunt, ut multiplicetur Genus humanum, et ex hoc amplificetur Coelum angelicum, et sic nascantur qui fient Angeli, inservientes Domino ad faciendum usus in Coelo, et per consociationem cum hominibus etiam in terris; unicuique enim homini a Domino associati sunt Angeli, cum quibus est talis conjunctio, ut si auferrentur, momento occumberet homo. Causae naturales conjunctionis duorum illorum amorum sunt, ut nascantur qui in societatibus humanis ferant usus, ac ut illis incorporentur ut membra. Quod hae naturales et illae spirituales causae amoris infantum et amoris conjugialis sint, etiam ipsi conjuges cogitant et quandoque declarant, dicendo, quod tot angelis quot prognatis locupletaverint Coelum, et quod Societatem tot ministris quot liberis insigniverint.

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