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《婚姻之爱》 第495节









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Conjugial Love #495 (Chadwick (1996))

495. (xv) Adultery committed by deliberate intent of the will with the approval of the intellect makes people natural, sensual and bodily.

A person is human and differs from an animal in that his mind is divided into three regions, the same number of divisions as there are heavens. He can be raised from the lowest to a higher region, and also from this into the highest, thus becoming an angel of one of the heavens, and also of the third heaven. For this purpose he has been given the ability to raise his intellect even to this level. But if the love of his will is not raised at the same time, he does not become spiritual, but remains natural. All the same he retains the ability to raise his intellect. The reason for this is so that he can be reformed; for reformation takes place by means of the intellect, and through getting to know 1good and truth and as a result gaining the power to see rationally. If he rationally sees this knowledge, and lives as it prescribes, then the love of his will is raised at the same time, and to that degree his humanity is perfected and he becomes more and more human.

[2] The case is different, if he does not live in accordance with his knowledge of good and truth. Then the love of his will remains natural, and his intellect from time to time becomes spiritual. For it soars at times like an eagle, and spies out what there is below that answers to its love; and on seeing this it flies down and joins itself with it. If therefore the lusts of the flesh answer to its love, it plunges down from on high, and by joining with them takes its delight in the pleasures they afford; and then it soars aloft again, seeking the reputation of being thought wise, and so alternately soars and falls, as was said.

[3] Adulterers in the third and fourth degree, those who have become adulterers by a deliberate act of will and by conviction of the intellect, are plainly natural, and progressively become sensual and bodily; this is because they have plunged the love of their will, and then together with it their intellect, in the filth of scortatory love, taking as much pleasure in it as unclean birds and animals do in stinking dung-heaps as if delicacies and tid-bits. For the noxious gases rising from their flesh fill the seat of the mind with their grossness, causing the will to feel nothing as more elegant and desirable. These are the people who after death become bodily spirits, the source from which well up the impurities of hell and the church (as mentioned above in 430-431).

Conjugial Love #495 (Rogers (1995))

495. 15. Purposeful adulteries arising from the will, and deliberate adulteries arising from a persuasion of the intellect, render a person natural, sensual and carnal. A person is human and distinguished from an animal by the fact that his mind is divided into three planes, into as many planes as there are heavens, and by the fact that he can be elevated from the lowest plane to the next higher one, and also from this to the highest one, and so become an angel of one heaven or the other, including as well of the third. To this end the human being has been granted the capability of elevating his understanding even to that point. However, if the love of his will is not elevated at the same time, he does not become spiritual, but remains natural. Nevertheless he retains the ability to elevate his understanding. The reason he retains it is to enable him to be reformed; for he is reformed by means of his understanding, which is accomplished through concepts of good and truth and through a rational insight gained in consequence of them. If he examines these concepts rationally and lives in accordance with them, then the love of his will is elevated too, and in the degree that it is his humanity is perfected and the person becomes more and more human.

[2] The outcome is different if he does not live in accordance with concepts of good and truth. In that case the love of his will remains natural, and his understanding becomes only intermittently spiritual. For it periodically rises like an eagle and looks down on what below has to do with his love, and when it sees it, it flies down to it and unites itself with it. Consequently, if lusts of the flesh are connected with his love, it descends from its height to these and in union with them entertains itself with their delights - only to rise on high again, motivated by a desire for acclaim in order to be deemed wise; and doing this in cycles intermittently, in the manner just described.

[3] Adulterers of the third and fourth degree are those who have made themselves adulterers from a purpose of the will or from a persuasion of the intellect; and they are utterly natural and become progressively sensual and carnal for the reason that they have immersed the love of their will and together with it then their intellect in the unclean perversions of licentious love, and taken delight in them, as unclean birds and beasts do in putrid and fecal matters as though they were exquisite and desirable treats. For vaporous exhalations rising up from the flesh in them fill the habitation of the mind with their impurities and cause the will not to perceive anything more exquisite and desirable. (Such people after death become carnal spirits, and it is they from whom spring the unclean things of hell and in the church spoken of above in nos. 430, 431.)

Love in Marriage #495 (Gladish (1992))

495. 15. Adulteries by willful purpose and adulteries by intellectual conviction make people worldly, sense - oriented, and physical - minded. A person is a person and is different from an animal in that his mind is in three separate regions - the same number as the heavens and in that it can be raised from the lowest region into the higher one, and also from that into the highest, and thus become an angel of one of the heavens, even the third one. For that purpose a person has the ability to raise his intellect all the way there. But if the love of his will is not raised at the same time he does not become spiritual but stays worldly. Nonetheless he retains his ability to raise his intellect.

The reason why he retains it is so he can be reformed, for you are reformed through understanding. This happens through thinking about good and truth and through rational intuition from it. If he rationally pays attention to those thoughts and lives by them, then the love of his will is raised at the same time, and in that degree his humanity is completed and he becomes more and more human.

It works out differently if he does not live by the thoughts about good and truth. Then the love of his will stays worldly, and his intellect becomes spiritual off and on, for it raises itself like an eagle, by turns, and looks down at what belongs to his love below.

When it sees this it flies down to it and joins itself to it. And so if bodily desires are its love, it comes down to them from its height and enjoys itself with the pleasures of them. And again, with an eye to public opinion, intellect soars again in order to be thought wise, and so up and down by turns, as was just said.

Adulterers of the third and fourth level - the ones who have made themselves adulterers by willful purpose and intellectual confirmation - are quite worldly and become more and more sense oriented and physical. This is because they have immersed the love of their will and at the same time their intellect in foul things having to do with their illicit love and have enjoyed them the way unclean birds and animals enjoy as delicacies and dainties things that are rotten and filthy. For the fumes rising up from their flesh fill their mind's dwelling place with their dense odors and make their will find nothing more fine and dainty. These are the ones who become physically - minded spirits after death, and the unclean hellish and ecclesiastical things mentioned above (nos. 430-431) well up from them.

Conjugial Love #495 (Acton (1953))

495. XV. THAT ADULTERIES FROM PURPOSE OF THE WILL, AND ADULTERIES FROM CONFIRMATION OF THE UNDERSTANDING, RENDER MEN NATURAL, SENSUAL, AND CORPOREAL. Man is man and is distinguished from the beast by the fact that his mind is distinguished into three regions, being as many as are the heavens, and that he can be elevated from the lowest region into the higher and from this into the highest, and so can become an angel of the one [or the other] heaven, and also of the third. For this end, man is given the faculty of elevating his understanding even to the third heaven; but if the love of his will is not elevated at the same time, he does not become spiritual but remains natural. Nevertheless, he retains the faculty of elevating his understanding. The reason why he retains this, is that he may be reformed; for he is reformed by means of the understanding, and the reformation is effected by knowledges of good and truth and by rational intuition therefrom. If he views these knowledges rationally and lives according to them, then the love of his will is also elevated, and in the same degree his human character is perfected and he becomes more and more a man.

[2] Different is the result if he does not live according to the knowledges of good and truth. Then the love of his will remains natural and his understanding becomes spiritual by turns; for alternately it raises itself up like an eagle and looks down upon what is of its love beneath, and then, seeing it, flies down and conjoins itself with it. If, therefore, concupiscences of the flesh belong to its love, then, from its height, it lets itself down to them and in conjunction with them takes pleasure in their delights. Then, for the securing of a reputation, it again raises itself on high that it may be deemed wise; and so, as just said, it leaps up and down by turns.

[3] That adulterers of the third and fourth degree, being those who have made themselves adulterers from the purpose of their will and the confirmation of their understanding, are utterly natural and become progressively sensual and corporeal, is because they immerse the love of their will and with it, at the same time, their understanding, in the unclean things of scortatory love, and take pleasure therein, as in delicacies and dainties, like as do unclean birds and beasts in things stinking and stercoraceous; for the effluvient exhalations rising up from the flesh so fill the habitacle of the mind with their gross odors that the will sensates nothing purer and more desirable. After death it is these who become corporeal spirits, and from whom spring the unclean things of hell and of the Church spoken of above (nos. 430, 431).

Conjugial Love #495 (Wunsch (1937))

495. (xv) Adulteries from purpose of the will and adulteries from confirmation by the understanding render men natural, sensual and corporeal. Man is man, and distinguished from the beasts, in this, that his mind is distinguished into three regions, into as many as there are heavens; and that he can be elevated from the lowest region into the higher, and from this, too, into the highest, and thus can be made an angel of one of the heavens, even of the third. To this end the human being is endowed with the capacity of raising the understanding even to that heaven. If the love of his will, however, is not raised at the same time, he does not become spiritual, but remains natural. Still he retains the power, of elevating the understanding. He retains it in order to remain capable of being reformed, for he is reformed by means of the understanding, which is done through knowledges of good and truth and through rational apprehension from them. If he grasps these knowledges rationally, and also lives in accord with them, the love of the will is elevated at the same time, and in that degree what is human is perfected, and the man becomes more and more a human being.

[2] It falls out otherwise if he does not live in accord with the knowledges of good and truth. Then the love of his will remains natural, and his understanding by turns becomes spiritual, rising at times like an eagle, looking down on what is of his love below, and when it sees this, dropping down to it and conjoining itself with it. If then the concupiscences of the flesh are what the man loves, it swoops down to these from its height, and joining them, delights itself with their pleasures, and again, with an eye to reputation, to be considered wise, soars on high, and so up and down by turns, as we have just said.

[3] Adulterers of the third and fourth degrees (they are those who have made themselves adulterers from purpose of the will and by confirmation of the understanding) are wholly natural and become progressively sensual and corporeal, for the reason that they immerse their will's love and with it their understanding in the uncleannesses of scortatory love and are delighted with them, as unclean birds and beasts are with stenches and filth, as though they were delicacies and dainties. The effluvia surging up from the flesh fill the mind's dwelling-place with their grossnesses, and cause the will to feel nothing more delicate or dainty. It is these who after death become corporeal spirits, and from whom issue the uncleannesses of hell and of the Church (of which above, n. 430-431).

Conjugial Love #495 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

495. (15) That adulteries from purpose of the will and adulteries from confirmation of the understanding render men natural, sensual, and corporeal. Man is man, and is distinguished from the beast by the fact that his mind is divided into three regions, into as many as the heavens; and that he can be elevated from the lowest region into the higher, and also from this into the highest, and so become an angel of one heaven, and even of the third heaven. To this end the faculty is given to man of elevating his understanding even thither. But if the love of his will is not elevated at the same time he does not become spiritual but remains natural. Nevertheless, he retains the faculty of elevating the understanding. The reason why he retains it is that he may be reformed; for he is reformed by means of the understanding, which is effected by cognitions 1of good and of truth, and by rational intuition from them. If he views these cognitions rationally, and lives according to them, then the love of the will is at the same time elevated, and in that degree the human is perfected, and the man becomes more and more man. It otherwise betides if he does not live according to the cognitions of good and truth. Then the love of his will remains natural, and his understanding becomes spiritual by turns; for it elevates itself alternately, like an eagle, and looks down upon what is of his love beneath, and when it sees it it flies down and conjoins itself to it. If therefore, the lusts of the flesh are of his love, to these it swoops down from its height, and in conjunction with them satisfies itself with their delights; and then, on the watch for reputation, that it may be deemed wise, it soars again on high, and so up and down by turns, as has just been said.

Adulterers of the third and the fourth degree - who are those that have made themselves adulterers from purpose of the will, and by confirmation of the understanding - evidently are natural; and that they gradually become sensual and corporeal, is because they immerse the love of their will, and at the same time the understanding with it, in the unclean things of scortatory love and take delight in them, like unclean birds and beasts in stinking and excrementitious matters as in dainties and delicacies; for the reeking fumes surging up out of the flesh fill the dwelling-place of their mind with their grossness, and make that the will sensates nothing more dainty and delicate. These are they who after death become corporeal spirits, and from whom stream forth the unclean things of hell, and of the church, of which above at n. 430, 431.


1. In the Latin cogitations (thoughts), probably a misprint for cognitiones, cognitions.

De Amore Conjugiali #495 (original Latin (1768))

495. XV. Quod Adulteria ex proposito voluntatis, et Adulteria ex confirmatione intellectus, reddant homines naturales, sensuales, et corporeos. Homo est homo, et distinguitur a bestia, per id, quod Mens ejus in tres regiones distincta sit, in totidem quot Coeli; et quod possit elevari ex regione infima in superiorem, et quoque ab hac in supremam, et sic fieri Angelus unius Coeli, et quoque Tertii: propter illum finem, data est homini facultas elevandi intellectum usque illuc; si autem non amor voluntatis ejus simul elevatur, non fit spiritualis, sed manet naturalis; nihilominus retinet facultatem elevandi intellectum: causa quod retineat, est ut possit reformari, nam reformatur per intellectum, quod fit per cognitiones 1boni et veri, et per intuitionem rationalem ex illis; si rationaliter intuetur cognitiones illas, ac vivit secundum illas, tunc amor voluntatis simul elevatur, et in eo gradu perficitur humanum, ac homo fit plus et plus homo.

[2] Aliter evenit, si non vivit secundum cognitiones boni et veri; tunc amor voluntatis ejus manet naturalis, ac intellectus ejus per vices fit spiritualis; sublevat enim se alternis, sicut aquila, et despicit quid infra amoris ejus est, quod cum videt, ad hoc devolat, et cum hoc se conjungit; si itaque concupiscentiae carnis sunt amoris ejus, ad has ex altitudine demittit se, et in conjunctione cum illis ex jucundis illarum oblectat se, ac iterum, propter aucupium famae, ut sapiens credatur, in altum se attollit, et sic subsultim per vices, ut modo dictum est.

[3] Quod Adulteri tertii et quarti gradus, qui sunt qui ex proposito voluntatis et ex confirmatione intellectus se adulteros fecerunt, plane naturales sint, et progressive fiant sensuales et corporei, est quia amorem voluntatis suae et una tunc intellectum immerserunt immunditiis amoris scortatorii, et his oblectati sunt, sicut immundae aves et bestiae ex putidis et stercoreis ut lautitiis et cupediis; nam halitus effluviosi e carne illorum assurgentes mentis habitaculum implent crassamentis suis, et faciunt ut voluntas non sentiat aliquid lautius et cupidius: hi sunt, qui post mortem fiunt spiritus corporei, et e quibus immunda Inferni et Ecclesiae, de quibus supra, 430, 431, scaturiunt.


1. Prima editio: cogitationes

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