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《宇宙星球》 第130节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 130

130. After we had some conversation on various subjects, I asked them what God they worshiped. They said that actually they worship a particular angel, an angel who looks to them like a divine person, radiant with light. This angel teaches them and helps them see how they should be living their lives. They know, they added, that God Almighty is in the sun of the angelic heaven and that although he does not appear to them, he does appear to their angel; but he is too powerful for them to dare to worship him.

The angel they worshiped was actually a whole angelic community, 1to which the Lord had assigned the task of overseeing them and teaching them the path of justice and uprightness. The light these spirits have as a result is yellow and fiery, like the light of a burning torch, because the object of their adoration is not the Lord himself. Therefore the light they have is not the light of the sun in the angelic heaven but just light from that particular angelic community. When the Lord so provides, an angelic community can shed light on spirits who are in a lower region.

I was able to see that angelic community. It was high above them. I also saw in that community the flame that gave these spirits their light.


1. In Secrets of Heaven 8192:3; Heaven and Hell 52, 68-72; Revelation Unveiled 548; Revelation Explained (= Swedenborg 1994-1997a) 302, Swedenborg states that an entire angelic community can appear as a single angel both to other angels and spirits in heaven and to people on earth. The reason he gives for this is that the angels in that community share a common love and understanding and are working together like a single person in order to accomplish some particular function or service. [LSW]

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 130

130. After talking with them for a while about various matters, I asked what God they worshipped. They replied that it was some angel, who appeared to them as a Divine Man, since he shone with light. They said that he teaches them and allows them to perceive what they ought to do. They went on to say that they knew that the greatest God was in the sun of the heaven of angels; He appeared to their angel, but not to themselves. He was too mighty for them to dare to worship Him. The angel whom they worshipped was a community of angels, which the Lord had appointed to oversee them, teaching them the way of justice and right. They therefore had light from a kind of flame, looking like a small torch, rather fiery and yellow. The reason for this is that they do not venerate the Lord, so they cannot get light from the sun of the heaven of angels, but only from a community of angels. Such a community can, when permitted by the Lord, provide light to spirits of a lower region. I too saw that community of angels; it was high above them, and I also saw the flame which shed the light.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 130

130. After we had spoken for sometime on various matters, I asked what God they worshiped. They said they worshiped an angel, who appears to them as a Divine Man, shining with light; and that He instructs them and gives them to perceive what they ought to do. They said further that they know that the Most High God is in the sun of the angelic heaven; and that He appears to their angel, and not to themselves; and that He is too great for them to dare to adore Him. The angel whom they worshiped was an angelic society, to which it was given by the Lord to preside over them, and to teach the way of what is just and right. They therefore have light from a certain flame, which appears like a small torch, quite fiery and yellow. The reason is because they do not adore the Lord, and thus they do not have light from the sun of the angelic heaven, but from an angelic society. For an angelic society, when it is given by the Lord, can present such light to the spirits who are in a lower region. That angelic society was also seen by me, high above them; and there was also seen there the flamy appearance from which their light came.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 130 (original Latin)

130. Postquam de variis aliquantisper loquuti sumus; quaerebam quem Deum colerent, dicebant quod aliquem Angelum, qui sicut Divinus homo illis apparet, fulget enim ex luce; et quod is instruat illos, et det appercipere quid faciendum. Dicebant porro, quod sciant quod maximus Deus sit in Sole Coeli angelici, et quod Is appareat Angelo suo, et non sibi; et quod Ille major sit, quam ut ausint Ipsum adorare. Angelus, quem colebant, erat Societas angelica, cui a Domino datum est praeesse illis, ac docere viam justi et recti; ideo illis lux est ex quadam flamma, quae instar faculae apparet, satis ignea et flava; causa venit ex eo, quod non adorent Dominum, inde non est lux illis ex Sole Coeli angelici, sed ex Societate angelica; nam Societas angelica, cum datur a Domino, talem lucem potest sistere spiritibus qui in regione inferiore sunt. Societas illa angelica etiam mihi visa est, erat alte supra illos; et quoque visum est ibi flammeum unde lux.

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