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《婚姻之爱》 第60节








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Conjugial Love #60 (Chadwick (1996))

60. (ii) This love arises from the marriage of good and truth.

Every intelligent person acknowledges, since it is a universal truth, that everything in the universe has reference to good and truth. It must also be admitted that in every detail of the universe good is linked with truth, and truth with good, because this too is a universal truth which hangs together with the other one. The reason why everything in the universe has reference to good and truth, and why good is linked with truth, and truth with good, is that both of these proceed from the Lord and do so from Him as one. Love and wisdom are the two things proceeding from the Lord, because these are the Lord and so come from Him. All things relating to love are called kinds of good, all things relating to wisdom are called truths. Since the two proceed from the Lord as the Creator, it follows that the two are present in what is created.

An illustration of this is the heat and light radiated by the sun. Everything on earth comes from these, since it is their presence and the extent to which they are linked which controls germination. Natural heat corresponds to spiritual heat, which is love; natural light corresponds to spiritual light, which is wisdom.

Conjugial Love #60 (Rogers (1995))

60. 2. This love originates from the marriage between good and truth. Everything in the universe has some relation to good and truth, as every intelligent person recognizes because it is a universal truth. One cannot help but recognize also that in each and every thing in the universe, good is united with truth and truth with good, because this, too, is a universal truth, which goes along with the other.

The reason everything in the universe has some relation to good and truth, with good being united with truth and vice versa, is that both emanate from the Lord, and they emanate from Him as a unity.

The two things that emanate from the Lord are love and wisdom, because these are what He is and so are what come from Him. And everything that has to do with love is called good, and everything that has to do with wisdom is called truth. Now because these two emanate from the Lord as the Creator, it follows that these two are present in the things He created.

This can be illustrated by the example of heat and light which emanate from the sun. Everything produced by the earth depends on these two, for things germinate according to their presence and according to their presence together. Natural warmth corresponds to spiritual warmth, which is love; and natural light corresponds to spiritual light, which is wisdom.

Love in Marriage #60 (Gladish (1992))

60. 2. The origin of this love is a marriage of good and truth. Every intelligent person recognizes that everything in the universe relates to good and to truth, because this is a universal fact. And he cannot fail to recognize that good is joined with truth and truth with good in each and every detail of the universe, because this is also a universal fact consistent with the other. The reason everything in the universe relates to good and truth, and good is joined with truth, and vice versa, is that both come from the Lord, and they come as a unit from Him. The two things that come from the Lord are love and wisdom. They are from Him because they are He. And everything having to do with love is called good, while everything having to do with wisdom is called truth. Because these two things come from Him as Creator, it means that they are both in created things. The warmth and light that radiate from the sun illustrate this. Everything on earth comes from them, for things sprout when warmth and light are there and according to their being there together. The heat in nature corresponds to spiritual heat, which is love, while the light in nature corresponds to spiritual light, which is wisdom.

Conjugial Love #60 (Acton (1953))

60. II. THAT THE ORIGIN OF THIS LOVE IS FROM THE MARRIAGE OF GOOD AND TRUTH. Being a universal truth, it is acknowledged by every intelligent man that all things in the universe have relation to good and truth. It must also be acknowledged that in each and everything of the universe, good is conjoined with truth and truth with good, for this also is a universal truth cohering with the other. The reason why all things in the universe have relation to good and truth, and why good is conjoined with truth and truth with good, is because both proceed from the Lord, and proceed from Him as a one. The two things which proceed from the Lord are love and wisdom, for these are Himself and are therefore from Him; and all things pertaining to love are called goods, and all pertaining to wisdom are called truths. And since these two proceed from Him as the Creator, it follows that these two are in the things created. This can be illustrated by the heat and light which proceed from the sun. From these are all things on the earth, it being according to their presence and according to their conjunction that things germinate; and natural heat corresponds to spiritual heat which is love, and natural light to spiritual light which is wisdom.

Conjugial Love #60 (Wunsch (1937))

60. (ii) The origin of this love is in the marriage of good and truth. The intelligent man acknowledges that all things in the universe are referable to good and truth, for this is a universal truth; also that in each and all things good is united with truth and truth with good, for this again is a universal truth, cohering with the other. All things in the universe are referable to good and truth, and good is united with truth and truth with good, because the two proceed from the Lord and do so as one. As they proceed from Him, they are love and wisdom; these are the Lord and so are from Him; and all things of love are called goods, and all things of wisdom are called truths. Proceeding from the Lord as the Creator, good and truth are in all created things. Let the heat and light proceeding from the sun serve for illustration; these pervade all vegetation, for it germinates as they are present and as they are present together. Natural heat, moreover, corresponds to spiritual heat, which is love; and natural light to spiritual light, which is wisdom.

Conjugial Love #60 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

60. (2) That the origin of this love is from the marriage of good and truth. It is acknowledged by every intelligent man, for it is a universal truth, that all things in the universe have relation to good and truth. And it cannot but be acknowledged that in each and all things of the universe good is conjoined with truth and truth with good, for this too is a universal truth coherent with the other. The reason why all things in the universe have relation to good and truth, and that good is conjoined with truth and truth with good, is that both proceed from the Lord and proceed from Him as one. The two which proceed from the Lord are love and wisdom, for those are Himself and are therefore, from Himself, and all things pertaining to love are called goods, and all that pertain to wisdom are called truths; and as these two proceed from Him as the Creator, it follows that these two are in the things created. This may be illustrated by the heat and light that proceed from the sun. From these are all things on the earth; for according to their presence and according to their conjunction they germinate; and natural heat corresponds to spiritual heat which is love; and natural light corresponds to spiritual light which is wisdom.

De Amore Conjugiali #60 (original Latin (1768))

60. II. Quod illius Amoris Origo sit ex Conjugio boni et veri. Quod omnia in Universo se referant ad bonum et verum, ab omni homine intelligente agnoscitur, quia est universale verum; quod etiam in omnibus et singulis Universi bonum sit conjunctum vero, ac verum bono, non potest non agnosci, quia hoc etiam est universale verum, quod cohaeret cum altero. Causa, quod omnia in Universo se referant ad bonum et verum, et quod bonum sit conjunctum vero, et reciproce, est quia utrumque procedit a Domino, ac procedunt ab Ipso ut unum; duo quae procedunt a Domino, sunt Amor et Sapientia, quia haec sunt Ipse, ita ab Ipso, et omnia quae sunt Amoris vocantur bona, et omnia quae sunt Sapientiae vocantur vera; et quia ab Ipso ut Creatore procedunt illa duo, sequitur quod in creatis sint illa duo. Hoc illustrari potest per Calorem et Lucem, quae procedunt a Sole; ex his sunt omnia Telluris, germinant enim secundum praesentiam illorum, et secundum conjunctionem illorum; ac Calor naturalis correspondet Calori spirituali, qui est Amor, et Lux naturalis correspondet Luci spirituali, quae est Sapientia.

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