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《婚姻之爱》 第497节












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Conjugial Love #497 (Chadwick (1996))

497. (xvi) This goes so far as to make them finally abandon anything to do with the church and religion.

Deliberate and confirmed adulterers abandon everything to do with the church and religion because the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposites (425), and the love of marriage acts as one with the church and religion (130 and throughout Part I). Hence the love of adultery, being its opposite, acts as one with what is against the church.

The reason why these adulterers abandon everything to do with the church and its religion is that the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposites, in the same way that the marriage of good and truth is the opposite of the pairing of evil and falsity (427-428); and the marriage of good and truth is the church, and the pairing of evil and falsity is the anti-church.

The reason why these adulterers abandon everything to do with the church and religion is that the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposites, as heaven is the opposite of hell (429), and in heaven there is love for everything to do with the church, but in hell there is hatred against everything to do with the church.

[2] Another reason why such acts of adultery cause everything to do with the church and religion to be abandoned is that their pleasures start from the flesh, and are fleshly even in spirit (440-441); and the flesh is against the spirit, that is, against the spirituality of the church. This too is why the pleasures of scortatory love are called the pleasures of folly.

If you want proofs, be so good as to approach those whom you know to be adulterers of this kind, and ask them in private what they think about God, the church and everlasting life, and you will have your proofs. The real reason is that, just as conjugial love opens the inner levels of the mind, and raises it above the sensory level of the body so as to experience the light and heat of heaven, so in reverse the love of adultery shuts off the inner levels of the mind and thrusts it down as regards the will into the body , until it wallows in all the lusts of its flesh. The deeper it is thrust down, the more is detracted from it and the more it is distanced from heaven.

Conjugial Love #497 (Rogers (1995))

497. 16. And this to the point that they finally cast away from them everything having to do with the church and religion. Purposeful and deliberate adulterers cast away from them everything having to do with the church and religion for the reason that the love in marriage and the love in adultery are opposed to each other (no. 425), and the love in marriage goes hand in hand with the church and religion (no. 130 and elsewhere throughout Part One). Consequently, because the love in adultery is opposed to that love, it goes hand in hand with stances that are contrary to the church.

Such adulterers cast away from them everything having to do with the church and religion for the reason that the love in marriage and the love in adultery are opposed to each other in the way that the marriage of good and truth is opposed to the connubial alliance of evil and falsity (nos. 427, 428); and the marriage of good and truth is the church, while the connubial alliance of evil and falsity is anti-church.

Such adulterers cast away from them everything having to do with the church and religion for the reason that the love in marriage and the love in adultery are opposed to each other in the way that heaven and hell are (no. 429); and in heaven one finds a love for anything connected with the church, while in hell one finds a hatred toward anything connected with the church.

[2] Such adulterers cast away from them everything having to do with the church and religion for the further reason that their delights arise from the flesh and are delights of the flesh even in the spirit (nos. 440, 441); and the flesh is against the spirit, which is to say, against the spiritual things of the church. That, too, is why we call the delights of licentious love pleasures of insanity.

If you wish to have this demonstrated, go, please, to those whom you know to be such adulterers and inquire of them privately what they think in regard to God, the church and eternal life, and you will hear.

The real reason for it is that, as conjugial love opens the inner faculties of the mind and so elevates them above the sensual elements of the body even into the light and warmth of heaven, so conversely the love in adultery closes the inner faculties of the mind and impels the mind itself in respect to its will down into the body, even into all the appetites of its flesh; and the deeper it impels it, the more it draws it away and distances it from heaven.

Love in Marriage #497 (Gladish (1992))

497. 16. So much so that these people finally reject everything having to do with the church and religion. Adulterers on purpose and by confirmation reject everything that has to do with the church and religion because married love and adulterous love are opposites

(no. 425), and married love acts at one with the church and religion

(no. 130 and everywhere else in the Part 1). So adulterous love acts at one with things that are against the church, because it is opposite.

These adulterers cast away from themselves everything having to do with the church and its religion because married love and adulterous love are opposites just as the marriage of good and truth is opposite to a marriage of evil and falsity (nos. 427 -

28. ), and a marriage of good and truth is the church, but a marriage of evil and falsity is antichurch.

These adulterers cast away from themselves everything that has to do with the church and religion because married love and adulterous love are opposites like heaven and hell (no. 429), and love for everything having to do with the church is in heaven, but hatred against everything having to do with the church is in hell.

These adulterers also cast away from themselves everything that has to do with the church and religion because their pleasures start in the flesh and are fleshly even in spirit (nos. 440-441), and flesh is against spirit - that is, spiritual things of the church. This is why the pleasures of illicit love are called foolish pleasures.

If you want proof, please go to those who you know are adulterers like that and privately ask them what they think about God, church, and eternal life, and you shall hear. Naturally, the reason is that just as married love opens the inner reaches of your mind and thus raises them above the sensory aspects of your body, all the way to the light and heat of heaven, adulterous love, on the other hand, closes the inner reaches of your mind and, as far as your will goes, drags your mind itself down into your body until it is taken over by all the desires of your body's flesh. And the deeper it drags your mind down, the farther it takes it from heaven.

Conjugial Love #497 (Acton (1953))

497. XVI. THAT THEY DO THIS TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT AT LAST THE ADULTERERS CAST OFF ALL THINGS OF THE CHURCH AND RELIGION. That adulterers from purpose and confirmation cast off all things of the church and religion, is because the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposites (no. 425). The love of marriage acts as one with the church and religion (no. 130 and elsewhere throughout the First Part); hence the love of adultery, being the opposite love, acts as one with all that is against the church. That these adulterers cast off all things of the church and its religion is also because the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposites, just as the marriage of good and truth is opposite to the connubial connection of evil and falsity (nos. 427, 428); and the marriage of good and truth is the church, while the connubial connection of evil and falsity the anti-church. That these adulterers cast off all things of the church and of religion is because the love of marriage and the love of adultery are as opposite as are heaven and hell (no. 429), and in heaven is love of all things of the church, and in hell, hatred against all things of the church. That these adulterers cast off all things of the church and of religion is also because their delights commence from the flesh and are of the flesh even in the spirit (nos. 440, 441), and the flesh is against the spirit, that is, against the spiritual things of the church. Hence the delights of scortatory love are called pleasures of insanity. If you desire demonstrations, pray go to those whom you know to be such adulterers and ask them in private what they think about God, the church, and eternal life, and you will hear. The genuine reason is, because, as conjugial love opens the interiors of the mind and thus elevates them above the sensual things of the body even into the light and heat of heaven, so, on the other hand, the love of adultery shuts off the interiors of the mind; and the mind itself, as regards its will, it thrusts into the body even down to all the desires of its flesh; and the deeper it thrusts it, the farther it draws it away from heaven and increases its distance therefrom.

Conjugial Love #497 (Wunsch (1937))

497. (xvi) And this to such a degree that at length they reject all things of the Church and of religion. Adulterers of purpose and by confirmation reject all things of the Church and of religion for the reason that the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposite (425), and the love of marriage acts as one with the Church and religion (see130 and elsewhere in Part I); hence, the love of adultery, being opposite, acts as one with all that is against the Church. These adulterers reject all things of the Church and its religion for the further reason that the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposite as the marriage of good and truth and the alliance of evil and falsity are (n. 427-428); and the marriage of good and truth is the Church, and the alliance of evil and falsity is the anti-church. These adulterers also reject all things of the Church and religion because the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposite as heaven and hell are (429); in heaven there is love of all things of the Church, and in hell hatred against all things of the Church. These adulterers reject all things of the Church and of religion for the further reason that their delights begin from the flesh, and are of the flesh even in the spirit (n. 440-441); and the flesh is against the spirit, that is, against the spiritual things of the Church. Hence, too, the delights of scortatory love are called pleasures of insanity. If you would see this demonstrated, go, if you please, to those who you know are such adulterers, and ask them privately what they think about God, the Church and eternal life, and you will hear. The deep cause is that as marital love opens the mind's interiors and thus raises them above the sensuous life of the body even into heaven's light and warmth, so, on the other hand, adulterous love closes the mind's interiors, and thrusts the mind itself in respect of its will down into the body, even into all the latter's fleshly cravings, and the more deeply it does so, the farther away it draws the mind and removes it from heaven.

Conjugial Love #497 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

497. (16) And this to such a degree that at length they cast away from them all things of the church and of religion. That adulterers from purpose and from confirmation cast away from them all things of the church and of religion, results from the fact that the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposites (n. 425), and the love of marriage makes one with the church and with religion (see n. 130, and everywhere else in the First Part). Hence the love of adultery, being opposite, makes one with the things that are against the church. That these adulterers cast away from them all things of the church and of its religion, is because the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposites, just as the marriage of good and truth is opposite to the connubial bond of evil and falsity (n. 427, 428). And the marriage of good and truth is the church, and the connubial bond of the evil and false is opposed to the church. That these adulterers reject from them all things of the church and of religion, is because the love of marriage and the love of adultery are opposite as heaven and hell are (n. 429), and in heaven is the love of all things of the church, and in hell is the hatred against all things of the church. That these adulterers reject from them all things of the church and of religion, is also because their delights begin from the flesh and are of the flesh even in the spirit (n. 440, 441), and the flesh is against the spirit, that is, contrary to the spiritual things of the church; and for that reason also the delights of scortatory love are called pleasures of insanity. If you desire proofs, pray go to those whom you know to be such adulterers, and ask in secret what they think about God, about the church, and about eternal life, and you will hear. The real reason is that as conjugial love opens the interiors of the mind, and thus elevates them above the sensuals of the body even into the light and warmth of heaven, so on the other hand the love of adultery closes up the interiors of the mind, and thrusts the mind itself as to its will down into the body, even into all the concupiscences of its flesh, and the deeper the depth, the more it is drawn away and removed from heaven.

De Amore Conjugiali #497 (original Latin (1768))

497. XVI. Quod in tantum, ut tandem omnia Ecclesiae et Religionis a se rejiciant. Quod Adulteri ex proposito et ex confirmato omnia Ecclesiae et Religionis a se rejiciant, est quia Amor conjugii et Amor adulterii oppositi sint, 425, et amor conjugii cum Ecclesia et Religione, unum agit, 130, et ubivis alibi in Parte priore; inde amor adulterii, quia oppositus, cum illis quae contra Ecclesiam sunt, unum agit. Quod Adulteri illi omnia Ecclesiae et ejus Religionis a se rejiciant, est quia amor conjugii et amor adulterii oppositi sunt, sicut conjugium boni et veri oppositum est connubio mali et falsi, 427, 428; ac conjugium boni et veri est Ecclesia, at connubium mali et falsi est AntiEcclesia. Quod Adulteri illi a se rejiciant omnia Ecclesiae et Religionis, est quia amor conjugii et amor adulterii sunt oppositi sicut Coelum et Infernum, 429; et in Coelo est amor omnium Ecclesiae, at in Inferno est odium contra omnia Ecclesiae.

[2] Quod Adulteri illi 1omnia Ecclesiae et Religionis a se rejiciant, est quoque quia jucunditates illorum inchoant a carne, et quod sint carnis etiam in spiritu, 440-441; et caro est contra spiritum, hoc est, contra spiritualia Ecclesiae; inde etiam jucunditates amoris scortatorii vocantur Voluptates insaniae. Si desideratis demonstrationes, adite quaeso illos, quos nostis tales adulteros esse, et quaerite in occulto, quid cogitant de Deo, de Ecclesia, et de Vita aeterna, et audietis: genuina causa est, quia sicut amor conjugialis aperit interiora mentis, et sic elevat illa supra sensualia corporis usque in lucem et calorem Coeli, 2ita vicissim, amor adulterii occludit interiora mentis, et ipsam mentem quoad voluntatem ejus detrudit in corpus usque in omnia concupita carnis ejus, et quo profundius, eo plus detrahit et elongat illam e Coelo.


1. Prima editio: Adulteria illa

2. Prima editio: Coeli;

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