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《宇宙星球》 第107节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 107

107. Some of the spirits who appear on the other side of that planet, the gentle and humane ones, came to me and stood where I could see them, just above my head. I talked with them about various subjects. They said, among other things, that when they were in the physical world they had acknowledged our Lord as their only God and that now their acknowledgment was even greater. They insisted that they had seen him on their planet and even represented for me how they had seen him.

In the universal human, these spirits relate to a type of memory of matter-based concepts that harmonizes with the memory of non-matter-based concepts 1to which the spirits from Mercury relate. Because of this, spirits from Mercury are very much in harmony with spirits from Venus; so when they were together, I felt a distinct change in my brain and strong activity within it as a result of an inflow from them (see 43 above).


1. “The memory of matter-based concepts” refers to the memory of people, places, things, and events in the material world, and of any other material or scientific subjects. It also includes knowledge learned in the material world about abstract, philosophical, and spiritual matters to the extent that these are simply facts or data stored in the memory. For more on the memory of matter-based concepts in comparison with the memory of non-matter-based concepts, which are spiritual and heavenly realities, see Secrets of Heaven 608, 1639, 2469-2494, 4901:3; Heaven and Hell 461-469; Spiritual Experiences (= Swedenborg 1998-2013) 353, 1050-1051, 1077-1079, 1662, 1983-1984, 4342. On the correlation of memory with a particular locale in the human body and thus in the universal human of heaven, see note 1 in Other Planets 10. [LSW]

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 107

107. Some of those who are to be seen on the other side of the planet, those who are gentle and humane, came to visit me; they came into view above my head and I had conversations with them on various subjects. Amongst other things they said that when they were in the world they had acknowledged, and now did so more than ever, our Lord as their one and only God. They declared that they had seen Him in their world, and pictured to me how He had appeared to them. These spirits answer in the Grand Man to the memory of material things which is in agreement with the memory of immaterial things; this last is what the spirits of Mercury answer to. As a result the spirits of Mercury are very much in harmony with these spirits from Venus. So when they were together, the influence from them provoked a notable change and strong action on my brain (see 43 above).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 107

107. Some of those who appear on the further side of the planet, and who are mild and humane, came to me and were presented visibly above the head, and I spoke with them on various subjects. Amongst other things, they said that during their abode in the world, and more so since they were become spirits, they acknowledged our Lord as their only God. They added that on their earth they had seen Him, and they represented also how they had seen Him. These spirits in the Greatest Man have relation to the memory of things material, agreeing with the memory of things immaterial, to which the spirits of Mercury have relation: wherefore the spirits of Mercury have the fullest agreement with these spirits of Venus, and on this account, when they were together, a remarkable change, and a powerful operation in my brain, was perceivable from their influx; see above (43).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 107 (original Latin)

107. Quidam ex illis, qui ab altera parte Planetae apparent, et sunt mites et humani, ad me veniebant, et sistebantur mihi videndi supra caput, cum quibus varia loquutus sum; inter alia dicebant, quod, cum in mundo fuerunt, agnoverint, et quod magis nunc agnoscant Dominum nostrum pro suo unico Deo; ajebant, quod in Tellure sua viderint Ipsum, et quoque quomodo Ipsum viderant, repraesentabant. Hi Spiritus in maximo Homine referunt Memoriam rerum materialium concordantem cum Memoria rerum immaterialium, quam spiritus Mercurii referunt: quapropter spiritus Mercurii, cum his spiritibus Veneris maximopere concordant; ideo cum simul erant, sentita est ex influxu inde mutatio insignis, et operatio fortis in meo cerebro (videatur supra 43).

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