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《宇宙星球》 第12节

(一滴水译本 2020)

  12、我被告知,这就是水星居民的生命。也就是说,他们对世俗和肉体事物并不感兴趣,只对宪法、法律和政府形态感兴趣。他们也对天上的无数事物感兴趣。我还得知,许多水星人能与灵人交谈,由此知道属灵事物和死后生命的状况,这使得他们鄙弃肉体和世俗事物。事实上,凡确切知道并信服死后生命的人,都关心天上的事物,因为它们是幸福的永恒源头,至于世俗的事物,除了那些生活必需品外,他们并不关心。由于水星居民具有这种性质,所以来自水星的灵人也具有这种性质。每个星球的灵人都在他们星球的附近,因为他们出自其星球的居民,具有他们的秉性。也正因如此,他们能服务于这些居民(AC 9968)。

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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 12

12. I was told that this attitude also shapes how the inhabitants of that planet live. That is, they are completely uninterested in earthly and bodily things but are very interested in the statutes, laws, and forms of government of the peoples who live there. They are also interested in the information they have about heaven, which is abundant. I was told that many of the people on that planet talk with spirits and learn from them about spiritual realities and about different states of life after death. This too has led them to disregard bodily and earthly matters. Once people really know about life after death and believe in it, heavenly things are of great interest to them, because these last forever and bring happiness; but they care nothing for worldly things, except as far as the necessities of life require them.

Since this is what the inhabitants of that planet are like, this is also the nature of the spirits who come from there. 1


1. [Swedenborg note] See note b on 1.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 12

12. I was told that the inhabitants of that world behaved in the same way. That is to say, they take no interest in earthly or bodily matters, but in the constitutions, laws and governments of peoples. They are also interested in heavenly matters, which are innumerable. I was also told that many of the people of that world converse with spirits, so that they know about spiritual matters and the conditions of life after death, which makes them disdain bodily and earthly matters. For anyone who knows for sure and is convinced he will live after death is concerned about heavenly matters, since they are an everlasting source of happiness, but not about worldly matters, except so far as the necessities of life demand it. This being the nature of the inhabitants, it is also that of the spirits who come from there. 1


1. The spirits of each world are in the vicinity of their world, because they come from its inhabitants and share their character. It is also so that they can be of service to them (Arcana Caelestia 9968).

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 12

12. It was told me, that such is the life of the inhabitants of that earth, namely, that they have no concern about things terrestrial and corporeal, but only about the statutes, laws, and forms of government, of the nations therein; also about the things of heaven, which are innumerable. And I was further informed, that many of the men of that earth speak with spirits, and that thence they have the knowledges of spiritual things, and of the states of life after death; and thence also their contempt of things corporeal and terrestrial. For they who know of a certainty, and believe in the life after death, are concerned about heavenly things, as being eternal and happy, but not about worldly things, only so far as the necessities of life require. Because the inhabitants of Mercury are such, therefore also the spirits who are from thence are of a like nature. 1


1. Spirits enter into all the things of man's memory but not from their own memory into man's (Arcana Coelestia 2488, 5863, 6192, 6193, 6198, 6199, 6214). Angels enter into the affections and ends, from which and for the sake of which man thinks, wills, and acts in such and such a manner and not otherwise (Arcana Coelestia 1317, 1645, 5844).

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 12 (original Latin)

12. Dictum est mihi, quod talis incolarum vita in Tellure illa sit, quod nempe nihil curent terrestria et corporea, sed gentium ibi statuta, leges, regimina; tum quoque quae caeli sunt, quae innumerabilia: et quoque dictum, quod plures ex hominibus illius Telluris loquantur cum Spiritibus, et quod inde illis cognitiones rerum spiritualium, et statuum vitae post mortem; ac inde etiam contemtus corporeorum et terrestrium; qui enim pro certo sciunt, et credunt vitam post mortem, caelestia illis curae sunt, quia aeterna et felicia, non autem mundana, modo quantum necessitates vitae requirunt. Quia incolae tales sunt, ideo etiam spiritus, qui inde, tales sunt. 1


1. Quod Spiritus cujusvis Telluris sint juxta suam Tellurem, ex causa quia ex incolis sunt, ac simili cum illis genio; et quod incolis inservituri sint, Arcana Coelestia 9968.

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