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《宇宙星球》 第152节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 152

152. They went on to say that the inhabitants do not make their dwellings in lofty places, though, but instead in lowly huts on the ground, because lofty places are for the Lord who is in heaven and lowly places are appropriate for people in the physical world. They showed me their huts. They were rectangular. Inside, there was a long bed along the wall where they lay head to toe. Opposite the door was a circular area with a table at the front and a fireplace at the back that lit up the whole room. 1No flames burned on the hearth, though; instead there was some luminous wood that gave as much light as the fire on any hearth. They said that in the evening these logs look as though they have burning embers within them.


1. Swedenborg drew a floor plan of one of these houses in Spiritual Experiences 1679. For a reproduction, see figure 3. Although the sketch is very rough, it indicates the rounded end of the building, the hearth there, and a dotted line that apparently corresponds to the long bed against the wall. [SS]

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 152

152. They went on to say that the inhabitants of that world do not live high up, but at ground level in low huts. This is because heights are for the Lord who is in heaven, low dwellings for people on earth. I was also shown their huts. They were rectangular, having inside a bed running without a break round the walls, in which they sleep one next to another. On the side opposite the entrance there is a round recess with a table in front, and a hearth behind. This provides light for the whole room. They do not have a fire burning on the hearth, but some glowing wood which emits as much light as the flame of a fire. They said that towards eveningtime these logs look as if they had embers of fire in them.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 152

152. They said, further, that the inhabitants do not live in high places, but on the earth in low cottages, for the reason that high places are for the Lord, who is in heaven, and low places for men, who are on earth. Their cottages were also shown to me. They were oblong, having within along the walls a continuous couch, on which they lie one after another. On the side opposite the door is a semicircular recess, before which is a table, and behind this a fireplace, by which the whole room is lighted. In the fireplace there is not a burning fire, but luminous wood which gives out as much light as the flame of a wood fire. They said that those pieces of wood appear in the evening like a fire of burning coals.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 152 (original Latin)

152. Dicebant porro, quod incolae non habitent in altis, sed super terra in humilibus casis, ex causa quoniam alta sunt pro Domino qui in Coelo, et humilia pro hominibus qui in terra: etiam casae eorum mihi ostensae sunt; erant oblongae, intus juxta parietes Lectus continuus, in quo cubant unus post alterum; in parte opposita ostio est locus sinuatus in rotundum, ante quem mensa, ac post illam focus, ex quo illuminatur tota illa camera: in foco illo non est ignis ardens, sed est lignum luminosum, quod ex se tantum luminis effundit, quantum flamma focalis; ajebant quod ligna illa ad vesperas appareant sicut in illis esset ignis prunosus.

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