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《最后的审判(续)》 第76节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 76

76. Because this is also what Africans in this world are like, a revelation is occurring among them at the present time, beginning in central [Africa] and spreading outward, though not all the way to the seacoasts. They acknowledge our Lord as the Lord of heaven and earth. When monks arrive there, the Africans laugh at them. They also laugh at Christians who talk about a threefold Divinity and about being saved by what you think. The Africans say that there are no worshipful people who do not put their religion into practice. If we do not live by our religion, they say, we cannot help but become stupid and evil, because we are not open to anything from heaven. Even malice that is ingenious the Africans call stupid, because within it there is not life but death.

I have heard the angels rejoicing over this revelation [in Africa], since it is opening up for them a communication with the human rational faculty that had previously been closed by a blindness in regard to matters of faith.

I have been informed by a heavenly source that angelic spirits are communicating to the inhabitants of that region what it says in Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord, [Teachings for the New Jerusalem] on the Word, and Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem, which have just been published.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 76

76. Since this is the nature of the African in the world too, at the present time a revelation is being made to them, which beginning at the centre is spreading out from there, but has not reached the seas. They acknowledge our Lord as the Lord of heaven and earth, and laugh at monks, when they come to them, and Christians talking about a triple Divinity and salvation by only thinking. They say that no one who worships at all fails to live according to his religion. If he did not, he would inevitably become stupid and wicked, for he does not then receive anything from heaven. They even call stupidity clever malice, because there is no life, but only death, in it. I heard of the angels' joy at that revelation, that it was opening up communication for them with the human reason, which previously had been closed by the blindness obscuring matters of faith. I was told from heaven that the inhabitants of that country are having dictated to them by angelic spirits the teachings that have just been published in the TEACHING OF THE NEW JERUSALEM ABOUT THE LORD, THE WORD and in the TEACHING ABOUT LIFE FOR THE NEW JERUSALEM.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 76

76. Such being the character of the Africans even in the world, there is, at the present day, a revelation with them, which commencing in the center, is communicated around, but does not reach the seas. They acknowledge our Lord as the God of heaven and earth, and laugh at the monks in those parts they visit, and at the Christians who talk of a three-fold Divinity, and of salvation by mere thinking, saying, that there is no man who has any worship, who does not live according to his religion, and that whosoever does not, must become stupid and wicked, because then he receives nothing from heaven. Ingenious wickedness they also call stupidity, because in it there is not life but death. I have heard the angels rejoicing over this revelation, because, by means of it, a communication is opened for them with the human rational, hitherto closed up by the blindness which has been drawn over the things of faith. It was told me from heaven, that the truths now published in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem Concerning the Lord, Concerning the Word, and in The Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem, are orally dictated by angelic spirits to the inhabitants of that country.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 76 (original Latin 1763)

76. Quoniam Africani tales sunt etiam in mundo, ideo apud illos hodie revelatio sit, quae incepta vadit a medio circum, sed non usque ad maria, Agnoscunt illi Dominum nostrum pro Domino caeli et terrae; et rident monachos, ubi adeuntur, et Christianos loquentes de triplicata Divinitate, et de salvatione per solum cogitare; dicentes quod nullus homo sit, cui aliquis cultus, qui non vivit secundum religionem suam; et si non, quod non possit aliter quam fieri stupidus et malus, quia tunc non recipit aliquid e caelo: malitiam ingeniosam vocant etiam stupiditatem, quia non vita sed mors est in illa. Audivi angelorum gaudium super illa revelatione, quod per eam aperiatur illis communicatio cum Humano rationali hactenus per caecum rebus fidei inductum occluso. Dictum mihi e caelo est, quod incolis telluris istius per spiritus angelicos oretenus dictentur illa quae in Doctrina Novae Hierosolymae de Domino, de Verbo, et in Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma, nunc edita sunt.

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