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《圣治(天意)》 第127节



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Divine Providence (Rogers translation 2003) 127

127. We showed above 1from the prayers recited before Holy Communion in all Christian churches that it is the commonly held religion throughout the Christian world that a person should examine himself, see his sins, acknowledge them, confess them before God, and desist from them, and that this is repentance, remission of sins, and thus salvation. The same can be seen as well from the creed that has its name from Athanasius, 2a creed which has also been accepted throughout the Christian world, which includes at the end these words:

(The Lord) will come to judge the living and the dead, at whose coming... those who have done good will enter into eternal life, and those who have done evil into eternal fire. 3


1. No. 114.

2. See note at passage number 46.

3. The Athanasian Creed was a profession of faith widely used in Western Christianity, and one still in use today. The authorship and date of the formula is disputed. Scholars generally agree in no longer attributing its composition to Athanasius. The original is unknown. It has come down through the centuries in several variant Latin versions, which differ for the most part only in minor points. For the writer's rendering of the full text of the Creed, see The Apocalypse Explained 1091[2].

Divine Providence (Dole translation 2003) 127

127. By citing the prayers that are said before Holy Communion in all Christian churches, I have already shown [114] that the basic theology throughout Christendom enjoins us to explore ourselves, see our sins, admit them, confess them to God, and stop committing them; and that this is repentance, the forgiveness of sins, and consequently salvation.

The faith named after Athanasius leads us to the same conclusion. This too is accepted throughout the Christian world; and it says at the end, "The Lord will come to judge the living and the dead; and when he comes, those who have done what is good will enter eternal life and those who have done what is evil will enter eternal fire."

Divine Providence (Dick and Pulsford translation 1949) 127

127. It has been shown above from the exhortations read in all Christian Churches before the Holy Communion that the common religion in the whole Christian world teaches that man should examine himself, see his sins, acknowledge them, confess them before God and desist from them; and that this is repentance, remission of sins and consequently salvation. The same may also appear from the creed which takes its name from Athanasius, and this also has been accepted in the whole Christian world; and at the end of it are these words:

The Lord will come to judge the quick and the dead; at whose coming those that have done good shall enter into life eternal, and those that have done evil into eternal fire.

Divine Providence (Ager translation 1899) 127

127. It has been shown above from the exhortations read in all Christian churches before the holy communion that the common religion of the whole Christian world teaches that man must examine himself, see his sins, acknowledge them, confess them before God, and refrain from them; and that this is repentance, remission of sins, and consequently salvation. This can be seen also from the Faith that takes its name from Athanasius, and that has been accepted in the whole Christian world: at the end of which are these words:-

The Lord will come to judge the living and dead; at whose coming those that have done good shall enter into life eternal, and those that have done evil into eternal fire.

De Divina Providentia 127 (original Latin, 1764)

127. Quod communis religio in universo Christiano Orbe sit, ut homo exploret se, videat sua peccata, agnoscat illa, confiteatur illa coram Deo, et desistat ab illis, et quod hoc sit poenitentia, remissio peccatorum, et inde salvatio, supra ex Orationibus ante Sanctam Communionem praelectis in omnibus Ecclesiis Christianis, ostensum est. Idem etiam constare potest ex Fide, quae ab Athanasio nomen habet, quae etiam in universo Christiano Orbe recepta est, ubi in fine haec verba sunt, "Venturus est Dominus ad judicandum vivos et mortuos, in cujus adventu illi qui bona fecerunt, intrabunt in vitam aeternam, et qui mala fecerunt in ignem aeternum." 1


1 Haec fides, "Athanasii Symbolum" seu "Fides Symbolica Athanasiana" vocata, per saecula tradita est in pluribus manuscriptis Latinis, quae minoribus plurimum differunt. Versio scriptoris plena videatur in Apocalypsi Explicata 1091[2].

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