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《最后的审判(续)》 第14节




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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 14

14. The Last Judgment on Protestants

In my earlier booklet Last Judgment [5364], I dealt with the judgment on the people meant by Babylon and also gave some information about the judgment on Muslims [5051] and people of other religions. I did not deal with the judgment on Protestants, though. I noted only that they were in the center, arranged there by nationality [48], with the Catholics around their circumference, the Muslims around the Catholics, and various other non-Christians around the Muslims.

The reason Protestants occupied the center or central area was that they read the Word and worship the Lord. This means that they have the most light; and the spiritual light that radiates from the Lord as the sun (the Lord in essence being divine love) reaches out in all directions and enlightens even the people who are at the outermost circumference, opening them to understand as many truths as their religion can accept. In its essence, spiritual light is divine wisdom; it enters our understanding to the extent that the knowledge we have gained in the past gives us an ability to perceive it. It does not travel through space like the light of this world but travels through our desire for and perception of what is true, so it comes to the farthest reaches of heaven in an instant. These workings are what give rise to apparent distances in that world.

For more on this subject, see Teachings on Sacred Scripture 104113.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 14


In my earlier work ON THE LAST JUDGMENT, I dealt with the judgment on those meant by Babylon, together with some remarks on the judgment on the Mohammedans and the heathen, but not that on the Reformed. It was only stated that the Reformed make up the centre, being arranged in accordance with their native lands, and around them are the Roman Catholics, and the Mohammedans around them and the heathen and peoples of various religions beyond these. The reason why the Reformed made up the centre or heartland was because they read the Word, worshipped the Lord and they enjoyed the greatest light. Spiritual light, which radiates from the Lord as the sun, being in its essence Divine love, reaches out in all directions and enlightens even those who are in the outermost ring, opening up their ability to understand such truths as their religion enables them to accept. Spiritual light is in essence Divine wisdom, and it enters a person's intellectual faculty to the extent that the acceptance of items of knowledge have enabled him to perceive it. It does not travel through space like the light of the world, but through affections for truth and perceptions of it. So it reaches instantaneously the furthest ends of the heavens. It is as a result of passing through these stages that there appears to be space in that world. See further on this subject (THE TEACHING ABOUT THE SACRED SCRIPTURE 104-113).

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 14


In the former small work on The Last Judgment it treated of the Judgment upon those who are meant by Babylon; and something of the Judgment upon the Mohammedans and upon the Gentiles; but not of the Judgment upon the Reformed. It was said only, that the Reformed were in the middle, arranged there according to countries; the Papists around them; the Mohammedans around the Papists, and around these the Gentiles and peoples of various religions. The Reformed constituted the middle, or central region, because the Word is read by them and the Lord is worshiped, and hence with them there is the greatest light; and spiritual light, which is from the Lord as a sun, which in its essence is the Divine love, proceeds and extends itself on every side, and enlightens even those who are in the extreme circumferences, and opens the faculty of understanding truths, as far as from their religion they can receive them. For spiritual light in its essence is the Divine wisdom, and it enters the understanding in man, as far as, from knowledges received, he has the faculty of perceiving it; and it does not pass through spaces, like the light of the world, but through the affections and perceptions of truth, therefore, in an instant, to the last limits of the heavens. From these are the appearances of spaces in that world. Concerning these things more may be seen in The Doctrine Concerning the Sacred Scripture 104-113).

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 14 (original Latin 1763)


In priori opusculo De Ultimo Judicio actum est de judicio super illos, qui per "Babylonem" intelliguntur; tum aliquid de judicio super Mahumedanos, et super Gentes; sed non de judicio super Reformatos. Solum dictum est quod Reformati sint in medio, ordinati secundum patrias ibi, et quod circum illos Pontificii, circum hos Mahumedani, et circum hos gentes et populi ex varia religione. Quod Reformati medium seu meditullium constituerint, erat causa, quia ab illis legitur Verbum, et colitur Dominus, et inde apud illos maxima lux est; et lux spiritualis, quae a Domino ut Sole, qui in sua essentia est Divinus Amor, procedit, se quaquaversum extendit, ac illustrat etiam illos qui in peripheriis circumcirca sunt, et aperit facultatem intelligendi vera, quantum ex religione recipere possunt. Lux enim spiritualis in sua essentia est Divina Sapientia, ac intrat apud hominem in intellectum ejus, quantum is ex cognitionibus receptis in facultate percipiendi est; nec per spatia vadit sicut lux mundi, sed per affectiones et perceptiones veri; ita in instanti ad ultimos fines caelorum. Ex his sunt apparentiae spatiorum in illo mundo. De his videantur plura in Doctrina de Scriptura Sacra (104-113).

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