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《最后的审判(续)》 第37节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 37

37. On the basis of my own eyewitness experience of many years, I can testify to the following. Just as in the physical world, in the spiritual world there are landmasses, hills and mountains, plains and valleys, springs and rivers, lakes and oceans. There are parks and gardens, groves and forests. There are mansions and houses. There are manuscripts and books. There are jobs and business transactions. There are precious stones, gold, and silver. To put it briefly, that world contains absolutely everything that exists in the physical world, although in heaven, these things are infinitely more perfect.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 37

37. From what I have seen over so many years I can report as follows. The spiritual world contains countries just as the natural world does, hills and mountains, plains and valleys; springs and rivers, lakes and seas; parks and gardens, woods and forests; palaces and houses; writing and books; official positions and businesses; precious stones, gold and silver. In short it contains everything that exists in the natural world of every kind, and those in the heavens are infinitely more perfect.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 37

37. From the things seen during so many years, I am enabled to relate the following: that there are lands in the spiritual world, just as in the natural world; and that there are hills and mountains, plains and valleys, and also fountains and rivers, lakes and seas; there are paradises and gardens, groves and woods, and palaces and houses; also that there are writings and books, offices and trades; and that there are precious stones, gold and silver; in a word, there are each and all things that exist in the natural world, and they are infinitely more perfect in the heavens.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 37 (original Latin 1763)

37. Ex visis per tot annos, possum sequentia referre: quod in mundo spirituali sint aeque terrae sicut in mundo naturali, quodque sint colles et montes, tum planities et valles; et quoque fontes et fluvii, tum lacus et maria; quod sint paradisi et horti, tum luci et silvae; quod sint palatia et domus; tum quod sint scripturae et libri: quodque sint functiones et negotiationes; et quod sint lapides pretiosi, aurum et argentum: verbo, quod sint omnia et singula quaecunque in mundo naturali, et illa in caelis infinite perfectiora.

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