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《婚姻之爱》 第496节






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Conjugial Love #496 (Chadwick (1996))

496. There are three degrees of the natural man. In the first are those who love nothing but the world, setting their heart on wealth; these are those properly designated as natural. In the second degree are those who love nothing but the pleasures of the senses, setting their heart on extravagance and indulgence of every kind; these are properly designated sensual. In the third degree are those who love nothing but themselves, setting their heart on acquiring honours; these are properly designated bodily. The reason is that they plunge into the body everything to do with the will and thus the intellect, and turning their backs on others concentrate on themselves, loving only what is their own. The sensual, however, plunge everything to do with the will and thus the intellect into the snares and fallacies of the senses, indulging in these alone. But the natural squander everything to do with the will and the intellect on the world, greedily and deceitfully acquiring wealth, and having no other aim in it or to be gained from it than its mere possession. The adulteries which have been described above put people into these degrees of degeneracy, one into this, another into that, in each case depending on what gives them pleasure, since this is what determines their character.

Conjugial Love #496 (Rogers (1995))

496. Natural people are of three degrees. In the first are those who love only the world, placing their heart in riches. It is they who are properly meant by those who are natural. In the second degree are those who love only gratifications of the senses, placing their heart in luxuries and pleasures of every kind. It is they who are properly meant by those who are sensual. In the third degree are those who love only themselves, placing their heart in a quest for acclaim. It is they who are properly meant by the carnal. The reason for the last is that they immerse all things of their will and so of their intellect in their person, regarding themselves as though in a mirror from the standpoint of others and loving only their own particular selves. Those who are sensual, on the other hand, immerse all things of their will and so of their intellect in the enchantments and delusions of the senses, indulging in these only. And those who are natural pour all things of their will and intellect into the world, greedily and unscrupulously acquiring riches and regarding no useful end in them or stemming from them other than that of having them.

Adulteries of the sort named above lead people into these degenerate degrees - one into this degree, another into that degree - each in accordance with the chosen pleasure that forms his character.

Love in Marriage #496 (Gladish (1992))

496. The worldly person has three levels. People who love only the world, setting their hearts on wealth, belong to the first level.

These are appropriately called the worldly. Those who love only sensual pleasures, setting their hearts on all kinds of luxuries and pleasures, belong to the second level. They are appropriately called sensual. Those who love only themselves, setting their hearts on seeking status, belong to the third level. These are appropriately called physical, because they submerge in their bodies everything that has to do with their desire and therefore their intellect, and they see themselves reflected in others, and strictly speaking love only what is their own. But the sensual ones sink everything related to their inclinations and therefore their intellect in the charms and deceits of the senses, indulging only in these things. The worldly, however, sink everything having to do with their inclinations and therefore their intellect in the world, grubbing for wealth with greed and cheating, and seeing no use in it or from it except having it.

The adulteries named above turn people degenerate on these levels, one on one level, another on another, each in keeping with the satisfying pleasure that gives him his character.

Conjugial Love #496 (Acton (1953))

496. There are three degrees of the natural man. In the first degree are those who love only the world, setting their heart upon riches; these properly are meant by the natural. In the second degree are those who love only the delights of the senses, setting their heart upon luxuries and pleasures of every kind; these properly are meant by the sensual. In the third degree are those who love only themselves, setting their heart on the quest of honor. These properly are meant by the corporeal, and this because they immerse all things of their will and hence of their understanding in the body, seeing themselves backward from others, and loving only what is their own. But the sensual immerse all things of their will and hence of their understanding in the allurements and fallacies of the senses, indulging in these alone; while the natural expend the whole of their will and understanding on the world, avariciously and fraudulently acquiring wealth, and looking to no other use in it and from it beyond the mere possession. The adulteries named above turn men into these degenerate degrees, one into this degree, another into that, each according to the desired pleasure from which his genius has its being.

Conjugial Love #496 (Wunsch (1937))

496. There are three degrees of the natural man. In the first degree are those who love only the world, setting their heart on riches. These strictly are meant by the natural. In the second degree are those who love only the delights of the senses, setting their heart on luxuries and pleasures of every kind. These strictly are meant by the sensual. In the third degree are those who love only themselves, setting their heart on self-preferment. These are meant strictly by the corporeal, for the reason that they immerse all things of will and so of understanding in the body, look back from others to themselves, and love only what is proper to themselves. But the sensual immerse all things of will and thus of understanding in the allurements and fallacies of the senses, indulging these only. The natural, however, concentrate all things of will and understanding on the world, selfishly and dishonestly seeking wealth, and looking for no other use in or from it than that of possession. The adulteries named above turn human beings into these degenerate degrees, one into one degree, and another into another, each after the pleasurable bent which is his nature.

Conjugial Love #496 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

496. There are three degrees of the natural man. In the first degree are those who love the world alone, setting their heart upon riches. These properly are meant by the natural. In the second degree are those who love only the delights of the senses, placing their heart in every kind of luxury and pleasure. These properly are meant by the sensual. In the third degree are those that love only themselves, setting their heart upon the attainment of honor. These properly are meant by the corporeal, for the reason that they immerse all things of the will and thence of the understanding, in the body, and looking back from others at themselves, they regard but themselves and love only their own. But the sensual immerse all the things of the will, and thence of the understanding, in the allurements and fallacies of the senses, indulging in them alone. But the natural pour all the activities of the will, and thence of the understanding, into the world, greedily and fraudulently seeking wealth, and looking to no other use in it and from it but that of possession. The adulteries named above turn human beings into these degenerate degrees, one into one kind, another into another, each as suits his pleasure, which constitutes his genius.

De Amore Conjugiali #496 (original Latin (1768))

496. Sunt tres Gradus naturalis hominis; in Primo sunt, qui solum amant Mundum, ponendo cor in opibus; hi proprie intelliguntur per Naturales; in Secundo gradu sunt, qui solum amant jucunda sensuum, ponendo cor in omnis generis luxuriis et voluptatibus; hi proprie intelliguntur per Sensuales; in Tertio gradu sunt, qui solum amant seipsos, ponendo cor in ambitu honoris; hi proprie intelliguntur per corporeos; causa est, quia omnia voluntatis et inde intellectus immergunt corpori, ac retro ab aliis se spectant, et propria sua duntaxat amant; Sensuales autem omnia voluntatis et inde intellectus immergunt illecebris et fallaciis sensuum, his solum indulgendo; Naturales autem omnia voluntatis et intellectus effundunt in Mundum, avare et fraudulenter conquirendo opes, et non alium usum quam possessionis in illis et ex illis spectando. Adulteria supranominata vertunt homines in degeneres hos gradus, unum in hunc, alterum in illum, quemlibet secundum placitum volupe, ex quo fit genius ejus.

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