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《最后的审判(续)》 第40节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 40

40. The better individuals among the British people are at the center of all Christians (see 20 above on the Christians being at the center [of the world of spirits]). This is because they have a profound intellectual light. This trait of theirs is not noticeable to anyone in the earthly world but it is obvious in the spiritual world. They owe this light to their freedom of thought and consequent freedom of speech and writing. (Among other peoples who have no such freedoms, the intellectual light is smothered because it has no outlet.)

This light is not automatically activated in them, however; it is stimulated by others, especially by those who are famous or powerful among them. As soon as people hear statements from these authorities or read something they have recommended, then this light blazes forth; it rarely happens before [such stimulation].

Because of this the British in the spiritual world are assigned governors and are given preachers renowned for their scholarship and brilliance. The people willingly obey edicts and advice from them because to do so is in their nature.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 40

40. The better of the British nation occupy the very centre of the Christians (see 20 above). The reason they are in the centre is that they have inward intellectual light. No one can see this in the natural world, but in the spiritual world it is plain to see. They get this light from the freedom they have to think, and so to speak and write. In the case of others who do not have the same freedom, that light is blocked, not having any outlet. The light, however, does not act of itself, but derives its activity from others, especially from their men of repute and authority. As soon as these utter any pronouncement, or anything approved by them is read, the light shines out; but rarely before this happens. For this reason the British in the spiritual world have governors set over them, and they are assigned priests who are famous for their learning and outstanding minds. Their character makes them cheerfully obey their orders and advice.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 40

40. The more excellent of the English nation are in the center of all Christians (see above, n. 20). The reason why they are in the center is, because they have interior intellectual light. This is not apparent to any one in the natural world, but it is conspicuous in the spiritual world. This light they derive from the liberty of thinking, and thence of speaking and of writing, in which they are. With others, who are not in such liberty, intellectual light is darkened because it has no outlet. But this light is not active of itself, but is rendered active by others, especially by men of reputation and authority among them. As soon as anything is said by these men, or as soon as anything they approve is read, that light shines forth, and seldom before. On this account governors are placed over them in the spiritual world, and priests of great reputation for learning and distinguished ability are given them, whose commands and monitions, from this their natural disposition, they cheerfully obey.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 40 (original Latin 1763)

40. Meliores ex gente Anglica in centro omnium Christianorum sunt (videatur supra, 20); quod in centro sint, est ex causa, quia illis lux intellectualis interior est: haec non apparet alicui in mundo naturali, sed apparet conspicue in mundo spirituali; trahunt hanc lucem a libertate cogitandi, et inde loquendi et scribendi, in qua sunt: apud alios, qui in tali libertate non sunt, lux intellectualis, quia non habet exitum, offunditur. Verum lux illa non est activa ex se, sed fit activa ex aliis, imprimus a iris famae et auctoritatis apud illos; ut primum ab his aliquid dicitur, aut ab illis approbatum legitur, lux illa exsplendescit, et raro prius. Propter hanc causam illis in mundo spirituali praeficiuntur moderatores, et dantur sacerdotes incluti fama ex eruditione ac praepollente ingenio, quorum mandatis et monitis ex illa sua indole benevole obediunt.

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