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《婚姻之爱》 第482节
















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Conjugial Love #482 (Chadwick (1996))

482. (iii) Double adultery is between a husband and another man's wife, or the converse of this.

This is called double adultery, because it is committed by both parties, each of whom violates the marriage compact. It is therefore twice as serious as the previous type. We said above (480) that the conjugial love of one man with one wife after their engagement and marriage compact unites their souls, and this union is the very love itself in its origin; and that this is blocked and stopped up by adultery, like water bubbling up and forming a stream from a spring. The couple's souls are united, when sexual love is restricted to one person of the opposite sex, as happens when a girl has pledged herself wholly to a young man, and in return he has pledged himself wholly to the girl. This is obvious from the fact that their lives are united, and in consequence so are their souls, because these are the first beginnings of life. The union of souls is impossible except in monogamous marriages, that is, between one man and one woman; it is impossible in polygamous marriages, that is, between one man and several women, because in this case love is divided, and in the other case united.

The reason why conjugial love in this its highest location is spiritual, holy and pure is that the soul of every human being is in origin heavenly. It there receives direct influence from the Lord, for it receives from Him the marriage of love and wisdom, that is, of good and truth, and it is this which makes him human, and distinguishes him from animals.

[2] From this union of souls, conjugial love, which is there in its spiritual holiness and purity, flows down into the life of the whole body, and fills it with blessed joys, so long as the path of its outflow remains open, as happens with those whom the Lord makes spiritual. Nothing else so blocks and stops up this location, or spring and outflow, of conjugial love as adultery, as is clear from the Lord's words, when He said that only on account of adultery was it allowed to divorce a wife and marry another (Matthew 19:4-9); and also from the statement in this passage that anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery (verse 9). So when that pure and holy spring is stopped up, it is, as said before, encumbered with foulness, like a gem surrounded with dung or a loaf with vomit; such foulness is totally opposed to the purity and holiness of that spring, that is, conjugial love. This opposition produces coldness in marriage, and proportionate to this is the wanton pleasuring of scortatory love, which destroys itself of its own accord. This is a sinful evil, because what is holy is covered over, and its outflow into the body is obstructed, and what is profane takes its place and the outflow of this into the body is opened up. As a result the person becomes hellish instead of heavenly.

Conjugial Love #482 (Rogers (1995))

482. 3. Double adultery is the adultery of a married man with the wife of another, or vice versa. We call this double adultery, because it is committed by each of the two and the covenant of marriage is violated on both sides. Therefore it is doubly more grave than the first kind.

We said above (no. 480) that following the pledge and covenant, the conjugial love of one man with one wife unites their souls; that this union is the love itself in its origin; and that adultery closes it off and stops it up, like one who closes off and stops up the source and flow of a spring. It is clearly apparent that the souls of the two unite when love for the opposite sex is confined to one of the sex - as happens when a young woman has pledged herself wholly to a young man and the young man conversely has pledged himself wholly to the young woman - from the fact their two lives unite, consequently their souls, because these are their life in its beginnings. This union of souls is possible only in monogamous marriages or marriages of one man with one wife; but not in polygamous marriages or marriages of one man with more than one wife; because in the latter love is divided, in the former united.

Conjugial love in this, its highest seat, is spiritual, holy and pure, because the soul of every person from its origin is celestial; consequently it receives influx from the Lord directly; for it receives from Him a marriage of love and wisdom or good and truth, and this influx makes the person a human being and sets him apart from animals.

[2] From this union of souls, where it is in its spiritual holiness and purity, conjugial love flows down into the life of the entire body and fills it with blessed delights, so long as its course remains open, as is the case in people who from the Lord become spiritual.

Nothing else closes off and stops up this seat, source, or wellspring of conjugial love and its flow but adultery, as is apparent from the Lord's words, that only on the ground of licentiousness is it lawful for one to divorce his wife and marry another (Matthew 19:4-9); and from this statement in the same passage, that whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery (Matthew 19:9). When, therefore, this pure and holy wellspring is stopped up, as described above, it is, like a jewel in excrement or bread in vomit, encompassed by foul pollutions that are altogether opposed to the purity and sanctity of that spring which is conjugial love. From that opposition arises coldness to the marriage, and in the measure of that coldness the libidinous lasciviousness of licentious love, which spontaneously consumes itself. This is a sinful evil, because it covers over something holy and thus obstructs its course into the body, allowing something profane to take its place and open its course into the body, so that from being heavenly the person becomes hellish.

Love in Marriage #482 (Gladish (1992))

482. 3. Double adultery is adultery of a husband with another's wife, or the other way around. This adultery is called double because two commit it. Each of them violates the marriage vow, so it is twice as serious as the former kind.

It said above (no. 480) that the married love of one man with one wife joins their souls after the agreement and vow, and that this union is married love itself in its origin, and that adultery closes this and stops it up like the bubbling and flow of a spring.

It is clear that the two people's souls join when love for the other sex is restricted to one woman or one man of the other sex which happens when the young woman totally pledges herself to the young man and, vice versa, the young man totally pledges himself to the young woman - because the lives of each join together, and so their souls do, because these are the origins of life. This union of souls is possible only in monogamous marriages, or marriage of one man with one wife, but not in polygamous marriages, or marriage of one man with more than one woman, because in these, love is split up, and in the others it is united.

Married love is spiritual, holy, and pure in this highest temple for the reason that every person's soul is heavenly by its origin, so it receives influence directly from the Lord, for it receives from Him a marriage of love and wisdom, or of good and truth, and this influence makes a person a person and distinguishes him from the animals. From this union of souls, married love, which is in its spiritual holiness and purity in this union, flows down into the life of your whole body and fills it with blessed pleasures as long as its stream stays open - which happens in those whom the Lord makes spiritual. From the Lord's words that it is lawful to put away a wife and take another only because of adultery (Matthew 19:4-9), it is clear that only adultery closes and stops up this seat, source, or spring of married love and its stream, and also from these words there, that he who takes the divorced wife commits adultery (5:9). So when that pure, holy spring is stopped up, as said above, it becomes packed with foulness, like a precious stone packed in dung, or a loaf of bread full of vomit - things which are totally opposite to the purity and holiness of that spring, or married love. From this opposition comes marital coldness, and in keeping with this, a lascivious pleasure in illicit love, which willingly destroys itself.

This is an evil of sin because the holiness is covered up, so its flow into your body is thwarted, and a profane thing comes in place of it, whose flow into your body is opened. This changes a person from heavenly to hellish.

Conjugial Love #482 (Acton (1953))

482. III. THAT DOUBLE ADULTERY IS THAT OF A HUSBAND WITH THE WIFE OF ANOTHER, OR THE REVERSE. It is called double adultery because committed by two, the marriage covenant being violated by both. It is therefore twofold more grievous than the former. It was said above (no. 480), that after the pact and covenant, the conjugial love of one man with one wife unites their souls; that this union is the love itself in its origin; and that by adultery this origin is shut off and stopped up, like the spring and flow of a fountain. That the souls of two unite when love to the sex is restricted to the one woman or the one man of the sex, as is the case when a maiden has pledged herself wholly to a young man, and the young man has pledged himself wholly to the maiden, is clearly evident from the fact that the lives of the two unite, and so also their souls, these being the beginnings of their life. This union of souls is possible only in monogamous marriages, that is, the marriages of one man with one wife. It is not possible in polygamous marriages or marriages of a man with several wives; for in the latter, the love is divided, but in the former it is united. That in this its highest seat, conjugial love is spiritual, holy, and pure, is because, from its origin, every man's soul is celestial and therefore receives influx immediately from the Lord; for it receives from Him the marriage of love and wisdom or of good and truth, and this influx makes him a man and distinguishes him from beasts. From this union of souls, conjugial love, which, in the soul is in its spiritual holiness and purity, flows down into the life of the whole body and, so long as its vein remains open, fills that life with blessed delights. This it does with those who from the Lord become spiritual. That nothing but adultery shuts off and stops up this seat and origin of conjugial love and this fountain and its flow, is evident from the Lord's words that it is not lawful for a man to put away his wife and marry another except for adultery (Matthew 19:4-9); and from these words in the same place:

Whoso marrieth her that is put away committeth adultery. Matthew 5:9.

When, therefore, as said above, this pure and holy fountain is shut off, then, like a gem surrounded with excrement, or bread with vomit, it is surrounded with filthy things which are altogether opposite to the purity and holiness of that fountain, namely, conjugial love. From this opposition comes conjugial cold, and in accordance therewith the lascivious pleasure of scortatory love--a love which spontaneously consumes itself. That this is an evil of sin is because what is holy is covered up, and its flow into the body is thus obstructed. In its place then comes what is profane, and the flow thereof into the body is opened. Hence, from being heavenly, the man becomes infernal.

Conjugial Love #482 (Wunsch (1937))

482. (iii) Double adultery is that of a husband with another' s wife, or the reverse. This is called double adultery because it is committed by two and a covenant of marriage is violated on each side, wherefore, too, it is twice as serious as the first. We said above (480) that the marital love of one man with one wife after the pact and covenant unites the souls; that the union of souls is this very love in its origin; and that by adultery this origin is closed in and blocked up like the source and stream of a fountain. The lives of two, consequently the souls which are the beginnings of the life, unite, obviously, when love for the sex is restricted to one of the sex, as it is when a virgin pledges all herself to a youth and the youth all himself to the virgin. Union of souls is possible only in monogamous marriages or of one man with one wife, but not in polygamous or of one man with more than one wife; for the love in polygamous marriages is divided; in monogamous, united. Marital love is also spiritual, holy and pure in the soul, its highest abode, because every one's soul is by origin heavenly, and therefore receives influx from the Lord directly, receiving the marriage of love and wisdom or of good and truth from Him - an influx which makes man a human being and distinguishes him from the beasts. Out of the union of souls, where it is in its spiritual holiness and purity, marital love flows into all the body's life, filling this with blessed delights as long as the channel remains open, as is the case with such as become spiritual at the Lord's hands. Adultery alone shuts in and blocks up this abode and origin or fountain of marital love and its flow, as is plain from the Lord's words that only for adultery may one dismiss one's wife and marry another (Matthew 19:4-9); likewise from the words that he who marries the divorced woman commits adultery (verse 9). When, therefore, this pure and holy fountain is shut up, it is encompassed (as we said before) by filth, as a gem is with ordure or bread with vomit, that is, with what is altogether opposite to the purity and holiness of marital love and its fountain. From this opposition comes marital cold and in accord with this cold there comes the lascivious and self-consuming pleasure of scortatory love. This evil is an evil of sin because what is holy is overlaid and its passage into the body prevented; in its place the profane succeeds and a way is opened into the body for it; then, from being heavenly man turns infernal.

Conjugial Love #482 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

482. (3) That double adultery is that of a husband with the wife of another, or the converse. This is called double adultery because it is committed by two, and by each of them the marriage covenant is violated; wherefore also it is twofold more grievous than the former. It was said just above at n. 480, that the conjugial love of one man with one wife, after the pact and covenant, unites the souls; and that this union is the love itself in its origin, and that by adultery this is closed and stopped up, like the spring and flow of a fountain. That the souls of two unite themselves when the love of the sex on the part of each is restricted to one of the sex, which takes place when the virgin pledges herself wholly to the young man, and on the other hand the young man pledges himself wholly to the virgin, is very plain from the fact that the lives of both unite themselves; consequently, the souls, because these are the beginnings of life. There cannot be this union of souls except in monogamous marriages, or marriages of one man with one wife; but not in polygamous marriages, or of a man with more wives than one, because in these the love is divided, in those it is united. That in this, its highest seat, conjugial love is spiritual, holy, and pure, is from the cause that the soul of every man by virtue of its origin is celestial, and therefore, receives influx immediately from the Lord, for it receives from Him the marriage of love and wisdom, or of good and truth, and this influx makes him man, and distinguishes him from beasts. From this union of souls conjugial love, which there is in its spiritual holiness and purity, flows down into the life of the whole body, and fills it with blessed delights so long as its flow remains open, which it does with those who from the Lord become spiritual. That nothing else but adultery closes up and stops this seat and origin, or fountain of conjugial love and its flow, is plain from the Lord's words in Matthew 19:4-9 that: 'It is not lawful for a man to put away his wife and marry another except for adultery;' and from these words in the same place, that: 'Whoso shall marry her that is put away committeth adultery' (ver. 9). When therefore, this pure and holy fountain is stopped up as was said before, it is encompassed with foulness, as a gem with excrement, or as bread with vomit, the very opposite to the purity and holiness of that fountain, or of conjugial love; from which opposition comes conjugial cold, and according to this the lascivious pleasure of scortatory love, which spontaneously consumes itself. This is an evil of sin, because what is holy is covered up and its flow into the body thus obstructed, and there succeeds in its place what is profane, and the flow of this into the body is opened. Thence from heavenly, man becomes infernal.

De Amore Conjugiali #482 (original Latin (1768))

482. III. Quod Adulterium duplicatum sit mariti cum alterius uxore, seu vicissim. Hoc Adulterium duplicatum vocatur, quia a duobus fit, ac utrinque violatur foedus conjugii, quare etiam duplo gravius priori est. Dictum est supra, 480, quod Amor conjugialis unius viri cum una uxore post pactum et foedus uniat animas, et quod unio illa sit ipse ille Amor in sua origine, et quod haec per adulterium, sicut scaturigo et vena fontis, occludatur et obturetur; quod duorum animae se uniant, quando amor ad sexum restringitur ad unam seu ad unum e sexu, quod fit dum virgo se totam pacta est juveni, ac vicissim juvenis se totum pactus est virgini, patet clare ex eo, quod utriusque vitae se uniant, consequenter animae, quia hae sunt principia vitae: haec unio animarum non dabilis est nisi quam in Conjugiis monogamicis seu unius viri cum una uxore, non autem in Conjugiis polygamicis seu unius viri cum pluribus, quia in his est Amor divisus, in illis unitus: quod Amor conjugialis in suprema hac sede sit spiritualis, sanctus et purus, est causa, quia anima cujusvis hominis ex origine sua est coelestis, quare illa a Domino immediate recipit influxum, recipit enim ab Ipso conjugium amoris et sapientiae, seu boni et veri, et hic influxus facit illum hominem, et distinguit a bestiis.

[2] Ex hac unione animarum, Amor conjugialis, qui ibi est in spirituali sua sanctitate et puritate, defluit in vitam totius corporis, ac implet illam beatis jucundis, quamdiu vena ejus aperta manet, quod fit apud illos, qui a Domino spirituales fiunt. Quod nihil aliud hanc amoris conjugialis sedem, originem, seu fontem et ejus venam, occludat et obturet, quam adulterium, patet a Domini verbis, quod solum propter adulterium liceat dimittere uxorem, et aliam ducere, Matth. 19:4-9; tum ex his ibi, quod qui dimissam ducit, adulterium committat, Vers. 19. Cum itaque purus et sanctus ille fons obturatur, ut supra dictum est, circumstipatur ille foeditatibus, sicut gemma stercoribus, aut panis vomitu, quae puritati et sanctitati illius fontis seu Amoris conjugialis prorsus opposita sunt; ex qua oppositione est frigus conjugiale, et secundum hoc est lascivum volupe amoris scortatorii, quod se sponte consumit: 2quod hoc sit malum peccati, est quia sanctum operitur, et sic vena ejus in corpus obstruitur, et loco ejus prophanum succedit, et hujus vena in corpus aperitur; inde homo a coelesti fit infernalis.


1. Prima editio: Vers (absque puncto)


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