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《婚姻之爱》 第97节





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Conjugial Love #97 (Chadwick (1996))

97. (viii) In a human being conjugial love is in sexual love, like a gem in its native rock.

Since this is merely a comparison, its explanation can be deferred to the next section. It will also illustrate the point that sexual love belongs to the outward or natural person, but conjugial love to the inward or spiritual person (as was proved just above in 95).

Conjugial Love #97 (Rogers (1995))

97. 8. Conjugial love in a person lies within love for the opposite sex, like a gem in its native rock. Since this is only a metaphor, however, it will be explained under the next heading. It illustrates further that a love for the opposite sex is a love of the external or natural man, while conjugial love is a love of the internal or spiritual man, as we showed just above (nos. 94-96).

Love in Marriage #97 (Gladish (1992))

97. 8. With humans love in marriage is in sexual love like a gem in its matrix. But this is just a comparison, and the next article will explain it. It will also show that sexual love has to do with the outer or natural side of people, and married love has to do with the inward or spiritual side, as already indicated (no. 95 above).

Conjugial Love #97 (Acton (1953))

97. VIII. THAT WITH MAN, CONJUGIAL LOVE IS IN LOVE OF THE SEX AS A GEM IN ITS MATRIX. Being only a comparison, this will be explained in the article which next follows. The comparison, however, illustrates the truth that love of the sex belongs to the external or natural man, and conjugial love to the internal or spiritual man, as shown in n. 95.

Conjugial Love #97 (Wunsch (1937))

97. (viii) In the human being marital love is within love for the sex like a gem in its matrix. This is only a simile; the idea will be explained in the following article. The simile serves to indicate, too, that sexual love is of the external or natural man, and marital love of the internal or spiritual (as was shown just above, n.95).

Conjugial Love #97 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

97. (8) That with man conjugial love is within the love of the sex, as a gem in its matrix. But as this is only a comparison the subject will be explained in the section which now follows. By this comparison, however, the truth is illustrated that the love of sex is of the external or natural man, and conjugial love of the internal or spiritual man, as was shown just above (n. 95).

De Amore Conjugiali #97 (original Latin (1768))

97. VIII: Quod apud hominem Amor conjugialis sit in Amore sexus sicut gemma in sua matrice. Sed hoc quia modo comparatio est, explicabitur in Articulo nunc sequente; per illam etiam illustratur, quod Amor sexus sit Externi seu naturalis hominis, et Amor conjugialis Interni seu spiritualis hominis, ut 1mox supra 95. ostensum est.


1. Prima editio: &

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