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《宇宙星球》 第154节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 154

154. As to how they view the Divine, they said that they acknowledge God in human form-that is, our Lord. Anyone who acknowledges the God of the universe in human form is welcomed by our Lord and led by him. Others cannot be led by him because their thought about God has no focus.

The inhabitants of their planet, they went on to say, are taught about matters of heaven by a form of direct contact with angels and spirits. They are led by the Lord into such contact more easily than others are because they banish material preoccupations from their thinking and feeling.

I asked what happens to those among them who are evil. They said that on their planet people are not allowed to behave immorally. If any of them think evil thoughts and do evil things, they are rebuked by a particular spirit who threatens them with death if they persist in what they are doing; and if they do persist, they lose consciousness and die. This is how the people of that planet are protected from the spread of evil.

One such spirit was sent to me and talked to me as though I were an inhabitant of that planet. He also caused a kind of pain in my abdominal region, saying that this was what he did to people who were contemplating or doing evil, and that he would threaten them with death if they persisted.

The spirits also said that people who profaned holy things were even more severely punished and that before the punitive spirit came to them they would have a vision of the gaping jaws of a lion, pale as a corpse, who seemed to be trying to swallow their head and wrest it from their body. This overwhelmed them with terror. They called this punitive spirit a devil.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 154

154. On the subject of Divine worship they said that they acknowledged God in human form, that is, our Lord. For any who acknowledge the God of the universe in human form are acceptable to the Lord and are guided by Him. The rest cannot be guided, since their thought is shapeless. They added that the inhabitants of their world are taught about things in heaven by some kind of direct contact with angels and spirits. It is easier for them than for others to be brought into contact by the Lord, because they banish bodily things from their thoughts and affections.

I asked what happens to wicked people among them. They said no one was allowed in their world to behave badly, but if anyone had wicked thoughts and did wicked deeds, he is rebuked by a certain spirit, who threatens him with death if he persists in wrongdoing. If he still persists, he loses consciousness and dies. In this way the people of that world are saved from being infected by the wicked.

One of the spirits of this kind was sent to me, to talk with me as he does with the wicked. In addition he caused me a certain amount of pain in the abdominal region, saying that this was what he did to those who have wicked thoughts and do wicked deeds, threatening them with death if they persisted. They said that those who profane sacred things are severely punished. Before the spirit appears to punish them, they have a vision of a lion's jaws gaping wide open, livid in colour, looking as if it intended to swallow their head and tear it from the body. This gives them a dreadful fright. They call the spirit who punishes them a devil.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 154

154. Respecting Divine worship they said that they acknowledge God under the Human form, thus our Lord; for whoever acknowledge the God of the universe under the Human form, are accepted by our Lord and led by Him. The rest cannot be led, because they think without a form. They added that the inhabitants of their earth are instructed in the things of heaven by a kind of immediate interaction with angels and spirits, into which they can be led by the Lord more easily than others, because they reject what is corporeal from their thought and affection. I asked what becomes of those among them who are evil. They said that on their earth it is not permitted to be wicked; but that if any one thinks and does evil, he is reproved by a certain spirit, who threatens death to him if he persists in so doing; and that when he persists, he dies in a swoon; and that in this way the men of that earth are preserved from the contamination of the evil. One such spirit was also sent to me, and spoke with me as he did with his own people. Moreover he brought something of pain to the region of my abdomen, saying that thus he does to those who think and do evil, and threatens death to them, if they persist. They said that those who profane holy things are severely punished; and that before the punishing spirit comes there appear to them in vision the jaws of a lion, wide open, of a livid color, which seems as if it would swallow their head, and tear it from the body, whereby they are seized with horror. They call the punishing spirit the devil.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 154 (original Latin)

154. De Cultu divino dicebant, quod agnoscant Deum sub humana forma, ita Dominum nostrum; nam quicunque Deum universi sub humana forma agnoscunt, acceptantur a Domino nostro et ducuntur; reliqui non duci possunt, quia cogitant absque specie. Addebant, quod incolae telluris eorum instruantur de rebus coeli per commercium aliquod immediatum cum angelis et spiritibus, in quod facilius quam alii a Domino induci possunt, quia ex cogitatione et affectione sua rejiciunt corporea. Quaesivi, quid sit cum illis, qui apud eos mali sunt; dicebant, quod in Tellure sua non liceat improbum esse; at si quis male cogitat et male facit, quod increpetur a spiritu quodam, qui ei denuntiat mortem, si in illis persistit; et quum persistit, quod moriatur per deliquium; et quod eo modo homines illius telluris conserventur a contagiis malorum. Quidam etiam talis spiritus ad me missus est, mecum loquens sicut cum illis; is insuper induxit regioni abdominis mei aliquid doloris, dicens quod sic faciat illis qui male cogitant et male faciunt, et quibus denuntiat mortem si persistant. Dicebant, quod graviter puniantur illi qui sancta prophanant: et quod antequam venit spiritus punitor, appareat illis in visione rictus leonis latus, lividi coloris, qui videtur quasi velle deglutire caput, et divellere id a corpore, inde horror occupat eos: spiritum punitorem vocant diabolum.

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