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《圣治(天意)》 第50节






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Divine Providence (Rogers translation 2003) 50

50. Since angels and spirits are forms of affections belonging to love and of the thoughts arising from those affections, therefore they do not exist in space and time either, but only in an appearance of them. The appearance of space and time to them accords with the states of their affections and consequent thoughts. Consequently, when someone thinks with affection about another, with the resolve that he wishes to see him or speak with him, the other becomes instantly present.

[2] So it is that every person has present with him spirits who are impelled by an affection like his own - evil spirits with one who is impelled by a like affection for evil, and good spirits with one who is impelled by a like affection for good. Moreover, they are as present with him as anyone included in his social circle. Space and time have nothing to do with their presence, because affection and its resulting thought do not exist in space and time, and spirits and angels are forms of affections and of the thoughts arising from them.

[3] The reality of this is something I have been given to know from many years' personal experience, including as well my having spoken with many people after their death, both with people who lived in Europe and in its various kingdoms and with people who lived in Asia and Africa and in their various kingdoms, and they were all in close proximity to me. If space and time existed for them, a journey and time to make the journey would then have intervened.

[4] Every person indeed knows this from some instinct in him or in his mind, as I have had attested for me by the fact that no one has given any thought to any distance in space when I have reported my having spoken with someone who died in Asia, Africa, or Europe, as for example, with Calvin, Luther, or Melanchthon, or with some king, leader, or priest in a distant region; and it has not even occurred to them to wonder how I could speak with those who lived there, or how they could come to me and be present with me even though lands and seas lay between. The same thing has also become apparent to me from the fact that no one thinks in terms of space and time when he thinks of those who are in the spiritual world.

Nevertheless, that for those in the spiritual world there is an appearance of space and time may be seen in the book Heaven and Hell 162-169, 191-199.

Divine Providence (Dole translation 2003) 50

50. Since angels and spirits are feelings derived from love and their consequent thoughts, they are not in space and time; they are simply in what seems to be space and time. The kind of apparent space and time they are in depends on the state of their feelings and consequent thoughts. As a result, when anyone thinks affectionately about someone else, with the focused intent of seeing or talking with that other individual, there is an instantaneous presence.

[2] This is why we all have spirits present with us who are feeling the way we are. There are evil spirits with us when we feel drawn toward something that is evil the way evil spirits are, and good spirits with us when we feel drawn toward something that is good the way good spirits are. They are just as present as though we were accepted members of their community. Space and time have nothing to do with this presence, because a feeling and its consequent thought are not in space and time, and spirits and angels are feelings and their consequent thoughts.

[3] Firsthand experience over many years has taught me that this is so. I have also learned it from talking with any number of people after their death, both people from the various nations of Europe and people from various nations in Asia and Africa, and all of them were near at hand. If they had been in space and time, it would have taken a journey and the time that a journey requires.

[4] Actually, we all know this instinctively, or in our own minds. This has been brought home to me by the fact that no one has started thinking in terms of spatial distances when I have described conversations with deceased people in Asia, Africa, or Europe; with Calvin, Luther, or Melanchthon, for example; or with some monarch, official, or priest in a faraway land. It has not occurred to people to ask, "How could anyone talk with people who lived there, and how could they get here when there are so many lands and seas in between?" This also showed me that people are not thinking on the basis of space and time when they think about people who are in the spiritual world.

See Heaven and Hell 162-169 and 191-199, though, on the fact that people in the spiritual world do have what seem to be space and time.

Divine Providence (Dick and Pulsford translation 1949) 50

50. Since angels and spirits are affections of love and thoughts thence derived, they are consequently not in space and time, but only in the appearance of them. To them there is an appearance of space and time according to the states of their affections and of the thoughts arising from these. When anyone therefore thinks of another from affection, intently desiring to see him or to speak with him, he instantly appears in his presence.

[2] Hence it is, that there are present with every man spirits who are in like affection with himself, evil spirits with one who is in the affection of similar evil, and good spirits with one who is in the affection of similar good; and they are as really present as if the man were included in their society. Space and time contribute nothing to presence, because affection and thought thence derived are not in space and time, and spirits and angels are affections and thoughts derived from these.

[3] That this is so has been granted me to know from actual experience of many years, and also from having conversed with many after their death, with some who have been in various kingdoms in Europe, as well as with some who have been in various kingdoms in Asia and in Africa; and they were all near me; whereas if there were space and time with them, a journey and time to make it must have intervened.

[4] Indeed, everyone knows this to be the case from an innate perception within him, or by thinking it out in his own mind. I have been convinced of this by the circumstance that no one thought of any distance in space when I said I had spoken with someone who died in Asia, Africa or Europe; as, for example, with Calvin, Luther, Melanchthon, or with some king, ruler or priest in a distant country; nor did the thought even occur to any, How could he converse with those who had lived in that place, and how could they come and be present with him when lands and seas lie between? From this it has also been made clear to me that no one thinks from space and time when thinking of those who are in the spiritual world. Nevertheless, that there is with them the appearance of space and time may be seen in the work HEAVEN AND HELL (n. 162-169, 191-199).

Divine Providence (Ager translation 1899) 50

50. As angels and spirits are affections that belong to love, and thoughts from affection, they are consequently not in space and time, but only in the appearance of them. To them there is an appearance of space and time, in accordance with their states of affection and thoughts therefrom. When, therefore, an angel thinks from affection about another with a determinate wish to see him or speak with him, he is instantly present before him.

[2] From this it is that with every man there are spirits present that are in like affection with himself, evil spirits with one who is an affection for a like evil, and good spirits with one who is an affection for like good; and they are as really present as if the man were included in their society. Space and time have nothing to do with that presence; because affection and the thought from it are not in space and time; and spirits and angels are affections and thoughts therefrom.

[3] That this is so, it has been granted me to know from a living experience of several years, and from having talked with many after their death, with some in Europe and its various kingdoms, and with some in Asia and Africa and their various kingdoms; and they all were near me. If there were space and time with them, a journey and time to make it would have intervened.

[4] In fact, this is known to every man from an intuition in himself or in his mind, which has been proved to me by this, that no one thought of any distance in space when told that I had spoken with some one who had died in Asia, Africa, or Europe; as, for example, with Calvin, Luther, Melancthon, or with some king, ruler, or priest in a distant land; nor did any thought even arise, How could he speak with those who lived so far away, or how could they come and be with him, when lands and seas intervened? This has made clear to me also that no one thinks from space and time when thinking of those who are in the spiritual world. Nevertheless, that there is an appearance of space and time there may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell (Heaven and Hell 162-169, 191-199).

De Divina Providentia 50 (original Latin, 1764)

50. Quoniam Angeli et Spiritus sunt affectiones quae amoris, ac cogitationes inde, ideo nec illi sunt in spatio et tempore, sed solum in apparentia illorum; apparentia 1spatii et temporis est illis secundum status affectionum et inde cogitationum: quare dum aliquis ex affectione cogitat de altero, cum intentione quod velit videre illum, aut loqui cum illo, sistitur actutum praesens.

[2] Inde est, quod apud unumquemvis hominem praesentes sint spiritus, qui in simili affectione cum illo sunt, mali spiritus cum illo qui in similis mali affectione est, ac boni spiritus cum illo qui in similis boni affectione: et illi tam praesentes sunt, sicut quis est inclusus societati: spatium et tempus nihil faciunt ad praesentiam, ex causa quia affectio et inde cogitatio non sunt in spatio et tempore, ac spiritus et angeli sunt affectiones et inde cogitationes.

[3] Quod ita sit, ex viva plurium annorum experientia scire datum est; et quoque ex hac, quod loquutus sim cum pluribus post mortem, tam cum illis qui in Europa et in variis ejus regnis, quam cum illis 2qui in Asia et Africa et in variis earum regnis, et erant omnes prope me; quare si forent illis spatium et tempus, intercederet peregrinatio et peregrinationis tempus.

[4] Imo, unusquisque homo hoc scit ex insito in se aut in sua mente, quod testatum mihi factum est per hoc, 3quod nemo cogitaverit de aliqua distantia spatii, cum narravi quod loquutus sim cum aliquo in Asia, Africa aut Europa defuncto, sicut pro exemplo, cum Calvino, Luthero, Melanchtone, aut cum aliquo Rege, Praefecto, Sacerdote in regione longinqua, et ne quidem inciderat in cogitationem illorum, quomodo potuit loqui cum illis qui ibi vixerunt, et quomodo potuerunt ad me 4venire et adesse, cum tamen terrae et maria intercedunt; ex hoc quoque patuit mihi, quod unusquisque non cogitet ex spatio et tempore, cum de illis qui in Mundo spirituali sunt. Quod tamen illis apparentia spatii et temporis sit, videatur in Opere de COELO ET INFERNO 162-169, 5191-199.


1 Prima editio: apparenria

2 Prima editio: ills

3 Prima editio: hoc;

4 Prima editio: illum

5 Prima editio: 62

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