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《圣爱与圣智》 第86节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #86 (Dole (2003))

86. That sun is not the Lord himself, though it is from the Lord. What looks like the sun in the spiritual world is the emanating divine love and wisdom. Since love and wisdom are one in the Lord (see part 1), we say that this sun is divine love. Divine wisdom is actually an attribute of divine love, so it too is love.

Divine Love and Wisdom #86 (Rogers (1999))

86. The sun in the spiritual world is not the Lord Himself, but an emanation from the Lord. It is the emanating Divine love and wisdom which appear as the sun in that world. And because love and wisdom in the Lord are one - as shown in Part One 1 - we say that that sun is Divine love. 2 For Divine wisdom is a property of Divine love; 3 consequently it, too, is love.


1. See nos. 14, 34-35, 37.

2. As in nos. 5, 73.

3. See nos. 34-35.

Divine Love and Wisdom #86 (Harley and Harley (1969))

86. That Sun is not the Lord Himself but it is the Divine Love and Wisdom proceeding from the Lord, which appear as a Sun in that world. And because Love and Wisdom in the Lord are one (as was shown in Part I), it is said that that Sun is the Divine Love. For the Divine Wisdom is of Divine Love, thus it also is Love.

Divine Love and Wisdom #86 (Ager (1890))

86. That sun is not the Lord Himself, but is from the Lord. It is the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom proceeding from Him that appear as a sun in that world. And because Love and Wisdom in the Lord are one (as shown in Part I.), that sun is said to be Divine Love; for Divine Wisdom is of Divine Love, consequently is Love.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #86 (original Latin,1763)

86. Sol ille non est Ipse Dominus, sed ex Domino; est Divinus Amor et Divina Sapientia procedens, quae ut Sol in illo Mundo apparent: et quia Amor et Sapientia in Domino unum sunt, ut in Prima parte ostensum est, dicitur quod Sol ille sit Divinus Amor; Divina enim Sapientia est Divini Amoris; ita quoque illa est Amor.

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