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《圣爱与圣智》 第92节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #92 (Dole (2003))

92. It has not been known before that angels and spirits are in a completely different light and warmth than we are. It has not even been known that there was a different light and warmth. Human thought has not penetrated beyond the deeper or purer aspects of nature. As a result, many people have located the dwellings of angels and spirits in the ether or even in the stars--within nature, that is, and not above or beyond it. In fact, though, angels and spirits are wholly above or beyond nature. They are in their own world, one that is under a different sun. Further, since spatial intervals are only apparent in that world, as I have explained earlier [7], we cannot say that they are in the ether or in the stars. They are right with us, united to our own spirits in feeling and thought. Each of us is a spirit. That is the source of our thinking and intending. This means that the spiritual world is right where we are, not distanced from us in the least. In short, as far as the deeper levels of our minds are concerned we are all in that world, surrounded by angels and spirits there. We think because of the light of that world and love because of its warmth.

Divine Love and Wisdom #92 (Rogers (1999))

92. It has not been known previously that angels and spirits possess a completely different light and heat from that of people. Indeed, it has not been known that a different light and heat is possible. For people have not penetrated in their thinking more deeply than into the interior or purer elements of nature. Consequently many people have even imagined the abodes of angels and spirits to be in the upper atmosphere, and some in the stars, thus within nature and not above or outside it.

But in fact angels and spirits are altogether above or outside nature, and they dwell in a world which exists under another sun. And because intervals of space in that world are appearances, as demonstrated above, 1 therefore one cannot say that they are in the upper atmosphere or in the stars; for they dwell with people, conjoined with the affections and thoughts of their spirits. For the human being is a spirit. It is owing to it that he thinks and wills. Consequently the spiritual world is where people are, and not at all removed from them.

In short, every person in the interiors of his mind is in that world, in the midst of spirits and angels there, and he thinks because of its light, and loves because of its warmth.


1. Nos. 7, 10. See also nos. 70, 74.

Divine Love and Wisdom #92 (Harley and Harley (1969))

92. It has been hitherto unknown that angels and spirits are in a light and heat completely different from men. Indeed it has been unknown that another light and heat are possible. For man has not penetrated in his thought beyond the more interior or purer things of nature. Because of this, too, many have placed the abodes of angels and spirits in the ether, and some in the stars, thus within nature and not above or outside it. But yet angels and spirits are entirely above or outside nature, and in their own world which is under another Sun. And because in that world spaces are appearances, as was shown above, therefore angels and spirits cannot be said to be in the ether or in the stars. For they are together with man, conjoined to the affection and thought of his spirit. For man is a spirit. From that, he thinks and wills. Wherefore the spiritual world is where man is, and certainly not distant from him. In a word, every man as to the interiors of his mind is in that world in the midst of. spirits and angels there; and he thinks from its light and loves from its heat.

Divine Love and Wisdom #92 (Ager (1890))

92. Hitherto it has not been known that angels and spirits are in a totally different light and different heat from men. It has not been known even that another light and another heat are possible. For man in his thought has not penetrated beyond the interior or purer things of nature. And for this reason many have placed the abodes of angels and spirits in the ether, and some in the stars - thus within nature, and not above or outside of it. But, in truth, angels and spirits are entirely above or outside of nature, and are in their own world, which is under another sun. And since in that world spaces are appearances (as was shown above), angels and spirits cannot be said to be in the ether or in the stars; in fact, they are present with man, conjoined to the affection and thought of his spirit; since man is a spirit, and because of that thinks and wills; consequently the spiritual world is wherever man is, and in no wise away from him. In a word, every man as regards the interiors of his mind is in that world, in the midst of spirits and angels there; and he thinks from its light, and loves from its heat.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #92 (original Latin,1763)

92. Hactenus ignotum fuit, quod Angeli et Spiritus sint in prorsus alia luce et in alio calore, quam homines; imo ignotum fuit quod alia lux et alius calor detur; homo enim cogitatione sua non altius penetravit quam in interiora aut puriora naturae; quare etiam multi finxerunt habitacula angelorum et spirituum in aethere, et quidam in stellis, ita intra naturam, et non supra seu extra illam: cum tamen Angeli et Spiritus sunt prorsus supra seu extra naturam, inque suo Mundo qui sub alio Sole est: et quia in illo Mundo spatia sunt apparentiae, ut supra demonstratum est, ideo non potest dici quod sint in aethere nec in stellis; sunt enim una cum homine, conjuncti ejus Spiritus affectioni et cogitationi; homo enim est Spiritus; ex illo cogitat et vult; quare Mundus Spiritualis est ubi homo, et prorsus non dissitus ab illo: verbo, omnis homo quoad interiora mentis suae est in illo Mundo in medio Spirituum et Angelorum ibi, ac cogitat ex luce ejus, et amat ex calore ejus.

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