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《最后的审判(续)》 第13节






  有人从西珥呼问我,守望的啊,夜里如何?守望的说,早晨将到,黑夜也来。(以赛亚书21:11, 12)





  以及其它经文(如以赛亚书17:14; 耶利米书6:4, 5; 诗篇30:5; 65:8; 90:6)。由于这就是傍晚(经上译为晚上)和黑夜的含义,所以为了应验圣言,主也在傍晚被埋葬,然后早晨复活。

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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 13

13. 6. The state of the world and the church before the Last Judgment was like evening and nighttime; after it, the state is like morning and daytime. When the light of truth cannot be seen and truth is not accepted, the state of the church in the world is like evening and nighttime. We can see that this was the state of the church before the Last Judgment from what was said above in 11. When the light of truth becomes visible, though, and truth is accepted, the state of the church in the world is like morning and daytime.

This is why in the Word these two states of the church are called evening and morning or night and day, as in the following passages:

The holy one said to me, “Until two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings: then the holy place will be set right.” (Daniel 8:14)

The vision of evenings and mornings is the truth. (Daniel 8:26)

One day that is known to Jehovah will not be day or night, because there will be light around the time of evening. (Zechariah 14:7)

Someone crying out to me from Seir, “Watchman, what of the night?” The watchman said, “Morning is coming, but so is night.” (Isaiah 21:11, 12)

The following sayings of Jesus concern the last time of the church:

Stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming—in the evening, at midnight, at the rooster’s crow, or in the morning. (Mark 13:35)

Jesus said, “I must work while it is day. The night is coming, when no one can work.” (John 9:4)

For other examples, see also Isaiah 17:14; Jeremiah 6:4, 5; Psalms 30:5; 65:8; 90:6.

Since this is the meaning of evening and morning, in order to fulfill the Word the Lord was entombed in the evening and then rose in the morning.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 13

13. (vi) The state of the world and the church before the Last Judgment resembled evening and night, but after it morning and day. When the light of truth is not to be seen, and truth is not accepted, the state of the church in the world resembles evening and night. Such was its state before the Last Judgment, as is evident from what was said above (11). But when the light of truth is to be seen, and truth is accepted, the state of the church in the world resembles morning and day. That is why those two states of the church are called in the Word evening and morning, as well as night and day; as for example:

The Holy One said to me, 'Until the evening and morning two thousand three hundred [days], then the sanctuary shall be made holy'. Daniel 8:14.

The vision of the evening and the morning is truth. Daniel 8:26.

There shall be one day, known to Jehovah, neither day nor night, because around evening time there shall be light. Zechariah 14:7.

One is calling to me from Seir, Watchman, what of the night? The watchman said, The morning is coming, and night again. Isaiah 21:11-12.

Jesus spoke of the final period of the church:

Keep awake, for you do not know when the lord of the house will come, at evening, at midnight, at cockcrow or in the morning. Mark 13:35.

Jesus said, I must work while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. John 9:4.

Also elsewhere, such as Isaiah 17:14; Jeremiah 6:4-5; Psalms 30:5; 65:8; 90:6.

Because this is the meaning of evening and night, the Lord, in order to fulfil the Word, was also buried in the evening, and afterwards rose again in the morning.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 13

13. VI. The state of the world and of the church before the Last Judgment was like evening and night, but after it, like morning and day. When the light of truth does not appear, and truth is not received, there is a state of the church in the world like evening and night; that there was a state before the Last Judgment, may appear from what is said above (n. 11); but when the light of truth appears, and the truth is received, there is a state of the church in the world like morning and day. Hence it is, that these two states of the church are called "evening and morning" and "night and day," in the Word; as in the following passages:

The Holy One said unto me, Until the evening the morning two thousand three hundred; then shall the sanctuary be justified (Daniel 8:14).

The vision of the evening and the morning is truth (Daniel 8:26).

There shall be one day, which is known to Jehovah, neither day nor night, for about the time of evening there shall be light (Zechariah 14:7).

One crying unto me out of Seir, Watchman, what of the night? The watchman said, The morning cometh, and also the night (Isaiah 21:11-12).

Concerning the last time of the church, Jesus said:

Watch, for ye know not when the Lord of the house will come, whether at evening, at midnight, at cock-crowing, or in the morning (Mark 13:35).

Jesus said, I must work while it is day; the night cometh, when no one can work (John 9:4); and elsewhere (as in Isaiah 17:14; Jeremiah 6:4-5; Psalms 30:6; 65:9; 90:6). Since such things are meant by "evening and night," therefore the Lord, in order to fulfil the Word, also was buried in the evening and afterward rose again in the morning.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 13 (original Latin 1763)

13. (vi.) Quod status mundi et ecclesiae ante ultimum judicium fuerit sicut vespera et nox, post illud autem sicut mane et dies.- Quando lux veri non apparet, et verum non recipitur, est status ecclesiae in mundo sicut vespera et nox; quod talis status ante ultimum judicium fuerit, constare potest a supradictis (11); quando autem lux veri apparet, et verum recipitur, est status ecclesiae in mundo sicut mane et dies. Inde est, quod bini illi status ecclesiae in Verbo dicantur "vespera et mane," tum "nox et dies;" ut in his:

"Dixit ad me" Sanctus, "Usque ad vesperam mane bis mille trecenta; tunc justificabitur sanctum" (Daniel 8:14).

"Visio vesperae et mane veritas est" (Daniel 8:26).

"Erit dies unus, qui notus est Jehovae, non dies nec nox, quia circa tempus vesperae erit lux" (Sacharias 14:7).

"Ad me clamans e Seir, Custos,... quid de nocte?... Dixit custos, Venit mane, etiamque nox" (Esaiam 21:(11,) 12).

Jesus de ultimo tempore ecclesiae,

"Vigilate,... non enim scitis, quando Dominus domus venturus sit, vesperi, media nocte, in gallinaceo, 1an mane" (Marcus 13:35).

Jesus dixit, "Me oportet operari... quando dies est; venit nox quando nemo potest operari" (Johannes 9:4):

et alibi

(Ut Esaiam 17:14; Jeremiam 6:4-5; Psalm 30:6; Psalm 65:9; Psalm 90:6).

Quia per "vesperam" et "noctem" talia intelliguntur, ideo Dominus, ut impleret Verbum, etiam in vespera sepultus est, et postea mane resurrexit.


"1. ""gallinaceo"":- Sic, nisi legeres gallicinio."

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