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《圣治(天意)》 第126节



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Divine Providence (Rogers translation 2003) 126

126. When instead of a hellish life's love a heavenly life's love has been implanted by the Lord, then instead of lusts for evil and falsity, affections for goodness and truth are implanted, and instead of the delights of lusts for evil and falsity, the delights of affections for good, and instead of the evils of hellish love, the goods of heavenly love. Instead of cunning, then, prudence is implanted, and instead of malicious thoughts, thoughts of wisdom. Thus the person is born again and becomes a new person.

The kinds of goods that follow in place of evils may be seen in The Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem 67-91. Also that to the extent a person refrains from and is averse to evils as sins, to the same extent he loves truths of wisdom, The Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem 32-41; and that to the same extent he has faith and is spiritual, The Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem 42-52.

Divine Providence (Dole translation 2003) 126

126. Once the Lord has transplanted a love for heavenly life in place of a love for hellish life, then he transplants desires for what is good and true in place of cravings for what is evil and false, the pleasures of impulses to do good in place of the pleasures of impulses toward what is evil and false, and the good actions of heavenly love in place of the evil actions of hellish love--eventually genuine care in place of cleverness, and wise thought processes in place of malicious ones. In this way we are begotten anew and become new people.

Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem 67-73, 74-79, 80-86, and 87-91 tells which good qualities take the place of evil ones. In 32-41, it explains that we come to love truths of wisdom to the extent that we abstain from evils as sins and dislike them; and in 42-52 that we have faith and become spiritual to the same extent.

Divine Providence (Dick and Pulsford translation 1949) 126

126. When the Lord has implanted a heavenly life's love in place of the infernal one then there are implanted affections of good and truth in place of the lusts of evil and falsity; and in place of the delights of the lusts of evil and falsity there are implanted the delights of the affections of good; and in place of the evils of infernal love there are implanted the goods of heavenly love. Then also instead of cunning there is implanted prudence, and instead of thoughts of malice there are implanted thoughts of wisdom. Thus man is born again and becomes a new man. The kinds of good that take the place of evils may be seen in THE DOCTRINE OF LIFE FOR THE NEW JERUSALEM (n. 67-73, 74-79, 80-86, 87-91); also, that so far as a man shuns and turns away from evils as sins he loves the truths of wisdom (n. 32-41); and so far he has faith and is spiritual (n. 42-52).

Divine Providence (Ager translation 1899) 126

126. When a heavenly life's love has been implanted by the Lord in place of an infernal life's love, affections for good and truth are implanted in place of the lusts of evil and falsity; and the enjoyments of affections for good are implanted in place of the enjoyments of the lusts of evil and falsity; and the goods of heavenly love are implanted in place of the evils of infernal love. Then prudence is implanted in place of cunning, and wise thoughts in place of crafty thoughts. Thus man is born again and becomes a new man. What kinds of good succeed in place of evils can be seen in the Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem 67-73, 74-79, 80-86, 87-91; also that so far as a man shuns and turns away from evils as sins he loves the truths of wisdom (Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem 32-41); and so far he has faith and is spiritual (Doctrine of Life for the New Jerusalem 42-52).

De Divina Providentia 126 (original Latin, 1764)

126. Quando Amor vitae coelestis loco amoris vitae infernalis a Domino implantatus est, tunc loco concupiscentiarum mali et falsi implantantur affectiones boni et veri, ac loco jucundorum concupiscentiarum mali et falsi implantantur jucunda affectionum boni, et loco malorum amoris infernalis implantantur bona amoris coelestis: tunc pro astutia implantatur prudentia, et pro cogitationibus malitiae implantantur cogitationes sapientiae: ita homo generatur denuo, et fit novus. Quaenam bona loco malorum succedunt, videatur in DOCTRINA VITAE PRO NOVA HIEROSOLYMA 67-73 1, 74-79, 80-86, 87-91. Tum, quod quantum homo fugit et aversatur mala ut peccata, tantum vera sapientiae amet, 32-41; et quod tantum fidem habeat, et spiritualis sit, 42-52.


1 Prima editio: VITAE

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