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《婚姻之爱》 第526节









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Conjugial Love #526 (Chadwick (1996))

526. (iii) If imputation is taken to mean such a copying, it is a fatuous expression.

It was proved above (524) that after death everyone has imputed to him the evil he has, and likewise the good he has. This establishes the meaning of imputation. But if imputation is taken to mean the copying of good into someone in a state of evil, it is a fatuous expression, because it is an impossibility, as was proved above (525). In the world it is possible for merits to be copied, that is, for children to receive benefits for their parents' sake or for the friends of a client to have a favour done to them. But the good of merit cannot be imprinted on their souls, but only attached as an outward adjunct. Nothing of the kind is possible with regard to a person's spiritual life, which, as was shown above, needs to be implanted. If it is not implanted through living in accordance with the Lord's commandments listed above, a person remains in the state of evil which he has by birth. Until this implanting takes place, no good can touch him; and if it does, it is at once rejected and bounces back like a rubber ball falling on a rock, or it is swallowed up like a diamond thrown into a marsh.

An unreformed person is in spirit like a panther or an owl, and can be likened to a bramble or a nettle. But a regenerated person is like a sheep or a dove, and can be likened to an olive-tree or a vine. Be so good, I beg you, as to think how can a panther-person be turned into a sheep-person, or an owl into a dove, or a bramble into an olive-tree, or a nettle into a vine, by any process of imputation, if by that we mean copying. Surely for such a change to happen the fierceness of the panther and the owl, or the harmfulness of the bramble and the nettle, must first be taken away, so that what is truly human and harmless can be implanted? The Lord also teaches how this can happen in John 15:1-7.

Conjugial Love #526 (Rogers (1995))

526. 3. If such a transference is meant by imputation, imputation is a frivolous term. We showed above in no. 524 that everyone has imputed to him after death the evil in which he is engaged, likewise the good. It is clear from this what we mean by imputation. But if imputation is taken to mean a transfer of good into someone who is in a state of evil, it is a frivolous term, because such a transfer is impossible, as we also showed just above, in no. 525.

In the world, by people, virtues can in a way be transferred, that is, good can be done to children on account of their parents, or favor shown to the friends of a supporter. However, the goodness of the virtue cannot be impressed on their souls, but only outwardly attached to their person.

The same sort of transfer is not possible as regards people's spiritual life. This, as we showed before, must be implanted, and if it is not implanted through a person's living a life in accordance with the Lord's precepts noted above, he remains in the state of evil into which he was born. Before any change takes place, no good can touch him. If it does, it is immediately repulsed and bounces off, like a rubber ball falling on to a rock, or it is swallowed up like a diamond thrown into a marsh.

[2] A person unreformed in spirit is like a panther or an owl and may be compared to a bramble bush and a nettle. On the other hand, a regenerate person is like a sheep or a dove and may be compared to an olive tree and a vine. If by imputation is meant the transfer of something, please think, if you will, how by any imputation a panther-like person can be changed into a sheep-like person, or an owl into a dove, or a bramble bush into an olive tree, or a nettle into a vine. For a change to take place, must not the savage nature of the panther and owl or the injurious nature of the bramble bush and nettle be removed first and thus a truly human and harmless nature implanted? How this is accomplished the Lord also teaches in John 15:1-7. 1


1. "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so will you be My disciples."

Love in Marriage #526 (Gladish (1992))

526. 3. If imputation means consigning one person's good to another, it is a meaningless word. It shows above (no. 524) that the evil anyone is preoccupied with is attributed to him after death, and likewise the good. This establishes what imputation means. But if imputation means transferring good into anyone who is preoccupied with evil, it is a meaningless word because it is impossible, as was also pointed out already (no. 525).

People in the world can consign merit in a way - can do kindness to children for their parents' sake or to the friends of some client as a favor. Yet the good of the kindness cannot be inscribed on people's souls but only attached outwardly. Something like this cannot be granted to people as far as their spiritual life goes. As was shown above, this has to be implanted. If it is not implanted through a life of following the Lord's teachings mentioned above, a person remains preoccupied with the evil he was born with. Before this is done no good can get to him, and if it does strike him it bounces off and recoils like a rubber ball hitting a rock, or it is swallowed up like a diamond thrown into a swamp.

A person who is not reformed in his spirit is like a panther or an owl and is comparable to briars and nettles, but a reborn person is like a sheep or doves and is comparable to an olive tree and a vine. Please think, if you will, how a panther - man can be changed to a sheep - man, or an owl into a dove, or briars into an olive tree, or nettles into a vine, by some kind of imputation, if that means consignment. For the change to take place, would not the wildness of the panther and the owl, or the harmfulness of the briars and nettles, first have to be removed and the truly human and truly harmless implanted that way? In John (15:1-7) the Lord teaches how this is done.

Conjugial Love #526 (Acton (1953))

526. III. THAT IF BY IMPUTATION IS MEANT SUCH TRANSCRIPTION, IMPUTATION IS AN IDLE WORD. It was demonstrated above (no. 524), that after death the evil in which a man is, is imputed to him and likewise the good. What is meant by imputation is therefore evident. But if by imputation is meant the transcription of good into one who is in evil, then, this being impossible, imputation is an idle word. This also was demonstrated above (no. 525). In the world, merits can in a way be transcribed by men, that is, good can be done to children on account of their parents, or to friends of an adherent, from favor; but the good of the merit cannot be inscribed upon their souls, it can only be adjoined from without. The same thing is not possible with men as regards their spiritual life. This, as shown above, must be implanted; and the man remains in the evil in which he was born, if this spiritual life is not implanted by a life according to the Lord's commandments mentioned above. Until this is done, no good can reach him, or if it touches him, it is either thrown back and recoils like an elastic ball falling on a rock, or is swallowed up like a diamond thrown into a marsh. As to his spirit, an unreformed man is like a panther or an owl and may be compared to a briar and a nettle; but a man regenerated is like a sheep or a dove and may be compared to an olive tree and a vine. Pray think, if you will, how can a man-panther by any imputation, if by that is meant transcription, be converted into a man-lamb? or an owl into a dove? a briar into an olive tree? a nettle into a vine? If there is to be conversion, must not the ferine nature of the panther and the owl, and the noxiousness of the briar and the nettle be first taken away, and thus the truly human and innocuous be implanted? In John 15:1-7, the Lord teaches how this is done.

Conjugial Love #526 (Wunsch (1937))

526. 1(iii) If by imputation suck transcription is meant, it is an empty word. We showed above (524) that the evil in which one is, is imputed to every one after death; the good, similarly. Hence it is plain what is meant by imputation. But if the transcription of good into some one who is in evil is meant, the word is an empty one, for, as was shown just above (525) such transcription is impossible. Deserts can be transcribed, so to speak, by people in the world, that is, children may be benefitted for the parents' sake, or the friends of an adherent may be as a favor; but the good of merit cannot be inscribed on their souls, but only outwardly attached. Nothing like this is possible in respect of their spiritual life. This, as we showed above, has to be implanted. If it is not implanted by a life according to the Lord's commandments, recited above, the man remains in the evil in which he was born. Until then no good can lodge with him. If it affects him, it is immediately repelled and bounds back like an elastic ball falling on a rock or is engulfed like a diamond thrown into a marsh. The human being unreformed in spirit is like a panther or an owl or may be likened to briar and nettle; but the regenerated human being is like a sheep or dove and may be likened to an olive-tree and a vine. Pray think, if you will; how can a man-panther be changed into a man-sheep, or an owl into a dove, or a bramble into an olive-tree, or a nettle into a vine, by any imputation, if transcription is meant by it? Think whether, for the conversion to be accomplished, the wildness of panther and owl and the noxiousness of bramble and nettle must not be removed first and the truly human and harmless be implanted? How this is done the Lord also teaches in John (John 15:1-7).


1. See Brief Exposition,112.

Conjugial Love #526 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

526. (3) That imputation, if such a transcription is meant by it, is an idle word. It has been shown above in n. 524, that after death to everyone is imputed the evil in which he is; likewise the good. What is meant by imputation is thence evident. But if transcription of good into anyone who is in evil be meant by imputation, it is an idle word, because the thing is impossible, as also was shown just above at n. 525.

By men in the world merits can in a manner be transcribed. That is, good can be done to children on account of their parents, or to the friends of an adherent out of favor; but the good of merit cannot be inscribed upon their souls, it can only be adjoined from without. The like cannot be done with men as their spiritual life. This, as has been shown above, must be implanted; and if it be not implanted by the life according to the Lord's commandments, mentioned above, the man remains in the evil in which he was born. Until this is done no good can reach him, or if it touches him it is instantly repelled and recoils, like an elastic ball falling upon a rock, or is swallowed up as a diamond cast into a bog. Man not reformed is as to his spirit like a panther, or like an owl, and may be compared to a briar and a nettle. But man regenerated is as a sheep, or as a dove, and may be compared to an olive tree and a vine.

Think, I pray you if you please, How can a man-panther be converted into a man-sheep? Or an owl into a dove? Or a briar into an olive tree? Or a nettle into a vine, by any imputation; if by that be meant a transcription? That the conversion may be effected, must not the wild nature of the panther and the owl, and the noxiousness of the briar and the nettle be first removed, so that the truly human and innocuous can be implanted? And how this is done the Lord teaches in John 15:1-7.

De Amore Conjugiali #526 (original Latin (1768))

526. III. Quod Imputatio, si per illam intelligitur talis transcriptio, sit vox frivola. Quod cuique post mortem imputetur malum in quo est, similiter bonum, supra 524, demonstratum est; inde constat quid intelligitur per Imputationem; at si per imputationem intelligitur transcriptio boni in quempiam, qui in malo est, est vox frivola, quia impossibilis, ut quoque mox supra 525, demonstratum est. In Mundo ab hominibus possunt merita quasi transcribi, hoc est, benefieri liberis propter parentes, aut amicis cujusdam clientis ex favore, verum bonum meriti non potest inscribi animabus illorum, sed solum extrinsecus adjungi: simile non dabile est cum hominibus quoad vitam illorum spiritualem; haec, ut supra ostensum est, implantanda est, quae si non implantatur per vitam secundum praecepta 1Domini supra memorata, homo in malo, in quo natus est, manet; antequam hoc factum est, non potest aliquod bonum contingere illum, quod si tangit, illico repercutitur et resilit sicut globulus elasticus cadens in petram, aut absorbetur sicut adamas injectus paludi.

[2] Homo non reformatus quoad spiritum est sicut panthera, aut sicut bubo, et comparari potest senti et urticae; at homo regeneratus est sicut ovis aut sicut columba, et comparari potest oleae et viti; cogitate, quaeso, si lubet, quomodo potest homo panthera converti in hominem ovem, aut bubo in columbam, aut sentis in oleam, aut urtica in vitem, per aliquam imputationem, si per illam intelligitur transcriptio; numne, ut conversio fiat, ferinum pantherae et bubonis, aut noxium sentis et urticae, prius auferendum est, et sic vere humanum et innocuum implantandum est; quomodo hoc fit, etiam docet Dominus apud Johannem 15:1-7.


1. Prima editio: percepta

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