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《婚姻之爱》 第70节






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Conjugial Love #70 (Chadwick (1996))

70. (vii) The only people who can acquire and enjoy that love are those who approach the Lord, loving the truths the church teaches and doing the good deeds it prescribes.

The reason why only those who approach the Lord achieve this love is that monogamous marriages, between one man and one wife, correspond to the marriage of the Lord and the church, and such marriages arise from the marriage of good and truth spoken of above (60, 62). The consequence of this origin and this correspondence is that truly conjugial love is from the Lord and is given to those who approach Him directly. But this cannot be fully proved without a detailed discussion of these two mysteries. This will be given in the two following chapters, one of which will be about the origin of conjugial love from the marriage of good and truth, the other about the marriage of the Lord with the church and its correspondence. There too it will be seen that it follows as a consequence of these that a person's conjugial love depends on the state of the church with him.

Conjugial Love #70 (Rogers (1995))

70. 7. But no others come into that love and no others can be in it but those who go to the Lord and love the truths of the church and do the good things it teaches. No others come into this love but those who go to the Lord, because monogamous marriages, which are marriages of one man with one wife, correspond to the marriage of the Lord and the church, and they have their origin from the marriage between goodness and truth (as discussed above, nos. 60-63).

It follows from this origin and this correspondence that truly conjugial love comes from the Lord and is found in people who go to Him directly, but this cannot be established fully without discussing these two secrets in some detail. This will be done in the chapters that come next after this one, one of which will be on the origin of conjugial love from the marriage of good and truth, 1and the other on the marriage of the Lord and the church and correspondence to it. 2In those chapters we shall also see that it follows from these considerations that the conjugial love in a person depends on the state of the church in him.


1. See nos. 83ff.

2. See nos. 116ff.

Love in Marriage #70 (Gladish (1992))

70. 7. But only those who approach the Lord, love the truths of the church, and do its good services, enter this love and can experience it.

Only people who approach the Lord can enter that love, because monogamous marriages - of one man with one wife - correspond to the marriage of the Lord and the church, and because their source is the marriage of good and truth (see nos. 60 and 62 above).

The real love in marriage is from the Lord and is for those who approach Him directly, because of this source and that correspondence.

The only way to establish this fully is to discuss specifically two things, as yet unrecognized. This is done in the chapters that come next. One thing will be the origin of married love from the marriage of good and truth and the other the marriage of the Lord and the church, and how these correspond. You will also see there that it follows from these ideas that a person's married love coincides with the condition of the church in him.

Conjugial Love #70 (Acton (1953))

70. VII. BUT THAT NO OTHERS COME INTO THIS LOVE AND CAN BE IN IT SAVE THOSE WHO APPROACH THE LORD, LOVE THE TRUTHS OF THE CHURCH AND DO ITS GOODS. The reason why no others come into that love save those who approach the Lord, is because monogamous marriages, or marriages of one man with one wife, correspond to the marriage of the Lord and the Church, and because their origin is the marriage of good and truth, of which above (nos. 60-62). From this origin and correspondence it follows, that love truly conjugial is from the Lord and is with those who approach Him directly. This, however, cannot be fully confirmed unless the above two arcana be taken up specifically, which will be done in the next following chapters, the one on the Origin of Conjugial Love from the Marriage of Good and Truth, and the other on the Marriage of the Lord and the Church and its Correspondence. That from this origin and correspondence, it follows that conjugial love is with man according to the state of the Church with him, will also be shown there.

Conjugial Love #70 (Wunsch (1937))

70. (vii) Only those come into this love, however, or can be in it, who approach the Lord, and love the truths and do the goods of the Church. Only those who approach the Lord come into this love because monogamous marriages, or those of one man with one wife, correspond with the marriage of the Lord and the Church, also because marriages have their origin in the marriage of good and truth (of which above, nn. 60 and62). It follows from both source and correspondence that true marital love is from the Lord, and that they have it who approach Him directly. This cannot be fully shown, however, without treating specifically two arcana, which we shall do in the next succeeding chapters, giving one chapter to the origin of marital love in the marriage of good and truth, and the other to the marriage of the Lord and the Church, and its correspondence. There the reader will also see that it follows that marital love exists with a human being according to the state of the Church with him.

Conjugial Love #70 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

70. (7) But none come into this love, and can be in it, but those who come to the Lord, and love the truths and do the goods of the church. The reason why no others but those that come to the Lord enter into this love, is that monogamous marriages, or marriages of one man with one wife, correspond to the marriage of the Lord and the church, and that their origin is the marriage of good and truth, of which above at n. 60-62. It cannot be fully confirmed that it follows from this origin, and this correspondence, that love truly conjugial is from the Lord and is with those who come directly to Him, unless these two arcana are specially treated of, which shall be done in the chapters that next follow; of which one will be, On the Origin of Conjugial Love from the Marriage of Good and Truth; and the other, On the Marriage of the Lord and the Church and its Correspondence. It will also be seen in those chapters that it follows thence that conjugial love with man is according to the state of the church with him.

De Amore Conjugiali #70 (original Latin (1768))

70. VII: Sed quod non alii in illum amorem veniant, et in illo esse possint, quam qui adeunt Dominum, ac vera Ecclesiae amant, et bona ejus faciunt. Quod non alii in illum amorem veniant, quam qui adeunt Dominum, est quia Conjugia Monogamica, quae sunt unius viri cum una uxore, correspondent Conjugio Domini et Ecclesiae, et quia ortus illorum est ex Conjugio boni et veri, de quibus supra 60 et 62. Quod ex hoc ortu, et illa Correspondentia sequatur, quod Amor vere conjugialis sit a Domino, ac illis qui directe Ipsum adeunt, non potest confirmari ad plenum, nisi in specie de duobus illis arcanis transigatur, quod fiet in Transactionibus, quae hanc proxime excipiunt, quarum una erit de Origine Amoris conjugialis ex Conjugio boni et veri; ac altera de Conjugio Domini et Ecclesiae, et de ejus Correspondentia: quod ex his sequatur, quod Amor conjugialis sit apud hominem secundum statum Ecclesiae apud illum, etiam ibi videbitur.

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