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《婚姻之爱》 第484节







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Conjugial Love #484 (Chadwick (1996))

484. (iv) Triple adultery is with blood relations.

This is called triple adultery because it is three times more serious than the two previous cases. Which are the blood-relations or 'remainders of the flesh' 1who are not to be approached may be seen listed in Leviticus 18:6-17. The reasons why adultery of this type is three times more serious than the two discussed above are both inward and outward. The inward reasons are the result of their correspondence with the violation of the spiritual marriage, which is between the Lord and the church, and so between good and truth. The outward reasons are to prevent a person becoming an animal. But there is no space here to go further with the revelation of these reasons.

Conjugial Love #484 (Rogers (1995))

484. 4. Triple adultery is adultery with close blood relatives. We call this triple adultery, because it is three times more grave than the previous two kinds. (For a list of the close blood relatives or near of kin which are not to be "approached," see Leviticus 18:6-17. 1)

Such adulteries are three times more grave than the foregoing two kinds for reasons that are internal and external. The internal reasons derive from the correspondence of such adulteries with a violation of the spiritual marriage, which is that of the Lord and the church and so then of goodness and truth. The external reasons, on the other hand, exist as matters of protection, to keep a person from becoming an animal. However, we do not have the space here to proceed to a discovery of the reasons.


1. These include: father, mother, stepmother, sister, stepsister, granddaughter, half sister, paternal or maternal aunt, uncle, uncle's wife, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, stepdaughter, mother-in-law, stepgranddaughter.

Love in Marriage #484 (Gladish (1992))

484. 4. Triple adultery is adultery with blood relations. This adultery is called triple because it is three times as serious as the first two kinds. The blood relations, or "vestiges of your body," that are not to be approached are listed in Leviticus 18:6-17. There are inner and outward reasons why these adulteries are three times as serious as the first two mentioned. The inward reasons come from their corresponding to a violation of the spiritual marriage, which is the marriage of the Lord and the church, and of good and truth from that. The outward reasons are for the sake of protection against man's becoming an animal. But here there is no room to go ahead and explain these reasons.

Conjugial Love #484 (Acton (1953))

484. IV. THAT TRIPLE ADULTERY IS WITH BLOOD RELATIONS. This adultery is called triple because it is threefold more grievous than the two former. The blood relations or remainders of flesh 1who are not to be approached may be seen listed in Leviticus 18:6-17. The reasons why these adulteries are threefold more grievous than the two mentioned above are internal and external. The internal reasons are based on their correspondence with the violation of the spiritual marriage which is that of the Lord and the Church and thence of good and truth. The external reasons are [that the prohibited degrees were laid down] that they may be guards against man becoming a beast. But the present is not the place to proceed to the disclosure of these reasons.


1. In Leviticus 18:6, the translation "near of kin" is accompanied with the marginal note "the remainder of his flesh" which is the literal meaning of the Hebrew.

Conjugial Love #484 (Wunsch (1937))

484. (iv) Triple adultery is with blood relatives. This kind of adultery is called triple because it is three times more serious than the two former kinds. See the degrees of relationship or "remains of the flesh" which are not to be approached, enumerated in Leviticus 18:6, 18. There are both internal and external reasons why these adulteries are three times more serious than the two kinds mentioned above. The internal reasons concern the correspondence of these adulteries with violations of spiritual marriage, which is the marriage of the Lord and the Church and hence of good and truth; the external reasons are that there may be guards to prevent man from becoming a beast. But there is not room to proceed to a disclosure of these reasons here.

Conjugial Love #484 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

484. (4) That triple adultery is with blood relations. This adultery is called triple because it is three-fold more grievous than the two former. What the consanguinities or 'remnants of the flesh' are, who shall not be approached, may be seen recounted in Leviticus 18:6-17. The reasons why such adulteries are three-fold more grievous than the two mentioned above are internal and external. The internal are on account of their correspondence with the violation of spiritual marriage, which is of the Lord and the church, and thence of good and truth; but the external reasons are for guards lest man become a beast. But there is no leisure to proceed to the exposition of those reasons here.

De Amore Conjugiali #484 (original Latin (1768))

484. IV. Quod Adulterium triplicatum sit cum consanguineis. Hoc Adulterium vocatur triplicatum, quia duobus prioribus triplo gravius est. Quaenam Consanguinitates, 1seu Reliquiae carnis, ad quas non appropinquandum est, Levit. 18:6-17, recensitae videantur. Causae, quod haec Adulteria duobus supradictis triplo 2graviora sint, sunt Internae et Externae; Causae internae sunt ex correspondentia illorum cum violatione Conjugii spiritualis, quod est Domini et Ecclesiae, et inde boni et veri; Causae externae autem sunt propter custodias ne homo fiat bestia: sed ad detectionem causarum non vacat hic progredi.


1. Prima editio: Consanguin tates,

2. Prima editio: trip o

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