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《新耶路撒冷教义之生活篇》 第32节




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Life (Dole translation 2014) 32

32. To the Extent That We Turn Our Backs on Evils Because They Are Sins, We Love What Is True

THERE are two absolutes that emanate from the Lord: divine goodness and divine truth. Divine goodness comes from his divine love, and divine truth comes from his divine wisdom. In the Lord, these two are one and therefore they emanate from him as one. However, they are not received as one by angels in the heavens or by us on earth. There are some angels and people who receive more of divine truth than of divine goodness, and there are others who receive more of divine goodness than of divine truth. That is why the heavens are divided into two kingdoms, one called the heavenly kingdom and the other called the spiritual kingdom. The heavens that receive more of divine goodness form the heavenly kingdom, and the ones that receive more of divine truth form the spiritual kingdom. On these two kingdoms into which the heavens are divided see 20-28 of Heaven and Hell.

2. Still, the angels of all the heavens enjoy wisdom and intelligence only to the extent that the goodness they practice is united to truth. Any good action of theirs that is not united to truth is for them not actually good; and conversely any truth they possess that is not united to good actions is for them not actually true. We can see from this that goodness united to truth makes love and wisdom for an angel and for us; and since angels are angels because of their love and wisdom, and since the same holds true for us, we can see that goodness united to truth is what makes an angel an angel of heaven and a person a true member of the church.

Doctrine of Life (Rogers translation 2014) 32

32. Insofar as Someone Refrains from Evils as Being Sins, So Far He Loves Truths

Two universal emanations radiate from the Lord: Divine goodness and Divine truth. Divine goodness is an attribute of His Divine love, and Divine truth is an attribute of His Divine wisdom. These two are united in the Lord, and they emanate from Him as one. However, they are not received as one by angels in heaven or by people on earth. Some angels and people receive more of the emanation of Divine truth than they do of Divine goodness, and some receive more of the emanation of Divine goodness than they do of Divine truth.

It is owing to this that the heavens are distinguished into two kingdoms, one of which is called the celestial kingdom, the other the spiritual kingdom. The heavens that receive more of the emanation of Divine goodness constitute the celestial kingdom, while those that receive more of the emanation of Divine truth constitute the spiritual kingdom. Regarding these two kingdoms into which the heavens are distinguished, see the book Heaven and Hell 20-28.

But even so, the angels of all the heavens possess wisdom and intelligence in the measure that the goodness in them is united with truth. Goodness that is not united with truth is for them not good. Conversely, truth that is not united with goodness is for them not true.

It is apparent from this that goodness combined with truth is what produces love and wisdom in angels and people. And because an angel is an angel, and a person human, because of the love and wisdom in him, it is apparent that goodness combined with truth is what makes an angel an angel in heaven, and a person part of the church.

Doctrine of Life (Dick translation 1954) 32


There are two universals that proceed from the Lord, Divine Good and Divine Truth: Divine Good is of His Divine Love, and Divine Truth is of His Divine Wisdom. These two in the Lord are one, and consequently proceed from Him as one; but they are not received as one by angels in the heavens and by men on earth. There are angels and men who receive more of Divine Truth than of Divine Good, and there are those who receive more of Divine Good than of Divine Truth. Hence it is that the heavens are distinguished into two kingdoms, one of which is called the celestial kingdom and the other the spiritual kingdom: the heavens that receive more of the Divine Good constitute the celestial kingdom, while those that receive more of the Divine Truth constitute the spiritual kingdom. Concerning these two kingdoms into which the heavens are distinguished, see the work on Heaven and Hell 20-28.

Still, however, the angels of all the heavens are so far in wisdom and intelligence as the good with them unites with truth. The good which does not unite with truth is to them not good; and on the other hand, the truth which does not unite with good is to them not truth. From this it is evident that good conjoined with truth constitutes love and wisdom with angel and man; and since an angel is an angel from the love and wisdom with him, and similarly a man is a man, it is evident that good conjoined with truth makes an angel to be an angel of heaven, and a man to be a man of the Church.

Doctrine of Life (Potts translation 1904) 32


There are two universals that proceed from the Lord: Divine good, and Divine truth. Divine good is of His Divine love, and Divine truth is of His Divine wisdom. In the Lord these two are a one, 1and therefore they proceed from Him as a one, but they are not received as a one by angels in the heavens, or by men on earth. There are both angels and men who receive more from Divine truth than from Divine good; and there are others who receive more from Divine good than from Divine truth. This is why the heavens are distinguished into two distinct kingdoms, one of which is called the celestial kingdom, and the other the spiritual kingdom. The heavens that receive more from Divine good constitute the celestial kingdom, and those which receive more from Divine truth constitute the spiritual kingdom. (Concerning these two kingdoms into which the heavens are divided, see the work on Heaven and Hell 20-28.)

But still the angels of all the heavens are in wisdom and intelligence in proportion to the degree in which the good in them makes a one with truth. The good that does not make a one with truth is to them not good; and on the other hand the truth that does not make a one with good is to them not truth. From this we see that good conjoined with truth constitutes love and wisdom in both angel and man; and as an angel is an angel, and a man a man, from the love and wisdom in him, it is evident that good conjoined with truth causes an angel to be an angel of heaven, and a man a man of the church.


1. That is, a complex whole which constitutes a unity. [Tr.]

Doctrina Vitae pro Nova Hierosolyma 32 (original Latin 1763)


Sunt duo universalia, quae procedunt a Domino, Divinum Bonum et Divinum Verum; Divinum Bonum est Divini Amoris Ipsius, et Divinum Verum est Divinae Sapientiae Ipsius. Illa duo in Domino unum sunt, et inde ut unum procedunt ab Ipso; sed non ut unum recipiuntur ab angelis in caelis, et ab hominibus in terris. Sunt angeli et homines qui plus ex Divino Vero recipiunt quam ex Divino Bono, et sunt qui plus ex Divino Bono quam ex Divino Vero. Inde est quod caeli in duo regna distinguantur, quorum unum vocatur regnum caeleste, alterum regnum spirituale: caeli qui plus ex Divino Bono recipiunt, constituunt regnum caeleste; qui autem plus ex Divino Vero, constituunt regnum spirituale. De binis his regnis, in quae caeli distincti sunt, videatur in opere De Caelo et Inferno 20-28. Sed usque angeli omnium caelorum tantum in sapientia et intelligentia sunt, quantum bonum apud illos unum facit cum vero; bonum quod non unum facit cum vero, hoc illis non est bonum; vicissim etiam verum quod non unum facit cum bono, hoc illis non est verum. Inde patet, quod bonum conjunctum vero faciat amorem et sapientiam apud angelum et apud hominem; et quia angelus est angelus ex amore et sapientia apud illum, similiter homo, patet quod bonum conjunctum vero faciat ut angelus sit angelus caeli, et quod homo sit homo ecclesiae.

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