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《最后的审判(续)》 第78节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 78

78. As for people who come their way from Europe, the Africans said that these are not allowed in. A few, though—most of them monks—do manage to get through. In these cases, the Africans ask them what they know; when the Europeans start speaking about their religious beliefs, the Africans call it nonsense that hurts their ears. They send them off to do work that is useful. If the Europeans refuse to do this work, the Africans sell them as slaves, and by law are allowed to punish them whenever they want. If the Europeans cannot be coerced into doing anything useful, they are eventually sold to social outcasts for next to nothing.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 78

78. They said that visitors from Europe are not admitted. When any, especially monks, do manage to get in, the Africans enquire into their knowledge, and when they give some account of their religious beliefs, call them rubbish they cannot bear to hear. So then they banish them to hard labour, so that they may do something useful. If they object to doing this, they sell them into slavery, and their law permits them to beat slaves as much as they wish. If they can still not be forced to do anything useful, they eventually sell them for a pittance to humble people.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 78

78. Strangers from Europe they said, are not admitted, and when any penetrate into their country, especially monks, they ask them what they know, and when they relate any particulars of their religious persuasion, they call them trifles which offend their very ears, and they then send them out of the way to work, in order that they may do something useful; and if they refuse to work, they sell them for slaves, whom their law allows them to chastise at will; and if they cannot drive them to do anything useful, they are at last sold for a small sum to the lowest class.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 78 (original Latin 1763)

78. De advenis ex Europa dixerunt, quod non admittantur; et cum aliqui, imprimis monachi, penetrant, inquirunt quid sciunt, et cum narrant aliqua de religioso, vocant illa nugas quae laedunt ipsas aures, et tunc ablegant illos ad operas ut aliquid utile faciant; et si renuunt facere, vendunt illos in servos, quos ex lege illorum licet castigare ad libitum, et si ad nihil utile adigi possunt, venduntur demum pro pauco ad viles.

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