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《最后的审判(续)》 第85节



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Supplements on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World (New Century Edition 2020) 85

85. Because Quakers rejected the two sacraments, baptism and the Holy Supper, and yet still read the Word and preach about the Lord, and because when they speak they are possessed by fanatical spirits and therefore mix the holy teachings of the Word with truths that have been profaned, no community is formed from them in the spiritual world. Instead, their associations are broken up and they wander here and there, then disappear from view, and gather in the wilderness location mentioned above [83].

Continuation of The Last Judgement (Chadwick translation 1975) 85

85. Since they have rejected the two Sacraments, Baptism and the Holy Supper, but they still read the Word and preach about the Lord, and speak under the influence of enthusiastic spirits, thus mixing the holiness of the Word with profaned truths, there is no community formed from them in the spiritual world. But after wandering here and there by themselves, they disappear and are gathered in the desert mentioned before.

Continuation of The Last Judgment (Whitehead translation 1914) 85

85. Since they have rejected the two sacraments, Baptism and the Holy Supper, and still read the Word, and preach the Lord, and speak obsessed by enthusiastic spirits, and thus commix the holy things of the Word with truths profaned, therefore no society is formed of them in the spiritual world, but after being dissociated they wander hither and thither, and are dispersed, and gathered into the above mentioned desert.

Continuatio de Ultimo Judicio 85 (original Latin 1763)

85. Quoniam rejecerunt bina sacramenta, Baptismum et Sacram Cenam, et usque legunt Verbum, et praedicant Dominum, et obsessi a spiritibus enthusiasticis loquuntur, et sic commiscent sancta Verbi profanatis veris, ideo nulla societas formatur ex illis in mundo spirituali; sed postquam dissociati errarunt huc illuc, disparantur, et in supradicto deserto colliguntur.

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