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《最后的审判(续)》 第77节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 77

77. The African men I have talked with in the spiritual world wore garments of striped linen. They told me that these clothes were correspondential, and that the women wore garments of striped silk.

They said of their children that they often ask the women who are their teachers for something to eat, saying that they are hungry, and yet when they are given some food they look at it, taste it to see whether it agrees with them, and eat only a little. Clearly then, the cause is a spiritual hunger, which is a longing for knowing genuine truths. This is an actual correspondence.

When the Africans in the spiritual world are unsure whether something they are perceiving and enjoying is the truth, they draw a sword. If the sword gleams, they know that the truths they are engaged with are genuine; they also know this from the way the sword gleams. This too is caused by a correspondence.

On the subject of marriage, they said that by law they were actually allowed to have more than one wife, but that they still had only one because true marriage love cannot be divided. If it is divided, its essence, which is heavenly, perishes. It becomes superficial and therefore merely lustful. Before long, as its potency dwindles, that love becomes cheapened; and once its potency is completely lost, that love becomes tiresome. True marriage love, on the other hand, which is inward, derives nothing from lust. It lasts forever and grows in potency, and proportionally, in delight.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 77

77. When I talked with Africans in the spiritual world, they appeared dressed in striped linen, saying that such clothing suited them, and that their womenfolk wore garments of striped silk. They told me that their children often ask their nurses for food, saying they are hungry, and when food is set before them they taste it to see whether it is suitable and eat a little. From this it is clear that it is spiritual hunger, the desire to know real truths, which causes this, for it is a correspondence. When the Africans want to know how they stand as regards affection for and perception of truth, they draw their swords; if they shine, they know they have real truths, and the more they have the brighter they shine; this too is due to correspondence. On the subject of marriage they said that although their law allows them to marry more than one wife, they do not take more than one, because true marriage love is indivisible. If it is divided, its essence, which is heavenly, is lost; it becomes external and lewd, quickly fading as their virility declines and turning to loathing when it goes completely. But true marriage love is internal and untouched by lewdness, so it lasts for ever, growing equally in strength and delight.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 77

77. When I spoke with the Africans in the spiritual world, they appeared in striped garments of linen: they said that such garments correspond to them, and that their women have striped garments of silk. Of their little children, they related, that they frequently ask their nurses for food, saying that they are hungry, and when food is set before them, they examine and taste whether it agrees with them, and eat but little; whence it is evident, that spiritual hunger, which is a desire of knowing genuine truths, produces this effect; for it is a correspondence. When the Africans wish to know their state as to the affection and perception of truth, they draw their swords; and if these shine, they know that they are in genuine truths, in a degree according to the shining; this, too, is from correspondence. Of marriage they said, that it is indeed allowed them by law to have several wives, but that still they take but one, because love truly conjugial is not divided; and that if it is divided, its essence which is heavenly perishes, and it becomes external and thence lascivious, and in a short time grows vile, as its potency diminishes, and at length is loathed when the potency is lost; but love truly conjugial, which is internal, and derives nothing from lasciviousness, remains to eternity, and increases in potency, and in the same degree in delight.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 77 (original Latin 1763)

77. Cum locutus sum cum Africanis in mundo spirituali, apparuerunt in vestibus striatis ex lino: dicebant quod tales vestes illis correspondeant, et quod mulieribus illorum vestes striatae ex serico. Narrabant de infantibus illorum, quod frequenter ab educatricibus quaerant cibum, dicentes se esurire, et cum apponuntur cibi, inspectant et gustant num concordent, et parum edunt; ex quibus patet, quod esuritio spiritualis, quae est desiderium sciendi genuina vera, hoc operetur; est enim correspondentia. Cum volunt scire in quo statu quoad affectionem et perceptionem veri sunt, extrahunt enses, qui si nitent, sciunt quod in genuinis veris sint, et hoc secundum nitorem ejus; est quoque hoc ex correspondentia. De conjugio dixerunt, quod illis quidem liceat ex lege sua plures uxores ducere, sed quod usque ducant unam, quia amor vere conjugialis non est dividuus; si dividitur, perit essentia ejus, quae est caelestis; et fit externus et inde lascivus, qui brevi secundum diminutionem potentiae vilescit, et demum cum jactura ejus fastiditur; amor autem vere conjugialis, qui est internus; et nihil trahit ex lascivia, manet in aeternum, ac crescit potentia, et in simili gradu delicio.

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