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《最后的审判(续)》 第79节




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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 79

79. Jews in the Spiritual World

Before the Last Judgment the Jews were in a valley on the left side of the central Christian area, but afterward they were transferred to the north and forbidden to interact with Christians unless those Christians were traveling outside of their own cities.

In that [northern] region there are two large cities to which Jews are brought after death. Before the Last Judgment both of these were called Jerusalem, but afterward they were renamed, because now that the judgment has taken place “Jerusalem” means the church where the Lord alone is worshiped.

The residents of these cities are governed by converted Jews who caution them not to speak disparagingly of Christ and who punish any who do.

The streets of these cities are ankle-deep in muck and their houses are full of unclean things giving off such foul smells that no one else can come near.

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 79


Before the Last Judgment the Jews were to be seen in a valley to the left of the Christian heartland. After it they were transferred to the north and forbidden to have any contact with Christians except with wanderers outside the cities. In that quarter there are two large cities to which Jews are taken after death. Before the judgment both were called Jerusalem, but were afterwards given another name, since after the judgment 'Jerusalem' meant the church in which the Lord alone is worshipped. They have in their cities converted Jews set over them, who warn them not to speak insultingly of Christ, and punish those who still do so. The streets of their cities are ankle-deep in mud, and their houses are so full of dirt that they smell too bad for any one to enter.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 79


Before the Last Judgment the Jews appeared in a valley in the spiritual world, at the left side of the Christian center; but after it, they were transferred into the north, and forbidden to hold interaction with Christians, except with those who wandered outside the cities. In that quarter, there are two great cities into which the Jews are led after death, and which before the Judgment, were called Jerusalems, but after it by another name, because after the Judgment by "Jerusalem" is meant the church in which the Lord alone is adored. In these cities, converted Jews are appointed over them, who admonish them not to speak scoffingly of Christ; and punish those who still do so. The streets of their cities are filled with mire up to the ankles, and their houses are full of uncleanness, from which they smell, so that they cannot be approached.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 79 (original Latin 1763)


Judaei ante ultimum judicium ad latus sinistrum meditullii Christiani in valle ibi apparuerunt; post illud autem translati sunt in septentrionem, et interdictum est commercium cum Christianis, nisi cum vagis extra urbes. Sunt in illa plaga binae magnae urbes, in quas Judaei post mortem deducuntur, quas ante judicium vocaverunt Hierosolymas, sed post illud alio nomine; quia post judicium per "Hierosolymam" intellecta est ecclesia in qua Dominus solus adoratur. Praeficiuntur illis in suis urbibus Judaei conversi, qui monent illos ne contumeliose loquantur de Christo; et puniunt qui usque id faciunt. Plateae urbium illarum sunt oppletae caeno usque ad talos, et domus immundis, a quibus etiam olent; propter quae non adiri possunt.

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