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《宇宙星球》 第155节

(一滴水译本 2020)


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Other Planets (New Century Edition 2020) 155

155. Since they wanted to know how revelation worked on our planet, I told them that it was given through writing and through preaching from the Word and not by direct contact with spirits and angels. I also told them that what is written can be published in print and read and understood by whole populations, to the amendment of their lives. It quite astonished them that we have this technology, which is absolutely unknown anywhere else; but they understood that on a planet where there is such a love for things physical and earthly, there is no other way divine teachings can flow in from heaven and be accepted, and that it would actually be dangerous for such people to talk with angels.

Worlds in Space (Chadwick translation 1997) 155

155. Since they wanted to know how revelation took place in our world, I told them that it was by means of writing and preaching based on the Word, not by direct contact with spirits and angels. I told them that writings could be printed, so that whole groups of people could read and understand them, and so have their way of life improved. They were very surprised to hear of the existence of such a technique, which is wholly unknown elsewhere. But they grasped that in this world, where bodily and earthly matters are so popular, there was no other way divine influences from heaven could be felt and received. It would dangerous for such people to talk with angels.

Earths in the Universe (Whitehead translation 1892) 155

155. As they desired to know how it is with regard to revelation on our earth, I said that it is effected by writing and by preaching from the Word, and not by immediate interaction with spirits and angels; and that what is written can be printed and published, and be read and comprehended by entire communities, and thus the life may be amended. They wondered greatly that such an art, entirely unknown elsewhere, should exist here. But they comprehended that on this earth, where corporeal and earthly things are so much loved, Divine things from heaven cannot flow in and be received in any other way; and that it would be dangerous for them to speak with angels.

De Telluribus in Mundo Nostro Solari 155 (original Latin)

155. Quia desiderabant scire, quomodo cum Revelatione se habet in nostra Tellure, dicebam quod id fiat per scripturam et praedicationem ex Verbo, et non per immediatum commercium cum spiritibus et angelis; et quod scriptura possit typis vulgari, ac ab universis coetibus legi et comprehendi, et sic vita emendari: mirabantur valde, quod talis ars, ignotissima alibi, detur: sed comprehendebant, quod in hac Tellure, ubi corporea et terrestria tantum amantur, divina e Coelo non aliter possint influere et recipi; et quod discriminosum foret illis loqui cum angelis.

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