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《婚姻之爱》 第483节




















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Conjugial Love #483 (Chadwick (1996))

483. To this I shall add some facts from the spiritual world which are worth relating.

I heard there that some married men have a lust for promiscuity with inexperienced women or virgins, some for experienced women or whores; some for married women or wives; some for such women of noble families, and some for women of the lower classes. I have been convinced in that world of the truth of this by numerous examples from various kingdoms .

When I thought about the variety of such lusts, I asked whether there were men who seek all their pleasure with other men's wives and none with unmarried women. So to prove to me that there were, a number were brought to me from a certain kingdom, who were compelled to speak as their lustful nature dictated. These said that their sole pleasure and joy had been, and still was, to misbehave with other men's wives. They said that they picked out the beautiful ones for themselves, and hired them for as high a fee as their wealth allowed. For the most part they agreed the fee with the women alone.

I asked why they did not hire unmarried women. They said that this was too common for them, being inherently worthless and devoid of any pleasure. I asked again whether these wives afterwards went back to their husbands and lived with them. They replied that they either did not, or did so coldly, since they had become promiscuous.

[2] I then asked them very seriously whether they had ever considered, or were now considering, that this was double adultery, since they did it while themselves married; and that such adultery robbed a person of all spiritual good. This caused many of those present to laugh, and they said, 'What is spiritual good?'

But I insisted and said, 'What is more detestable than to mix one's own soul in a wife with her husband's soul? Don't you know that a man's soul is in his semen?' At this they turned away and murmured, 'What harm does it do there?' At last I said, 'Although you are not afraid of God's laws, are you not afraid of the civil law?' 'No,' they answered, 'only of some of the clergy, but we keep this from them; and if we cannot, we keep on good terms with them.' Afterwards I saw them divided into groups, some of which were thrown into hell.

Conjugial Love #483 (Rogers (1995))

483. To this I will add some particulars from the spiritual world that are worthy of mention.

I have heard there that some married men have a lust to carry on licentiously with other women - some with undeflowered women or virgins; some with experienced women or harlots; some with married women or wives; some with such as are of noble birth; and some with such as are of humble birth. I have been assured that this is the case from the evidence of many from various countries in that world.

When I was once deliberating on the variety of these lusts, I inquired whether there are men who experience delight only with the wives of others, and none with unmarried women. Therefore, in order to show me that there are, a number of them from a certain country were brought to me and made to speak in accordance with their libidinous nature. They said that they had found and also continued to find their only pleasure and delight in committing whoredom with the wives of others. Moreover, they said they procure for themselves beautiful ones and pay them for their services at a great price, according to their means; for the most part agreeing on the price with the woman alone.

I asked why they did not procure for themselves the services of unmarried women.

They said that that was, for them, too commonplace, being in itself nothing special and so empty of delight.

I asked further whether these wives afterwards went back to their husbands and continued to live with them.

They replied that either they did not or they did so coldly, because they had become whores.

[2] After that I inquired of them seriously whether they had ever considered, or whether they considered now, that what they did was double adultery, because they did it while being themselves married, and that such adultery devastates a person of every spiritual good.

In response to this, however, most of those who were there laughed and said, "What is spiritual good?"

Nevertheless I persisted, saying, "What is more abhorrent than to commingle one's own soul with the soul of the husband in his wife? Do you not know that a man's soul is present in his seed or sperm?"

At this they turned away and muttered, "What harm is there in that?"

Finally I said, "Even though you do not fear Divine laws, are you not afraid of the civil laws?"

They replied that they were not - "only of some of the clergy of the church," they said, "but in their presence we conceal what we are doing; and if we cannot, we ingratiate ourselves with them."

I afterwards saw these men divided into groups and some of the groups cast into hell.

Love in Marriage #483 (Gladish (1992))

483. I add to these observations some things from the spiritual world that are worth recording.

I heard there that some married men take pleasure in fornicating with inexperienced women, or virgins, some with women who are not virgins, or prostitutes, some with married women, or wives, some with women from the nobility, and some with women who are not highborn. I have been convinced that this is so by many people from different countries, in that world.

While I was thinking about the variety of these passions I asked if there are any who get all their pleasure with other people's wives and none with unmarried women. So, to show me that there are, many people from a certain kingdom were brought to me.

They were obliged to speak according to their lusts. They said that for them the only delight and joy was, and is, to commit adultery with other people's wives, and that they seek beautiful ones for themselves and bribe them with rewards sized according to their wealth, and they usually agree on the price with the woman alone.

I asked why they did not hire unmarried women.

They said that to them this is low - class, that it is cheap in itself, and there is no pleasure in it.

I asked if the wives go back to their husbands afterwards and live with them.

They answered that either they do not, or else they return cold, because they have been made into prostitutes.

Next I asked in all seriousness if they had ever thought, or thought now, that this is double adultery, because they do it while they have wives, and that adultery like that wipes out all spiritual good in a person.

But most of those who were present laughed at these words, saying, "What is spiritual good?"

But I held my ground, saying, "What is more detestable than to mix your soul with a husband's soul, in his wife? Don't you know that a man's soul is in his semen?"

At this they turned away and muttered, "What does it hurt there?"

I finally said, "Even if you're not afraid of Divine laws, aren't you afraid of the civil laws?"

They answered, "No, we're only afraid of certain people in the preaching profession, but in their company we conceal it and if we can't, we treat them right."

Later I saw them separated into groups and some of the groups driven into hell.

Conjugial Love #483 (Acton (1953))

483. To this I will add something worthy of mention from the spiritual world: 1I have heard that some married men have the lust of committing whoredom, some with undeflowered women or virgins, some with deflowered women or harlots, some with married women or wives, some with women of noble stock, and some with women not of noble stock. That such is the case has been confirmed for me by many instances from various kingdoms of the world. When meditating on the variety of such lusts, I inquired whether there are men who find all their delight with the wives of others, and none with unmarried women. That I might know that there are such men, there were brought to me a number of men from a certain kingdom who were constrained to speak in accordance with their libidinous nature. They said that their sole pleasure and delight was and also is to commit adultery with the wives of others, and that they look out for beautiful wives and hire them at a great price according to their wealth, usually bargaining about the price with the woman alone. To my question why they did not hire unmarried women, they said that to them this was a vulgar thing which in itself was cheap and had in it nothing of delight. I asked also whether those wives afterwards return to their husbands and live with them. They answered that they either do not, or they do it coldly because they have become harlots. I then asked them, seriously, whether they had ever thought or whether they now think that this is double adultery because committed while they themselves have wives, and that such adultery despoils man of every spiritual good; but at this many of those present laughed and said, "What is spiritual good?" Persisting, I said, "What is more detestable than to commingle your soul with the soul of a husband in his wife? Do you not know that in man's seed is his soul?" At this they turned away and muttered, "What harm does it do there?" Finally I said, "Even though you do not fear Divine laws, do you not fear civil laws?" They answered, "No, only certain men of the ecclesiastical order; but in their presence we conceal it, and if we cannot, we keep on good terms with them." I later saw them separated into groups and some of these groups cast into hell.


1. In the original, what follows in this paragraph is enclosed in inverted commas. See SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCES, no. 6103.

Conjugial Love #483 (Wunsch (1937))

483. I will add some things from the spiritual world worth relating. 1

I heard in that world that some married men have a lust for whoredom with undeflowered women or virgins, some with deflowered women or harlots, some with married women or wives, some with such as are of noble stock, and some with such as are of common stock. I have been confirmed in the fact by many in that world from various kingdoms.

While meditating on the variety of such lusts, I asked whether there are those who find all their delight in the wives of others, and none in unmarried women. That I might know there are such, therefore, several out of a certain kingdom were brought to me, who were constrained to speak according to their lustfulness. They said that their one pleasure and joy was and is to commit adultery with the wives of others, and that they look out such as are beautiful and hire them at a large price according to their means, and for the most part bargain over the price with the woman alone.

I asked why they did not hire unmarried women for themselves.

They said that this was common to them, cheap in itself, and devoid of joy.

I also asked whether the wives afterwards return to their husbands and live with them. They answered that they either do not return or do so coldly, having become harlots.

Afterwards I asked them solemnly whether they had ever thought or think now that this is double adultery, inasmuch as they are married men who commit it, and that such double adultery lays a man waste of every spiritual good. But most of them laughed at this, saying, "What is spiritual good?" But I persisted, saying, "What is more abominable than to mingle one's soul with the husband's soul in a wife? Do you not know that a man's soul is in the seed?"

At this they turned away and muttered, "What harm if it is?"

Finally I said, "Though you do not fear Divine laws, do you not fear the civil?"

They answered that they did not, - "only some of the church's ministry, but from them we conceal what we do; and if we cannot, we use them well."

Afterwards I saw them sorted into companies and some of the companies cast into hell.


1. See nn. Arcana Coelestia 6103[2], Arcana Coelestia 6110[71] and 6110[73].

Conjugial Love #483 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

483. To this I will add some things from the spiritual world which are worthy of being related: I heard there, that some married men have a lust for scortation with unmarried women or virgins; some with deflowered women or harlots; some with married women or wives; some with such as are of noble family; and some with such as are of a race not noble. I have been convinced, by many from the various kingdoms of the world, that this is so. While meditating upon the variety of such lusts, I asked whether there are any who take all delight with the wives of others, and none with unmarried women? Therefore, in order that I might know that there are such, several out of a certain kingdom were brought to me, and were constrained to speak according to their libidinous desires. They said their sole pleasure and delight was and is to commit adultery with the wives of others; and that they look out for the beautiful, and hire them for themselves at great cost, according to their wealth; and for the most part they bargain about the price with her alone. I asked why they did not hire unmarried women? They said that this to them was common, that it was mean in itself, and there was no pleasure in it. I asked again whether the wives afterwards returned to their husbands and lived with them? They answered they either did or did not, or did so coldly, because they had become harlots. I afterwards asked them, seriously, whether they ever thought or even now think that this is double adultery, because committed while they have wives, and that such adultery lays a man waste of every spiritual good. But the most of those present laughed at this and said:

'What is spiritual good?'

But I insisted, saying, 'What is more detestable than to commingle your soul with the soul of a husband in his wife? Do you not know that the soul of a man is in his seed?'

At this they turned away, and muttered, 'What harm does it do there?'

At length I said, 'Although you have no fear of the Divine laws, have you no dread of the civil laws?' They answered that they had none, 'only of certain of the ecclesiastical order; but in their presence we conceal it, and if we cannot we act with them in a friendly manner.'

Afterwards I saw them separated into groups and some of them cast into hell.

De Amore Conjugiali #483 (original Latin (1768))

483. His adjiciam aliqua e Mundo spirituali, quae memoratu digna sunt: Audivi 1ibi, quod quibusdam Viris uxoratis sit libido scortandi cum foeminis 2illibatis seu virginibus; quibusdam cum libatis seu scortis; quibusdam cum foeminis maritatis seu uxoribus; quibusdam cum talibus ex nobili prosapia, et quibusdam ex non nobili; quod ita sit, ex pluribus e variis Regnis in illo Mundo confirmatus sum. Cum meditatus sum de varietate talium libidinum, quaesivi, num dentur, qui omne jucundum captant cum uxoribus aliorum, et nullum cum foeminis innuptis; quare ut noscerem, quod dentur, adducti sunt ad me plures e quodam Regno, qui tenebantur loqui secundum libidinosum suum; hi dixerunt, quod illis unicum volupe et jucundum fuerit, et quoque sit, moechari cum aliorum uxoribus; et quod prospiciant sibi pulchras, et conducant illas sibi pro mercede grandi secundum opulentiam; ac utplurimum de mercede paciscantur cum illa sola: quaesivi, cur non sibi conducunt foeminas innuptas; dixerunt, quod hoc sit illis commune, quod in se vile est, cui nihil jucundi inest: quaesivi etiam, num uxores illae postea redeant ad suos viros, ac vivant cum illis; responderunt quod vel non, vel frigide, quia factae meretrices.

[2] Postea interrogavi serio, num usquam cogitaverint, vel nunc cogitent, quod hoc sit adulterium duplicatum, quia dum uxorati sunt, hoc faciunt, et quod tale adulterium hominem ab omni bono spirituali depopuletur; sed ad haec plerique qui aderant, riserunt, dicentes, "quid bonum spirituale:" at institi, dicendo, "quid detestabilius est, quam animam suam cum anima mariti in uxore ejus commiscere; nostisne quod in semine sit anima viri;" ad haec averterunt se, et murmurabant, "quid hoc nocet ibi:" tandem dixi, "tametsi non timetis leges Divinas, numne Civiles;" responderunt quod non, "solum aliquos ex Ministerio Ecclesiastico, sed coram illis celamus hoc, et si non possumus, cum illis bene agimus." Postea vidi illos divisos in turmas, et ex his quosdam conjectos in infernum.


1. Haec paragraphus abhinc in prima editione signis citationis inclusa est.

2. Prima editio: foemi nis

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