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《婚姻之爱》 第468节










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Conjugial Love #468 (Chadwick (1996))

468. (vi) The lawful reasons for having a concubine of this kind are those which are lawful grounds for divorce, when the wife is none the less kept at home.

Divorce means the abolition of the marriage compact leading to full separation, and followed by the freedom to marry another wife. The sole reason for this total separation or divorce is promiscuity as laid down by the Lord (Matthew 19:9). Included under the same heading are cases of obvious obscenity which ruin modesty and fill the house with criminal pandering, making it uncomfortable to live in; this gives rise to the shamelessness of a prostitute, the result of a totally dissolute mind. To this may be added malicious desertion involving promiscuity, which causes a wife to become promiscuous and so to be rejected (Matthew 5:32). These three reasons, being lawful grounds for divorce, the first and third before a judge and the second in the husband's own judgment, are lawful reasons for taking a concubine, but only when the wife is kept on at home. Promiscuity is the sole reason for divorce, because it is the diametrical opposite of the life of conjugial love, being so pernicious as to murder it (255 above).

Conjugial Love #468 (Rogers (1995))

468. 6. Legitimate reasons for taking a mistress in such a circumstance are the same as those for legitimate divorce, when the wife is nevertheless retained in the home. By divorce we mean an abolishment of the marriage covenant and thus complete separation, with full liberty after that to take another wife. The only ground for this total separation or divorce is licentiousness, according to the Lord's precept (Matthew 19:9). 1Relating to the same ground are also manifest obscenities which do away with decency and fill and infest the home with disgraceful panderings, giving rise to a licentious shamelessness into which the whole mind is dissolved.

To these is added malicious desertion which involves licentiousness, causing the wife to commit whoredom and so to be rejected (Matthew 5:32). 2

These three instances, because they are legitimate grounds for divorce - the first and third before a public judge, and the second before the husband as judge - are also legitimate grounds for taking a mistress, though when the adulterous wife is retained in the home.

Licentiousness is the only reason for divorce because it is diametrically opposed to the life of conjugial love and destroys it even to the point of extinction (see above, no. 255).


1. "...whoever divorces his wife, excepting for licentiousness, and marries another, commits adultery...."

2. "...whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of licentiousness, causes her to commit whoredom...."

Love in Marriage #468 (Gladish (1992))

468. 6. The legitimate reasons for divorce, when the wife is nevertheless kept in the house, are legitimate reasons for this type of concubinage.

Divorce means abolishing a marriage contract, and full separation on account of it, and afterwards complete freedom to take another wife. The only reason for this total separation or divorce is illicit sex, according to the Lord's instructions (Matthew 19:9). And in the same category are open obscenities. They remove modesty and fill and infest the home with a shameful bawdiness, producing sexual immodesties that your whole mind is dissolved in. Add to these ill-willed desertion that involves illicit sex and makes the wife commit adultery and be rejected for it (Matthew 5:32). These three reasons are legitimate reasons for divorce - the first and third in the eyes of a public judge and the second in the man's own judgment - so they are also legitimate reasons to have a concubine, in case the adulterous wife is kept on in the home.

The reason why illicit sex is the only cause of divorce is that it is diametrically opposed to the life of married love and destroys it until it is exterminated (see no. 255 above).

Conjugial Love #468 (Acton (1953))

468. VI. THAT THE LEGITIMATE CAUSES OF THIS CONCUBINAGE ARE LEGITIMATE CAUSES OF DIVORCE, THE WIFE BEING NEVERTHELESS RETAINED IN THE HOME. By divorce is meant the abolition of the conjugial covenant and thus plenary separation and entire liberty thereafter to take another wife. The one only cause of this total separation or divorce is whoredom, according to the Lord's precept in Matthew 19:9. Referable to the same cause are also manifest obscenities which banish modesty and fill and infest the house with shameful panderings, from which arises a scortatory shamelessness into which the whole mind is dissolved. To these causes is added malicious desertion which involves whoredom and causes the wife to commit adultery and thus to be put away (Matthew 5:32). These three causes, being legitimate causes of divorce the first and third before a public judge, and the second before the man himself as judge, are also legitimate causes of concubinage, in case the adulterous wife is retained in the home. That whoredom is the one only cause of divorce is because it is diametrically opposite to the life of conjugial love and destroys it even to the point of extermination. See above (no. 255).

Conjugial Love #468 (Wunsch (1937))

468. (vi) The lawful causes of divorce, when despite divorce the wife is retained in the home, constitute the lawful causes of this concubinage. By divorce is meant the abolition of the marriage covenant and hence complete separation, after which there is all liberty to marry again. The one cause of this total separation or divorce is whoredom, according to the Lord's precept (Matthew 19:9). With this same cause belong manifest obscenities which destroy all shame and fill and infest the home with infamous allurements, out of which a scortatory shamelessness arises into which the whole mind dissolves. Add to these malicious desertion involving whoredom, and leading to the wife's adultery and thus repudiation (Matthew 5:32). These three causes, being lawful causes of divorce, the first and third before a public judge, and the second before the man as judge, are also lawful causes of concubinage, in case the adulterous wife is retained in the home. Whoredom is the sole cause of divorce for the reason that it is diametrically opposite to the life of marital love and destroys it even to the point of extermination (see above,255).

Conjugial Love #468 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

468. (6) That the legitimate causes of this concubinage are the legitimate causes of divorce, while the wife is nevertheless retained at home. By divorce is meant the abolition of the conjugial covenant and thence complete separation, and entire liberty after that to take another wife. The only cause of this total separation or divorce is scortation, according to the Lord's precept in Matthew 19:9. To the same cause belong also manifest obscenities, which dissolve modesty, and fill and infest the house with infamous intrigues, from which arises a scortatory shamelessness in which the whole mind is dissolved. Add to these, malicious desertion which involves scortation and causes the wife to commit adultery and thus to be put away (Matthew 5:32). These three, because they are the legitimate causes of divorce, the first and the third before a public judge, and the second before the man as judge, are also legitimate causes of concubinage, but when the adulterous wife is retained at home. That scortation is the only cause of divorce, because it is diametrically opposite to the life of conjugial love, and destroys it even to the point of extermination, may be seen above, n. 255.

De Amore Conjugiali #468 (original Latin (1768))

468. VI. Quod causae legitimae hujus concubinatus, sint causae legitimae divortii, cum uxor nihilominus retinetur domi. Per divortium intelligitur abolitio foederis conjugialis, et inde plenaria separatio, et post hanc integra libertas ducendi aliam uxorem; totalis hujus separationis seu divortii causa unica est scortatio, secundum praeceptum Domini, Matth. 19:9. Ad eandem etiam se referunt manifestae obscoenitates, quae solvunt pudorem, ac flagitiosis lenociniis implent et infestant domum, ex quibus impudicitia scortatoria, in quam tota mens est dissoluta, exstat. His accedit malitiosa desertio, quae involvit scortationem, ac facit uxorem moechari, et sic repudiari, Matth. 5:32. Hae tres causae, quia sunt legitimae divortii, prima et tertia coram judice publico, ac media coram judice viro, sunt etiam causae legitimae concubinatus; sed quando uxor moecha retinetur domi. Quod scortatio sit unica causa divortii, est quia e diametro est opposita vitae amoris conjugialis, et hanc usque ad internecionem destruit, videatur supra255

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