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《最后的审判(续)》 第36节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 36

36. The difference between a person in the earthly world and one in the spiritual world is that the latter is clothed with a spiritual body and the former with an earthly body. A spiritual person sees another spiritual person just as clearly as an earthly person sees another earthly person, but an earthly person cannot see a spiritual one and a spiritual person cannot see an earthly one. This is because of the difference between what is earthly and what is spiritual. (The difference between these could be described, but the description would not be brief.)

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 36

36. The difference between a person in the natural world and one in the spiritual world is that one is clothed in a spiritual body, the other in a natural one; and a spiritual person sees another spiritual person as clearly as a natural person sees another natural person. But a natural person cannot see a spiritual person, nor can a spiritual person see a natural person because of the difference between the natural and the spiritual. This can be described, but not in a few words.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 36

36. The difference between a man in the natural world, and a man in the spiritual world, is, that the one man is clothed with a spiritual body, but the other with a natural body; and the spiritual man sees the spiritual man, as clearly as the natural man sees the natural man; but the natural man cannot see the spiritual man, and the spiritual man cannot see the natural man, on account of the difference between the natural and the spiritual; what kind of difference this is, can be described, but not in a few words.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 36 (original Latin 1763)

36. Differentia inter hominem in mundo naturali, et hominem in mundo spirituali, est quod hic homo corpore spirituali indutus sit, ille autem corpore naturali, et homo spiritualis videt hominem spiritualem aeque clare ac homo naturalis videt hominem naturalem; sed non potest homo naturalis videre hominem spiritualem, nec homo spiritualis videre hominem naturalem, propter differentiam inter naturale et spirituale; quae qualis est, describi potest, sed non paucis.

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