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《最后的审判(续)》 第38节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 38

38. In general, the difference is this. Everything in the spiritual world comes from a spiritual source and is therefore spiritual in its essence. The source of everything there is a sun that is pure love. Everything in this earthly world comes from an earthly source and is therefore earthly in its essence. The source of everything here is a sun that is pure fire.

As a result, spiritual people need to be nourished by food that is spiritual in origin, just as earthly people need to be nourished by food that is earthly in origin.

There is more on this topic in Heaven and Hell [111, 116125, 340, 582].

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 38

38. But there is one general difference: everything in the spiritual world is of spiritual origin and is consequently in essence spiritual, since it is the product of the sun of that world which is pure love. Everything in the natural world is of natural origin and is consequently in essence natural, since it is the product of the sun of that world which is pure fire. As a result a spiritual person needs to be fed with food of spiritual origin, just as a natural person with food of natural origin. See further in HEAVEN AND HELL.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 38

38. But the difference in general is this; that all things in the spiritual world are from a spiritual origin, and hence, as to their essence, are spiritual, they are from the sun there which is pure love; and all things in the natural world are from a natural origin, and hence as to their essence are natural, for they are from the sun there which is pure fire. Hence it is, that the spiritual man must be nourished with food from a spiritual origin, as the natural man is with food from a natural origin. More may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 38 (original Latin 1763)

38. Sed differentia in genere haec est; quod omnia quae in mundo spirituali sunt, ex origine spirituali sint, et inde quoad essentiam spiritualia, sunt ex sole ibi qui est purus amor; et quod omnia quae in mundo naturali sunt, ex origine naturali sint, et inde quoad essentiam naturalia, sunt enim ex sole ibi qui est purus ignis. Ex eo est, quod homo spiritualis nutriendus sit cibo ex origine spirituali, sicut homo naturalis cibo ex origine naturali. Plura videantur in opere De Caelo et Inferno.

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