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《宇宙星球》 第106节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 106

106. There are two kinds of people on the planet Venus, of quite opposite dispositions. There are people who are gentle and humane, and there are people who are savage and almost feral. The gentle and humane ones appear [in the spiritual world] on the other side of that planet, while the savage, feral ones appear on the side that faces our planet. It is important to know, though, that these locations depend on their states of life, since the state of life determines all apparent space and distance in that world. 1


1. For more on the analog of physical space in the spiritual world, which involves differences of emotional and mental states rather than fixed and measurable distances, see Other Planets 125; Secrets of Heaven 1273-1277, 1376-1382, 3356, 5605:2-3; Heaven and Hell 191-199; Divine Love and Wisdom 7-10; True Christianity 29. [LSW]

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 106

106. There are two kinds of people on the planet Venus, who are of opposite characters. Some are gentle and humane, some are fierce and almost like wild animals. Those who are gentle and humane are to be seen on the other side of their world; those who are fierce and almost like wild animals on the side facing us. It must be appreciated that this appearance is dependent on the way they live, because it is this which causes all apparent space and distance in that world.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 106

106. In the planet Venus there are two kinds of men, of dispositions opposite to each other; the first mild and humane, the second savage and almost like wild beasts. They who are mild and humane appear on the further side of the earth, they who are savage and like wild beasts, appear on the side looking this way. But it is to be known that they appear thus according to the states of their life, for in the spiritual world the state of life determines every appearance of space and of distance.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 106 (original Latin)

106. In Planeta Veneris sunt duo hominum genera, indole sibi contraria; sunt qui mites et humani, et sunt qui immites et paene ferini; qui mites et humani, apparent a parte altera Telluris, qui immites et paene ferini, apparent a parte ejus huc spectante. At sciendum, quod ita appareant secundum status vitae eorum, nam status vitae sistit omnem apparentiam spatii et distantiae ibi.

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