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《最后的审判(续)》 第39节




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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 39

39. The British in the Spiritual World

We have two levels of thought, outer and inner. In our outer thinking we are in this earthly world, but in our inner thinking we are in the spiritual world. In good people these levels are in harmony with each other, but in evil people they are not. In this earthly world it is rarely clear what someone is like inwardly, because from early childhood we have tried to be moral and have learned to seem so; but in the spiritual world our nature is plain to see. Spiritual light uncovers this. And we are then spirits, and the spirit is the inner self.

Since I have been granted the opportunity to be in that light and to see by that light what the inner selves of people from various nations are like—this through associating with angels and spirits for many years—I have a duty to reveal this information; it is important.

I will first say something about that excellent nation, the British.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 39


Human beings have two modes of thinking, external and internal. In the natural world they use the external mode, in the spiritual world the internal. These two modes act as one in the case of the good, but not in the case of the wicked. It is rarely possible in the natural world to see what a person's interior is like, since from childhood he has wanted to be well-behaved and has learned to appear so. But in the spiritual world his nature is plain to see, for spiritual light reveals this; and he is then a spirit, and the spirit is the internal man. Now because I have been allowed to enjoy that light and by its help to see what the internal men from different kingdoms are like, having spent many years in contact with angels and spirits, it is my duty to publish this as a matter of importance. I start with some remarks on the British upper classes.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 39


There are two states of thought with man, an external and an internal state; man is in the external state in the natural world, in the internal state in the spiritual world: these states make one with the good, but not with the evil. What a man is as to his internal, is rarely manifest in the natural world, because from his infancy, he has wished to be moral, and has learned to seem so. But what he is, clearly appears in the spiritual world, for spiritual light discloses it, and also man is then a spirit, and the spirit is the internal man. Now, since it has been given me to be in that light, and from it, to see what the internal is in the men of various kingdoms, by an interaction of many years with angels and spirits, it behooves me to manifest it, because of its importance. Here I will say something of the noble English nation only.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 39 (original Latin 1763)


Sunt duo status cogitationis apud hominem, externus et internus; homo in externo est in mundo naturali, in interno est in mundo spirituali: hi status unum faciunt apud bonos, sed non unum apud malos. Qualis homo quoad internum suum est, raro patet in mundo naturali, quoniam ab infantia voluit moralis esse, et didicit videri; sed in mundo spirituali clare apparet qualis est: lux spiritualis hoc detegit; est quoque homo tunc spiritus, et spiritus est internus homo. Nunc quia mihi datum est in illa luce esse, et ex illa videre quales interni homines sunt ab uno regno et ab altero, hoc per commercium plurium annorum cum angelis et spiritibus, me oportet, quia interest, id manifestare: hic modo aliquid de nobili gente Anglica.

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